Test E only PCT and HCG?


New Member
So i've tried reading through the forums looking for the most optimal PCT for a test E cycle, but there are so many different opinions.

Im planning on doing Test E 250mgX2/week for 10-12 weeks for my first cycle at 25 years of age.

I've read the comprehensive guide to PCT, but will this always be the best way to do it, even on test only?

Should I use HCG on this cycle or is it only on stacked/stronger cycles?
hey bro i was just in your shoes mid september before i started my first cycle
im also 25
i ran sustanon 500mg/week. pinned eod
i didnt run hcg during cycle and balls def atrophied around week 6-7
i started pct 30 days after last pin
using nolva at 50mg first 2 weeks
then nolva at 25mg week 3-4

i would get hcg and use it on cycle
Thanks bro, ill get some hcg! Just gotta work out if I should do it the through the whole cycle or starting from around week 4-6. Did you use any AI?
Thanks bro, ill get some hcg! Just gotta work out if I should do it the through the whole cycle or starting from around week 4-6. Did you use any AI?

i would of used it last 4 weeks on cycle 500iu eod
no ai taken but had on it hand tho
Hey blood work done before you start, get blood work done mid way through, have an AI in case you're noticing sides or your estrogen is too high. Some will say not to take the ai unless you're having problems, done Will tell you to do your best to keep your bloods as close to normal as possible with the exception of your test levels since you're just using test... imo, hcg is great to use but I've read around on here about hcg causing issues for people who are new and inexperienced with "AI dialing", their estrogen going all over the place causing other side effects... there's a lot to consider and it's why it's a bad idea to jump on the gear train without studying a great deal and asking questions along the way. Sustanon is a bad idea for a beginner, that's a mistake I made as well.

Lots to learn my man!
Anyone have a good legit contact for pct and hcg would like to run soon commi g off cycle in a few weeks