Test-C crashing around 68f


New Member
Looking to see if anyone can help me. My mixture is test-c 250mg/ml with a ratio of 1%BA and 15% BB using 60/40 blend mct grapeseed and it is crashing around 68f any thoughts should I increase the BB?
Hot or cold climate naturally though ? Also why blend , use one or the other. Personally I use GSO as it has a very low negative response across the population for bad reactions as a carrier oil . Bump the BB to another 3-10 percent straight GSO no blend incrementally and see if that helps.
Honestly I don’t know if it’s the raw that’s in circulation or what but it seems cypionate is crashing a lot easier/more lately I have gotten stuff from top source ugl’s and it’s crashing might be better off just it’s a 200mg/ml a lot less susceptible to crashing
Honestly I don’t know if it’s the raw that’s in circulation or what but it seems cypionate is crashing a lot easier/more lately I have gotten stuff from top source ugl’s and it’s crashing might be better off just it’s a 200mg/ml a lot less susceptible to crashing
That's so crazy. I wonder if it's from a full moon, or the earths axis. Or maybe even because it's fucking winter.
Honestly I don’t know if it’s the raw that’s in circulation or what but it seems cypionate is crashing a lot easier/more lately I have gotten stuff from top source ugl’s and it’s crashing might be better off just it’s a 200mg/ml a lot less susceptible to crashing
who is the top source?
That's so crazy. I wonder if it's from a full moon, or the earths axis. Or maybe even because it's fucking winter
Yeah makes sense when stuff from a year ago isn’t crashing made the same way and same mg and right next to each other same temp. must be a different climate 6”s away
Looking to see if anyone can help me. My mixture is test-c 250mg/ml with a ratio of 1%BA and 15% BB using 60/40 blend mct grapeseed and it is crashing around 68f any thoughts should I increase the BB?
As mentioned your BB is too low at 15% for your concentration of 250 mg/mL in GSO/MCT 60/40
I do 200mg/mL in GSO with 1/18 but above 200 I use MCT as a carrier.
250 mg/mL overdosed 5% holds just fine in MCT @ 2/20. Only crashes when it gets down below 45-50 degrees F
Test C will also hold at 300 mg/mL 2/20 in MCT but can crash around 50 degrees F I have found.
MCT as a carrier helps with higher concentrations also BA is a co-solvent so raising it from 1% to 2% will make a small difference
Your 1/15 ratio with a mix of carrier oils would probably be fine for a 200 mg/mL concentration but not higher because it will easily crash as you have seen.
I just did 6 30ml vials at 270 mg ml 1% ba 15% bb mct and had just one crash. whole vial turned to solid. Worried me but just threw in oven at 180 and has not crashed again.
I just did 6 30ml vials at 270 mg ml 1% ba 15% bb mct and had just one crash. whole vial turned to solid. Worried me but just threw in oven at 180 and has not crashed again.
Well i was wrong all vials crashed at 270 mg per ml test c at 1 % BA 15 % BB. Not big deal to me I only brew for personal and pop it in the oven for a few mins and its fine.