Test, mast, npp and e2


New Member
Hello, i am on Test C 470, Primo 320-330, e2 is in check, i want change primo with masteron (300-400mg) and add Npp(200-300mg)and lower test to(300). Numbers are relative(want know your opinions, experience, your numbers that i should use..)

My Q is... if (300-400) masteron can keep my e2 in check? ( i will go for bloods of course after first month on it)

When i start with primo (Test c 350, primo 300) my e2 tottaly crashed down,feel joints, can t pump, tired,... i added test at 470 and now is all OK..

When i was only on Test E 300, my e2 was 400+..
Thanks for advices!:)
Masteron mainly affects receptors and will not bring e2 down. some people do complain of low e2 like symptoms from mast.

so since masteron will help with symptoms.

replace primo with mast. MG for MG. keep nolvadex on hand just in case if you have some sort of gyno flare up.

I ran 300/300/300
test npp mast
ramped it to 400/300/400. I really enjoyed this cycle.
and will not bring e2 down
This is not true

Masteron will in fact bring estrogen down because it competes with the aromataise enzyme. It will actually provide MORE estrogen modulation that primo

It was originally used for decreasing estrogen in women until aromatase inhibitors took its place because they could do the job without the masculinizing side effects
This is not true

Masteron will in fact bring estrogen down because it competes with the aromataise enzyme. It will actually provide MORE estrogen modulation that primo

It was originally used for decreasing estrogen in women until aromatase inhibitors took its place because they could do the job without the masculinizing side effects
it wasnt used for decreasing estrogen. it was studied in affecting receptors in healthy breast tissue.

I would be curious to see blood work that it does decrease estrogen. cause moving from 300 primo to 600 mast increased mine from 39 to 142

I havent seen anyone post that type of blood work

Masteron mainly affects receptors and will not bring e2 down. some people do complain of low e2 like symptoms from mast.

so since masteron will help with symptoms.

replace primo with mast. MG for MG. keep nolvadex on hand just in case if you have some sort of gyno flare up.

I ran 300/300/300
test npp mast
ramped it to 400/300/400. I really enjoyed this cycle.
If i now have e2 in check bcs i am on primo, i right now jump on masteron, lower test, will mast block the “new e2” and will it be in check or it s more debetable?? And i have arimidex on hand.. am i need nolva?
If i now have e2 in check bcs i am on primo, i right now jump on masteron, lower test, will mast block the “new e2” and will it be in check or it s more debetable?? And i have arimidex on hand.. am i need nolva?
Your e2 will be higher but we cant say exact number or dosage for ai.
Change your protocol and do bloods in 4 weeks and check estrogen and add ai as needed .