Test cycle primo vs ai?

Basically just run test these days. Trt and then up the dose. Running 500 mgs of test now. Using aromasin 12.5 mg twice a week for e2. Should I use primo instead? Never ran primo before. I keep hearing how ais are really bad for you.

My main concern though is hairloss and heard primo can be pretty harsh on the hair. Take fin which helps the test I believe but don't think it'll do anything for primo?
Finasteride inhibits the formation of dht from Testostrone. Primo is already a dht derivative so finasteride wouldn’t do anything. You need something like ru that occupies androgen receptors like how nolvadex occupies er receptor.
Excluding the hair loss, can you run primo to avoid ai
Everyone responds differently but yes some can take Primo and not need an AI at all.
It’s going to require time and money to do correctly though.
Since everyone aromitizes different and responds differently bloodwork will be needed to dial in the dose. And most likely bloodwork will be needed multiple times to get it right because the ratio changes with higher or lower amounts of aromitizing compounds.
For example: 1:1 ratio may work for someone at 500 Test/500 primo, but at 250 Test, Primo might crush E2 at 1:1 ratio. And at 750 Test 1:1 might not be enough
For me personally as a low aromitizer 1:1 ratio at 500 is too much. Primo needs to be 2/3. At 250 Test I can’t take more than 100 Primo. At 750 Test I can almost do 1:1 ratio
Simple answer is yes for many people but not all
Everyone responds differently but yes some can take Primo and not need an AI at all.
It’s going to require time and money to do correctly though.
Since everyone aromitizes different and responds differently bloodwork will be needed to dial in the dose. And most likely bloodwork will be needed multiple times to get it right because the ratio changes with higher or lower amounts of aromitizing compounds.
For example: 1:1 ratio may work for someone at 500 Test/500 primo, but at 250 Test, Primo might crush E2 at 1:1 ratio. And at 750 Test 1:1 might not be enough
For me personally as a low aromitizer 1:1 ratio at 500 is too much. Primo needs to be 2/3. At 250 Test I can’t take more than 100 Primo. At 750 Test I can almost do 1:1 ratio
Simple answer is yes for many people but not all
Thanks for the answer. I am presuming I will be a high aromatizer, because of my permagut and pointy nipples. But I do NOT want to take ai....yet crashed estrogen is a big worry I have.
Should I use primo instead? Never ran primo before. I keep hearing how ais are really bad for you.
No. And modern AIs are not bad for you.

Primo is not an AI, and is not an acceptable substitute for one.

Only SOME individuals get an "AI like" effect from primo and without you trying primo, and getting bloodwork, there's no way to tell if you're one of them.

You can't just blindly assume it will have this effect on you, and absolutely anyone who says you can don't know what they are talking about, and are just parroting broscience bs that they've heard.
There's no reason to be afraid of AIs.

Modern AIs like aromasin have an almost non-existent side effect profile when dosed correctly
Hmmm. I don't know how to dose correctly and my birdbrain pcp wont do test or estrogen blood work because"guys feel bad when they get a low score". Shes an idiot. And NYS is the ONLY state you can't get online blood work done
Hmmm. I don't know how to dose correctly and my birdbrain pcp wont do test or estrogen blood work because"guys feel bad when they get a low score". Shes an idiot. And NYS is the ONLY state you can't get online blood work done
How close are you to the border?

I'm in Jersey and we also can't order our own bloodwork.

I have to use a fake address in PA and go into Philly to get my bloodwork done.

Either that or track down a clinic that's willing to work with you and order the tests you want.

It's your health and your body, be persistent with your PCP, most will cave if your steadfast in what you want.
How close are you to the border?

I'm in Jersey and we also can't order our own bloodwork.

I have to use a fake address in PA and go into Philly to get my bloodwork done.

Either that or track down a clinic that's willing to work with you and order the tests you want.

It's your health and your body, be persistent with your PCP, most will cave if your steadfast in what you want.
I show her this werewolf dong. That may help.

Would a Pennsylvania po box work?
I show her this werewolf dong. That may help.

Would a Pennsylvania po box work?
Maybe, but pretty sure they want a residential address, but I've never tried apo box.

If you order from Jason health or privatemdlabs they don't send any mail there ever, and don't ask for identification.

So you can just pick some random street address and roll with it
Maybe, but pretty sure they want a residential address, but I've never tried apo box.

If you order from Jason health or privatemdlabs they don't send any mail there ever, and don't ask for identification.

So you can just pick some random street address and roll with it
Wait, but how do I get my results to my address? They would go to random street address.
Aromasin is one of the 'safest' AI
Proviron and Primo can cause hair lost. Itś just the time of your cycle and if you are sensitive to Alopecia androgenetica. Not all are.


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