Test level qustion


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I got bloods done 2 months after a cycle and my test level is 209 I don't have a base line isn't that vary low for someone that is only 28 years old
Your test should be higher if it was only 1wk after PCT. that's why I'd like to see LH and FSH. Could be your PCT meds were bunk maybe.
Although a TT level of less than 200ng/dl is on the low side for most 28 year old males, pre-cycle labs would be the only way to KNOW if such a value was YOUR norm, before AAS were started.
Although a TT level of less than 200ng/dl is on the low side for most 28 year old males, pre-cycle labs would be the only way to KNOW if such a value was YOUR norm, before AAS were started.
I know I dropped the ball on that one I have been waiting for these test to come back because I was about do start my next cycle should I hold off on that
I know I dropped the ball on that one I have been waiting for these test to come back because I was about do start my next cycle should I hold off on that

I'd seriously like to know what you believe is the best course of action and WHY?