Anyone else get night sweats from NPP?


New Member
Been on 500 Test/200 NPP for about 2 weeks. Night sweats are killing me. Almost every night I wake up and have to dry off and put a towel down. Only other time I’ve had them was with Tren. Thinking about switching the NPP out for Primo if they don’t stop soon.
Been on 500 Test/200 NPP for about 2 weeks. Night sweats are killing me. Almost every night I wake up and have to dry off and put a towel down. Only other time I’ve had them was with Tren. Thinking about switching the NPP out for Primo if they don’t stop soon.
I do run much hotter on NPP than on just test alone. Not nearly as bad as tren sweats but it’s a noticeable uptick especially while sleeping.
High test makes me sweat. High Primo. High Mast. Low dose NPP. It all makes me sweat. I cannot imagine what tren would be like for me. I’d have to sleep with an IV to replenish my fluids so I wouldn’t die of dehydration in my sleep.