Test is test = bullshit?

I’m sure the idea of TNE for trt/sports trt is totally hilarious but if you don’t mind two pins(30g) a day [75% am 25% early afternoon, spaced out around 7hours. Example 15mg 630am 5mg 130pm]
it’s much better and healthier than the long estered options. I’ve never felt better and that’s all that matters. Hopefully @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals will start making it.


I've already ordered some propionate, will report back if i feel better on it than on cyp. Because cypionate makes me lethargic at best, no energy increase at all.
i don't like prop because it's one of those esters that is uncomfortable after the shot ie pip, thats just my experience
What do you think about this? Basically he says that long esters of testosterone are shit and if you want to experience the true potential of testosterone and actually want to feel good on it you should use a short ester like propionate. Many comments there say the same.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTOJLOhdg0w

Prop feels like an entirely different drug. I ran 1g a week for 3 months and the “feel” was entirely different no difference in expected gains. The pumps are significantly better, the side effects are more pronounced. Just my 2cents
Test is test. You might get more of a “rush” from a short ester. Also some people just are addicted to the act of pinning.

Theres no difference once the ester is cleaved
Didn't watch this video but I listened to bodybuilder in Thailand podcast last week and he said if you are natty and lose gains muscle memory won't help you. But from experience I can say that its bullshit. When I was natty and hurt my shoulder I lost a lot. But regained everything extremely fast as a natty when I started to lift again .

So take what he says with a grain of salt. Some stuff he says is good. Some stuff I don't agree with. He's not an expert.

As for this video. I can't comment. I stick to test e for most of my cycles because I hate pinning. Just here to comment take what this guy says with a Grain of a salt.
Didn't watch this video but I listened to bodybuilder in Thailand podcast last week and he said if you are natty and lose gains muscle memory won't help you. But from experience I can say that its bullshit. When I was natty and hurt my shoulder I lost a lot. But regained everything extremely fast as a natty when I started to lift again .

So take what he says with a grain of salt. Some stuff he says is good. Some stuff I don't agree with. He's not an expert.

As for this video. I can't comment. I stick to test e for most of my cycles because I hate pinning. Just here to comment take what this guy says with a Grain of a salt.
It’s not muscle memory but the fact that you create new muscle fibers. Even if you stop using them and they shrink, they’re still there
It’s not muscle memory but the fact that you create new muscle fibers. Even if you stop using them and they shrink, they’re still there
Yea but he said in the video if you lose 6 months of natty gains of time off. You gotta train for 6 months to get them back which isn't true.
Prop feels like an entirely different drug. I ran 1g a week for 3 months and the “feel” was entirely different no difference in expected gains. The pumps are significantly better, the side effects are more pronounced. Just my 2cents

How did you manage estrogen on 1g prop? In theory it should be easier to deal in AI on prop, right?
Test does not = test. Always thought that saying was retarded. I have a completely different look on prop vs cyp/ test e on same mg.

I just do cyp/ enanth bc fits less pins. I look and feel way better on prop.