Test cycle high bf% colligiate athelte


New Member
Hey guys, been a long-time lurker and finally decided to man up, make an account, and make my first post.
I know the title is probably infuriating some guys already, but please bear with me.

I am a 24-year-old, D1 football d-lineman at an FCS program in the northeast. Seeing as my next season will be my last (and finding out way more guys in our league are on gear than I could have ever imagined), I've been studying and researching AAS for the last few months in order to do my first cycle this upcoming summer as efficiently and safely as possible.

My question would be regarding my high bf% and the use of AAS. Although I've been lifting for nearly a decade, and consider my strength level on the advanced side of the spectrum, at 6'4 265lbs, I'd say my bf% stands in the high 20s. I'm unable to cut weight due to the fact that it would greatly reduce my level of play on the field. I'm afraid of estrogen levels being impossible to manage, and the increased risks of other side effects (gyno, etc). Not sure if doing a 15-20 lbs natty cut to reduce bf% then starting a cycle would be of any help.

At the moment, thinking of running the following:
500mg of test E a week (Every 3.5 days), for 15 weeks.
20mgs Nolva, 25mg Clomid for 6-8 weeks.
Doing bloods before, during, and after cycle.

Any advice on my "unique" scenario will be greatly appreciated. Like I said before, my priority is to run a cycle as safely as possible, and if that means not running one at all then so be it, I respect the experience and knowledge of this forum too much to go against it lol.
If you don’t like gyno and E2 then 500mg test isn’t the right choice. Cut that test dose in half and use something that doesn’t aromatize into estrogen.
I would start with test anavar and maybe some burner and when you're low enough bf I would raise my testo to 500 and up. I'm 6'4 too just to know 500mg test isn't gonna work for long
I would run a winstrol only cycle in this case. I know many will say no test is foolish. I ran a winstrol only cycle and helped me lose a great amount of fat. It can and has been done.