Test. enanthate cycle. HELP!


New Member
Hi everybody.

I am planning my 1st injectable cycle right now, i've used Dianabol (Naposim) & (Danabol) in the past, which gave me good quality gains, i used them for short cycles (3 weeks), dosage was between 25 mg & 50 mg everyday.

Now i was thinking of taking a Testosterone enanthate only cycle 500 mg/week for 12 weeks.
Then i changed my dosage plan, which i don't know if it is a good idea or not.

My new plan is:
week 1-4: 500 mg. 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day
week 5-10: 750 mg. 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day
week 11-12: 500 mg. 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day
week 13-14: 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day

week 15-16: 40 mg Nolvadex everyday.
week 17-18: 20 mg Nolvadex everyday.
week 19-20: 10 mg Nolvadex everyday.

Can i do such cycle?
I go swimming 2-3 times every week, each session is 45 minutes, will this affect my gains?
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No, you can't do that cycle because you don't even know how you are reacting to the 500mg of Test E and you are already upping the dose to 750 on week 5!! Why 5mg Nolvadex/day? Did you have any problem with you nipples itching or being sore when you used Dianabol? Skip the 5mg nolvadex and get an AI instead.

I think this is good advice but wait until the more experienced guys tell their opinion. I just didn't want to leave you hanging!
I would like to keep water retention to a minimum while on cycle, that's why added Nolvadex at 5mg/day, someone told me that testosterone enanthate will give a soft puffy appearance.

Is there another way to keep water retention at minimum?

I will stick to 500mg/week dosage. I was thinking that maybe the 500mg will not give good gains since i've used Danabol at 50mg/day in my short cycles in the past, which is around 350mg/week.

What is your opinion about that dose?
The AI such as Arimidex or Letrozole is for the water retention. 500mg/week is fine. Did you notice a lot of bloat when you used Dianabol? Nolva is a SERM, you should perhaps research a little more on SERMs and AIs before using them so you understand what they do and how to use them.
What I know is Arimidex and letrozole they prevent aromatizing itself, and Nolvadex only competes for the receptors against the estrogens, so Arimidex and Letrozole are more powerful, but i thought it would be a good idea to use Nolvadex just to have little control since Estrogens are required for the anabolic effect to be full, also if Nolvadex is good for PCT so i thought using it during the cycle will make the PCT more productive.

What do think about that?

I never had bloat while on Danabol, but i've seen a lot of testosterone users that are bloated too much, and i was thinking maybe tetosterone is more aromatizable than Danabol.

I am the type that tries to gain as quality mass as possible i don't like putting on 30 pounds then try to shed 15 pounds to become cut. I've seen some people that can't even lose all that fat that they gained during the cycles, they just loose the water then tons of fat stays there covering the muscles!!

I don't know how powerful is the testosterone enanthate that's why i like to be on the safe side as much as possible.

I would like to run 500 or 750 mgTestosterone enanthate for 12 weeks + antIestrogen + Proscar + Milkthistle.

Can you suggest how much should the dosages be? Also what is the best PCT for such cycle?
...My new plan is:
week 1-4: 500 mg. 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day
week 5-10: 750 mg. 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day
week 11-12: 500 mg. 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day
week 13-14: 5 mg Nolvadex/day 1.25 mg Proscar/day

week 15-16: 40 mg Nolvadex everyday.
week 17-18: 20 mg Nolvadex everyday.
week 19-20: 10 mg Nolvadex everyday.

Can i do such cycle?
I go swimming 2-3 times every week, each session is 45 minutes, will this affect my gains?

Can you? You can do anything you want.:rolleyes: But you're seeking advice, right?

Sworder basically nailed it. You appear like most beginners to want maximum effect while being afraid of the horrible side effects you might suffer (proscar: baldness, BHP, nolva: bloat, gyno, what about valium for those mood swings?;)).

Not everyone experiences these sides but it is good to be on the alert for them. I agree with Sworder: Run 500 mg/wk of Test e the entire 12 weeks.

Don't use any Nolva, unless you get itchy, swollen nips.

You should not get gyno at all if you run 0.5 mg of Adex or 12.5 mg of Aromasin ED during cycle, both of which at these small doses will reduce the estro enough to stop bloat or gyno, yet still permit substantial muscular growth. I'd say avoid Letro (too strong).

Proscar® could inhibit your growth, but I've never had trouble while running Avodart®. Trouble izzat, many have found that either of these hormone-blockers permanently affects their ability to return to normal levels of testosterone post-cycle. I'd avoid it. Hair loss is largely either in your genetic destiny or it is not; AAS will just accelerate the process. Use external hair products like Nioxin® or Nizoral® to delay the inevitable or for just good, clean hair.

Your PCT is standard, beginning three weeks after your last injection. Good call. You will still need time to recover enough so that you can safely start all over again.

You don't mention HCG, the testicle stimulant that keeps the boys from shrinking & probably speeds up your HPTA recovery time. On this first cycle at that dose, you could probably do without it, but it certainly has many benefits worth looking into.

Don't get too carried away on ancillaries, but since AAS does put strain on the organs, it is a good idea to drink plenty of water & do extra anti-oxidants. Also drink lots of pure dark fruit juice. Some of the usual ancillaries include NAC, rALA (both anti-oxidants), milk thistle extract, Liv-52 (Himalaya LiverCare) (both for liver & prostate), Coq10 (for heart), glucosamine & chondroïtine with MSM (for joints), etc. etc. etc. Be warned that most health store herbals do absolutely nothing.

Swimming is great. Cardio is a must (unless you're going all-out for mass). Now you can skip cardio in the gym. Won't affect great growth, unless, as I say, you want to be bulker-to-the-max.

In any case, on this amount with your sense of caution, you should be fine. Great, in fact. Expect other horrible side effects like feeling extra alert & confident, not to mention occasional bouts of animal lust, which must be kept carefully caged.:rolleyes:

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I agree with SOLO,avoid letro way too strong and can cause some serious problems if too much is taken. I have used a lot of test and not got bloated,you cant go by what other people have taken and gotten bloated,chances are they are taking other stuff also that causes bloating and they seem to single out test as the problem ,it could also be diet related.I never had a hair loss issue with test,but i did with Masteron.Your cycle is way too long,shorten it to 8 weeks,you wont gain much after 8 weeks and you will have to stay off longer if you go more than 8 weeks.Save the nolvadex for PCT or if you get gyno symptoms,you should also use some clomid with the Nolvadex for PCT they work together to get your system back functioning.Keep the cardio and swiming to a minimun ,they will effect your maximum gains.Keep your first cycle short to see how you react to test.Im am getting away from test E,it takes way to long to kick in unless you front load a lot of it. and you need too take a lot because most of the dose is ester so your not getting that much test,especially if it aslo converts to estrogen depending on how your body reacts to it everybody is different.I prefer test prop or sustanon.
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Thanks guys for the great information on the subject, right now i decided the following:

I will take Arimidex during the cycle and keep Nolvadex on hand just in case if i experience itchy nipples, then for PCT i will take Nolvadex.

I am not planning to run frequent cycles, maybe once every year or every 9 months, the plan is 12 weeks on, then at least 24 weeks off, that's why i would like to run it for 10-12 weeks specially that the testosterone enanthate will start to kick in after about 3 weeks.

But i have new question!
I read that Arimidex may cause bone fractures because of reducing the estrogens to very low levels, is it true?

What is the exact dose for Arimidex during a 500mg cycle in order to keep estrogens low but without causing estrogen deficiency problems?

Is HCG required for such cycle? If yes, then when should i take it? And how much?

Thanks again for all the great advices.
Thanks guys for the great information on the subject, right now i decided the following:

I will take Arimidex during the cycle and keep Nolvadex on hand just in case if i experience itchy nipples, then for PCT i will take Nolvadex.

I am not planning to run frequent cycles, maybe once every year or every 9 months, the plan is 12 weeks on, then at least 24 weeks off, that's why i would like to run it for 10-12 weeks specially that the testosterone enanthate will start to kick in after about 3 weeks.

But i have new question!
I read that Arimidex may cause bone fractures because of reducing the estrogens to very low levels, is it true?

What is the exact dose for Arimidex during a 500mg cycle in order to keep estrogens low but without causing estrogen deficiency problems?

Is HCG required for such cycle? If yes, then when should i take it? And how much?

Thanks again for all the great advices.
I would do
1-12 Test E 500mg (250mg 2x wk)
1-12 .5mg Arimidex EOD
1-14 HCG somewhere between 250-500iu 2x week.
13-14 .5mg Arimidex ED
(Personally I use Aramosin as an AI, but you dont have that. Adex is fine though)
2 weeks after last shot of Test E start PCT.
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Thanks guys for the great information on the subject, right now i decided the following:

I will take Arimidex during the cycle and keep Nolvadex on hand just in case if i experience itchy nipples, then for PCT i will take Nolvadex.

I am not planning to run frequent cycles, maybe once every year or every 9 months, the plan is 12 weeks on, then at least 24 weeks off, that's why i would like to run it for 10-12 weeks specially that the testosterone enanthate will start to kick in after about 3 weeks.

But i have new question!
I read that Arimidex may cause bone fractures because of reducing the estrogens to very low levels, is it true?

What is the exact dose for Arimidex during a 500mg cycle in order to keep estrogens low but without causing estrogen deficiency problems?

Is HCG required for such cycle? If yes, then when should i take it? And how much?

Thanks again for all the great advices.

Twelve week is long for a first cycle, but if you're only doing one a year, it makes sense to me. However, go by how you feel. Eight weeks is too short for a fully effective cycle, if you ask me, but if you reach ten and feel you've maxed out, quit right then.

I did quote you an exact amount of Arimidex: 0.5 mg ED or 1 mg EOD, preferably the former. This will not reduce your estro so much that the spectre of bone fracture appears.

Again (and again), HCG is not "required", but many find their testicles shrink and so does the size of their ejaculate late into their cycles. This may not happen at that amount on your first cycle and it is easily remedied in any case with HCG or time. The thrill is not gone, anyway. HOWEVER, HCG run at about 300 iu 2x EW during cycle will prevent that. After your last inject but before your nolvadex PCT, you could at least double that amount of HCG for two weeks to kick-start the "T" part of your HPT axis. Most agree that getting the testicles functioning speeds up the process of the getting the pituitary & hypothalamus functioning again, but I have doubts.

Thanks guys for the replies.

My final decision is:

week 1: Testosterone enanthate 750 mg
weeks 2-8: Testtosterone enanthate 500 mg
weeks 1-10: Arimidex 0.25 EOD.
weeks 1-16: Milkthistle.

keep Nolvadex on hand.
for PCT Nolvadex

Thanks again for all the information, it helped me in my decision.
I would do
1-12 Test E 500mg (250mg 2x wk)
1-12 .5mg Arimidex EOD
1-14 HCG somewhere between 250-500iu 2x week.
13-14 .5mg Arimidex ED
(Personally I use Aramosin as an AI, but you dont have that. Adex is fine though)
2 weeks after last shot of Test E start PCT.
Is that 0.5mg of Arimidex a week or day. I am doing a similar cycle and this thread has been so useful.
@Netjerikhet Milk Thistle is cock-salad dressing , get a good Supp like Neon Sport Surge and taurine. Milk thistle is for 19 year old bitchboi's , MusclePharm Z-test is amazing for sleep (fenugreek and melatonin)
Thanks guys for the replies.

My final decision is:

week 1: Testosterone enanthate 750 mg
weeks 2-8: Testtosterone enanthate 500 mg
weeks 1-10: Arimidex 0.25 EOD.
weeks 1-16: Milkthistle.

keep Nolvadex on hand.
for PCT Nolvadex

Thanks again for all the information, it helped me in my decision.
I still think that you'll get plenty of results from 500mg/week all way through the 12th. On my first cycle I did Test E 12 weeks at 500mg and literally my results were so incredible every single person that I interacted with on a daily basis started asking questions about steroids.