Test Enanthate powder turned to gel / absorbed moisture


New Member
Hello all. I have searched this forum and others for this question so I apologize if it's been answered properly, I couldn't quite find what I am looking for.

I stored my leftover test enanthate from my last homebrew in a fireproof safe for about a year.. along with all of my other raws of which there were many.. and me being dumb forgot that it says ON the safe to open it for 20 minutes once a week to let out moisture (it's a greenhouse in there). Nothing is vacuum sealed, just sitting in the bags that they shipped in. *Most* of the raws seem totally fine, but the isotretinoin got real soft/lumpy and my Test E turned into an oily gel-like state, it's very soft and gummy. I've read a few similar questions here with people answering that it should still be safe to use because test E can melt easily at room temperature.. however due to how soft it's become, I'm pretty certain that the powder took on some moisture. I am wondering if it's still safe to brew? Should I throw it in a dehydrator maybe, or will the moisture cause contamination that a whattman filter and heat couldn't fix?

I guess that's the real question, I don't know if the brewing process would purify it enough or if moisture in your raw gear is just a no go. I know, general rule = don't pin it if it's questionable, I'm just wondering if anyone has encountered this issue and corrected it with success? I'll toss it out otherwise. I also have some Mast that got a bit clumped and I'd like to save it all if I can.

It was from Dragon if that matters at all, was decent gear. Thanks for your responses
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Well, I think I'm just going to leave it in a bag with a dessicant pack for a while, brew it up and do a very small test pin and hope for the best. I've salvaged brewed oil that took on moisture by heating and refiltering so.. we'll see.
I think you should trash it and re order It. Next time get air tight container and get some of those dry silica packs

I appreciate the reply. I may still brew it and just be very cautious when testing but regardless the stuff is super cheap and I just need to order more.

I ordered from Dragon last time and my order didn't come for 3 months, and when it did it had leaked GSO all over my raws and ruined several of them, I emailed them TEN separate times to get the ruined raws replaced and after putting them on blast here in the forum they **finally** said "sure we'll send something to replace it" but they never did SO.. time to start researching a good raws vendor again. Thanks for the input.
Get a dehumidifier rod for your safe to cut down on the humidity. I store my raws double vacuum sealed in a deep freezer at about -5 degrees.
In my case, it turned to a big lump of soap due to high temperature during transporation.
However, it did not effect on quality. The GC-MS result looks fine in my case.

Anyway you might follow Fenrir51 instruction to store it properly.
Well, I think I'm just going to leave it in a bag with a dessicant pack for a while, brew it up and do a very small test pin and hope for the best. I've salvaged brewed oil that took on moisture by heating and refiltering so.. we'll see.
Test raws are so cheap. Junk and re-order
If moisture got in the RAWS it'll cook out.
You gotta get the oil to waters boiling temp which some believe degrades the quality but it works.

The water sits at the bottom in little balls. Once your at 100c it only takes a light stir and they're gone, then filter.