Test, Deca, Masteron cycle


New Member
9 to 10%bf currently very lean
veteran of several cycles

Got a question to ask some of the members here. I am a 45yo powerlifter. I have been competitive off and on for many years. I remained natural until I was about 40 when I started using some aas. I have done quite a few cycles. I am currently a very lean 9 to 10%BF and weigh about 192lbs. I plan to compete at 198 at the end of the cycle. Instead of trying to cut into my weight class which is what I've always done I am planning to grow into the 198lb class which I usually lift at. Ideally I seem to be strongest at 12%BF.
My idea is to use deca with a clean diet(slightly above maintenance) with some added masteron to control the water retention from the elevated test and deca.

Test e 600mg EW (300mg mon/thurs) wk 1-12
Deca 400mg EW (200mg mon/thurs) wk 1-10
Mast 200mg EW (100mg mon/thurs) wk 1-10
Anavar 25mg ED wk 8-12

PCT does not apply since I am on hrt. Also I plan to throw in some caber for the possible prolactin issues.

My questions are as follows;
How does this cycle look?
Does this seem like a reasonable approach for peak strength in a limited weight class?
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I am running .5mg of anastrozole every week which seems to be plenty to keep my estrogen in check. I don't seem to respond as well to EQ as Deca so I think I'll keep the cycle as is.
Just drop the mast and keep your estrogen in check. If you are eating clean the water retention will be nominal. The mast at 200 ew isn't even worth the money. Use an AI if needed. You could drop the Deca and go with EQ. You won't need the caber if your estrogen is in check.
Hey Jaydumb did you read this post. Why ask for advice fucking idiot enjoy your money pit of a cycle. You are going up in weight.... Ah fuck it why bother. Maybe I will start a thread and be a dick when people answer. You don't need the mast but if u love wasting money to for it.
You asked for advice and you got it from one of the most well respected and informed members on this board @Voltrader and that's how you come at him?? You should've just said thank you and listened. Foolish, foolish boy
No big deal GB, I am little annoyed these days and dieting so I can be bit edgy myself right now.

@jaystrum I apologize for calling you a fucking idiot. All I was trying to tell you is you don't need the mast. Save the money. I have actually lost weight on Deca, water retention has to do with your estro(stated you have an AI) and what you are eating.... you eat clean you will be fine. Keep the sodium down and dirty carbs out you would be surprised at what Deca can do with very little water. If all this is done you don't need caber either.(never once needed it) I consider myself a bit off a Nandrolone expert I have run it every way possible. All right I am done on this one.
Uh, did you read the post? I think I said it was for water retention with the deca.

Masteron is a DHT analog AAS and does NOT limit water retention bc "it antagonizes the effects of E-2" as some have stated here and elsewhere. This notion is concocted bro science derived from studies on patients with breast CA in the1970's when hormonal receptor technology had not yet been perfected.

Consequently bc your already using one DHT analog (Oxanadrolone) Masteron would be of limited benefit especially at such a low dose, IMO