
New Member
Hi guys,

after my previous thread I got a good amount of info and decided to go with

Test / Primo cycle ( still toying with doseage in my mind )
Anavar kickstart maximum 8 weeks.

I have a couple of quick questions.

Once I pull the Anavar is there another injectable I could stack on top of the test/primo ?
or should I consider increasing the doseage of test/primo at that point?

In regards to dosage in my mind I'm thinking conservative, almost TRT+ like 200mg test 200mg primo + 25 mg Anavar, the thing is I'm not keen on running many cycles above my TRT, this cycle needs to help me gain a good amount of mass that I aim to maintain.

I guess what I'm really asking is if I'm gonna go the trouble of sourcing & running these compounds am I selling myself short by going for a lower dose? Would I be better of running 400mg/400mg/25mg for one blast then going back to TRT or running 2 smaller cycles like 200mg/200mg/25mg spread apart by 6 months?

I hope this makes sense for context I'm around 78-80 kg , 10%** bodyfat (by eye), current calories 2750.

** extra question - I was going to jump calories to 3000 for this cycle, is a jump of 250 to aggressive? maybe 100 and watch the scale then look to taper up?... what are your guys experiences in regards to uprated calories on cycle, or no change?**

Thanks in advance

P Porridge
200mg each of test/primo is not going to lead to "a good amount of mass" by any reasonable definition. It just isn't.

400/400? Again, it's not a potent stack that's going to lead to that much unless you're very new to AAS.

Combine that with your very modest calorie intake, and this isn't likely to be a dramatic cycle. I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing... just giving you an idea of what's to come.

It doesn't sound like primo fits here... I'd save it for spring>summer. NPP or Deca makes more sense.
200mg each of test/primo is not going to lead to "a good amount of mass" by any reasonable definition. It just isn't.

400/400? Again, it's not a potent stack that's going to lead to that much unless you're very new to AAS.

Combine that with your very modest calorie intake, and this isn't likely to be a dramatic cycle. I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing... just giving you an idea of what's to come.

It doesn't sound like primo fits here... I'd save it for spring>summer. NPP or Deca makes more sense.
Thanks for reply,

I am reasonably new, it will be my first cycle and primo is selected because i have heavy sensitivity for gyno my trt of 100mg p wk and hcg gave me gyno.

I now trt 70mg pw daily injection and 2 x 250iu hcg pw - that doesnt give me gyno.

I know the doses are very mild, the thing is even on my current regime my free testosterone is high end of normal and compared to 6 months ago i am pretty jacked now, i am constantly asked by people if im using roids because i look like alot of the guys at the gym that are blasting 500mg test + anything they can find.

I just cant work out if jumping up to much large doses is really worth it for me when i seem to respond pretty well, at the same time i dont want to under shoot and run cycles that im not going to effectively gain from.

Again i hope that makes some sense, i do fully get what your saying.

any other compounds i could run with the gyno situation in mind?
Hi guys,

after my previous thread I got a good amount of info and decided to go with

Test / Primo cycle ( still toying with doseage in my mind )
Anavar kickstart maximum 8 weeks.

I have a couple of quick questions.

Once I pull the Anavar is there another injectable I could stack on top of the test/primo ?
or should I consider increasing the doseage of test/primo at that point?

In regards to dosage in my mind I'm thinking conservative, almost TRT+ like 200mg test 200mg primo + 25 mg Anavar, the thing is I'm not keen on running many cycles above my TRT, this cycle needs to help me gain a good amount of mass that I aim to maintain.

I guess what I'm really asking is if I'm gonna go the trouble of sourcing & running these compounds am I selling myself short by going for a lower dose? Would I be better of running 400mg/400mg/25mg for one blast then going back to TRT or running 2 smaller cycles like 200mg/200mg/25mg spread apart by 6 months?

I hope this makes sense for context I'm around 78-80 kg , 10%** bodyfat (by eye), current calories 2750.

** extra question - I was going to jump calories to 3000 for this cycle, is a jump of 250 to aggressive? maybe 100 and watch the scale then look to taper up?... what are your guys experiences in regards to uprated calories on cycle, or no change?**

Thanks in advance

P Porridge

Sounds like your mind is already made up, try it. How long you going to run this for? At those low doses you can probably go 16-20 weeks just pull bloods. Maybe Do 8 weeks 200/200 see how you feel then bump it to 400/400 for another 8 weeks. I would Do the Var on the back end if it was me not as a kickstart.
Sounds like your mind is already made up, try it. How long you going to run this for? At those low doses you can probably go 16-20 weeks just pull bloods. Maybe Do 8 weeks 200/200 see how you feel then bump it to 400/400 for another 8 weeks. I would Do the Var on the back end if it was me not as a kickstart.
Someone else actually mentioned Var on back end aswell and I really liked the idea of this, I feel like you may of just just cracked it for me.

I’d agree with the logic of 200/200 then moving up to 400/400 and then back end with the var.

I will pull bloods every 4 weeks and use that as feedback.

depending on my bloods/progress will also dictate how long the cycle goes for I was thinking 12 weeks but if I get a full set of bloods at week 12 and everything’s sweet maybe continue.
A better cycle is 1g test / 500mg primo
Sounds meaty.
Not gonna lie I think I now understand my issues and I may end up running larger doses.

I’ve just learned that aromatise inhibitors do not block aromatisation of test produced by testes so the reason I got gyno was the sky high dose of hcg I was prescribed for trt (1050 a week?! I’ve been advised to do max 450 over 3 injections)

enough f**king about I’m gonna go bigger with the doses
Op Im running a similar thing as you.

Was 120mg of test c for 7 weeks.(trt)
Now just going to be loading up to 300
Primo is coming in Friday or Saturday
Will be running that at 400.

I'll let that settle in for a few weekw. Grab some blood work(CBC, cmp, lipids, e2, test for the hell of it) and maybe at a small dose of var. Like 30. If my e2 is low I may just add 10-20 of Dbol daily.

Planning on 5-6 weeks of orals

I'm not going for a massive size. Just slow and controlled. I want to drop back down to 120 test c before my next visit.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread but maybe we can touch base to see how the other is running
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Op Im running a similar thing as you.

Was 120mg of test c for 7 weeks.(trt)
Now just going to be loading up to 300
Primo is coming in Friday or Saturday
Will be running that at 400.

I'll let that settle in for a few weekw. Grab some blood work(CBC, cmp, lipids, e2, test for the hell of it) and maybe at a small dose of var. Like 30. If my e2 is low I may just add 10-20 of Dbol daily.

Planning on 5-6 weeks of orals

I'm not going for a massive size. Just slow and controlled. I want to drop back down to 120 test c before my next visit.

Didn't mean to hijack your thread but maybe we can touch base to see how the other is running
No your not hijacking at all, your more than welcome, I’m defo up for that
im currently running
800mg test
600 primo
E2 pills

the contraceptive pills really help imo, as i have no low estrogen symptoms
im currently running
800mg test
600 primo
E2 pills

the contraceptive pills really help imo, as i have no low estrogen symptoms
I’d drop the E2 pills and add some transdermal trestolone. That will help your E2 and boost the anabolic potential of your cycle.
Okay that aside what are the reasons you’d put that in
Because if I’m already running 800mg a week test cyp with 600mg of Primo and still get low E2 sides, I would either add HCG or something powerful in a low dose like transdermal trest to get my E2 at a good level as opposed to E2 pills or blasting even more test because test is great up to 750mg, then it’s diminishing returns with more sides.
Because if I’m already running 800mg a week test cyp with 600mg of Primo and still get low E2 sides, I would either add HCG or something powerful in a low dose like transdermal trest to get my E2 at a good level as opposed to E2 pills or blasting even more test because test is great up to 750mg, then it’s diminishing returns with more sides.
Understood thanks for info
The TRT here doesn't make any sense. If you're using HCG it means you're young and want to keep your balls working. You're at a good weight and bodyfat level. I doubt your natural testosterone level is low, in fact I bet it's pretty high. So it sounds like what you really want to do is blast and cruise but you don't have enough muscle yet to need to cruise. You're planning on mild compunds that won't suppress you as much or as long as the 19-nors.

So, especially if fertility is important to you, why not do post cycle therapy (PCT) instead? Don't tell me you've been watching MPMD where his job is to promote his TRT clinic and he sold you on that. It doesn't look like you need it, or should want it, at this point.
. So it sounds like what you really want to do is blast and cruise but you don't have enough muscle yet to need to cruise. You're planning on mild compunds that won't suppress you as much or as long as the 19-nors.
People could blast and then cruise into another blast right?
People could blast and then cruise into another blast right?
Well, if you're 250lbs and lean you kinda need to cruise in between blasts to keep that muscle. But if you're under 200 lbs and 25 yrs old, there's no reason to cruise when your naturally high test levels will support what you've gained. Especially if you didn't use a 19-nor or something with a super long ester.