Test E/DBol cycle, adding in Clen


New Member
I'm currently on a Test E/DBol cycle (500mg/wk Enan, 30mg/ED DBol). I'm adding size and strength that's for sure, but have also added some more fat than I'd like. I've decided I'm going to add in some clen and tighten up the diet to try and trim the added fat and prevent more from coming.

Was going to run clen in 2wks on 2wks off starting at 40mcg ED and bumping up every few days until I hit my max. How much Taurine is suggested to be taken each day while on Clen? Also, I'm not very familiar with Keto, but I do see Cem-Meso has a Clen/Keto/Taurine stack. How should the Keto be dosed if I were to pick up this stack? I've taken clen before, a few years back, but never Keto, any info from people taken this combo before in the past would be great.

You didn't gain fat, you've put on water (assuming you're not eating trash). Add winstrol, masteron, var, etc., to flush the water from your system.
I've been taking Adex at .5 EOD. Should I increase it? I'm bouncing around between 208-212 from 196-200. Don't really want to buy more gear for the current cycle due to order minimums and money transfer fees.

Would increasing the Adex, then revisiting my body in a few weeks be the best bet for now? I have two weeks left on Dbol. I know it causes you to retain water. How long after I stop taking it does the water usually flush out?
I've been taking Adex at .5 EOD. Should I increase it? I'm bouncing around between 208-212 from 196-200. Don't really want to buy more gear for the current cycle due to order minimums and money transfer fees.

Would increasing the Adex, then revisiting my body in a few weeks be the best bet for now? I have two weeks left on Dbol. I know it causes you to retain water. How long after I stop taking it does the water usually flush out?

Getting rid of water bloat on dbol kind of defeats the purpose of dbol.
I would'nt worry about adding clen.Stick with the origanal plan for your cycle.You will lean out again a couple of weeks after the dbol has stopped.
Theres no point getting smaller unless you are going into a contest ?