Test is test = bullshit?

I run Testosterone Decanoate... completely pip free even if blasting a whole 3mL syringe.
I inject E5D... which is awesome.
I've been a pin cushion before... it's a pain.
I don't compete though... so there's that.
Not something to run if competing, obviously because you can't drop to very low dosage or all together as some do before competition. Longer ester would keep you elevated and everything that comes with that.

Test is Test but your goals determine what ester you will run.
I always feel better on Sustanon than Enanthate. I felt amazing on TPP. My current connect doesn't brew it, I hate jumping around to different people. When I find someone I'm happy with I usually stay loyal.
I have no pip from test prop, i'm using the 110mg/ml oil from qsc, not homebrewed.

You must have used some high dosed or shitty oil
I dont know man the consensus seems to be thats the norm. Ive only ever used 2 labs (mission and pareto) and both were the same