New Member
So just curious if this is possible. I'm super new to anabolics will say that right now. I just finished my first 12 week cycle of test and last 3 weeks anavar. I dropped down to cruising at 150mg per week in eod injections and for some reason I wanted to throw low dose npp at 30mg eod same days as my test. Anyways on my third shot within probably 6 hrs I started feeling like shit. By night time I literally couldn't keep any food down or water. I was throwing up every two hours I had the chills then I was hot and cold my joints fucking ached like crazy. Every muscle and joint hurt it felt like I was detoxing off heroin. Right now is a little over 48hrs and I'm probably 75% right now. Just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on If this is related to the npp or what it could be. 99% sure it's not food poisoning or anything. Any help would be appreciated thanks.