Well, if you're 250lbs and lean you kinda need to cruise in between blasts to keep that muscle. But if you're under 200 lbs and 25 yrs old, there's no reason to cruise when your naturally high test levels will support what you've gained. Especially if you didn't use a 19-nor or something with a super long ester.
I mean that makes sense, but if his test levels were naturally low(Which is why he is on TRT, wouldnt he just crash back down to nothing?

I just use the term cruise because its really going back to TRT dose.
I mean that makes sense, but if his test levels were naturally low(Which is why he is on TRT, wouldnt he just crash back down to nothing?

I just use the term cruise because its really going back to TRT dose.
He doesn't sound like some 40 year old guy needing to get his test levels in the range of a 20-something year old just to keep mass. And since he's on HCG I doubt he had testicular cancer or some kind of trauma to the testes.

How many people young enough to be concerned about fertility have test levels so low a doc would prescribe TRT? And how many of those docs would prescribe long term HCG usage? He's just doing it because that's what the big bodybuilders who have been abusing steroids for decades do. It's not a good option for him.
He doesn't sound like some 40 year old guy needing to get his test levels in the range of a 20-something year old just to keep mass. And since he's on HCG I doubt he had testicular cancer or some kind of trauma to the testes.

How many people young enough to be concerned about fertility have test levels so low a doc would prescribe TRT? And how many of those docs would prescribe long term HCG usage? He's just doing it because that's what the big bodybuilders who have been abusing steroids for decades do. It's not a good option for him.
As much as I completely agree with the amount of young people on TRT for no reason I don’t fit into that box.

I’ve struggled with poor test production for years, I tried everything I could before having to go on TRT and I had to pay a great deal just to get it.

The HCG was marketed to me as a way to stay fertile and stop balls shrinking, I’m not sure it’s really needed I think it’s more the clinic want to sell as much meds as they can.

I am currently trying to have a child so as soon as that happens I’ll be looking to remove the hcg if possible.
I mean that makes sense, but if his test levels were naturally low(Which is why he is on TRT, wouldnt he just crash back down to nothing?

I just use the term cruise because its really going back to TRT dose.
Yeah you are correct my levels would crash again, bit sad for a 27 year old but that’s the cards I was dealt.
He doesn't sound like some 40 year old guy needing to get his test levels in the range of a 20-something year old just to keep mass. And since he's on HCG I doubt he had testicular cancer or some kind of trauma to the testes.

How many people young enough to be concerned about fertility have test levels so low a doc would prescribe TRT? And how many of those docs would prescribe long term HCG usage? He's just doing it because that's what the big bodybuilders who have been abusing steroids for decades do. It's not a good option for him.
Youd be surprised how many 20 year olds have test levels of 400. So your statements are pulled out of your ass. Probably from reddit or something.
Youd be surprised how many 20 year olds have test levels of 400. So your statements are pulled out of your ass. Probably from reddit or something.

for example myself even by loosing a lot of weight, changing to a very healthy diet, regular exercise etc etc etc I still could not even produce a 400 on any blood test infact my best result before TRT was 230 Ng/dl which is terrible
I'm planning on running a similar cycle in a few months. I plan on doing 450mg/week of Test P and C, 450mg/week of Mast P and E, and then from weeks 6 through week 9 50mg/day of anadrol, and then from weeks 10 through 12 anavar at 50mg/day. Interested to see how your cycle turns out.
I'm planning on running a similar cycle in a few months. I plan on doing 450mg/week of Test P and C, 450mg/week of Mast P and E, and then from weeks 6 through week 9 50mg/day of anadrol, and then from weeks 10 through 12 anavar at 50mg/day. Interested to see how your cycle turns out.
Same with yours keep us posted
He's just doing it because that's what the big bodybuilders who have been abusing steroids for decades do.

Youd be surprised how many 20 year olds have test levels of 400. So your statements are pulled out of your ass. Probably from reddit or something.
Yea. Idk whats with hostility? Atleast he is being watched over by a doctor.

Don't we all Technically abuse steroids in the eyes of the law in most of the world?
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Youd be surprised how many 20 year olds have test levels of 400. So your statements are pulled out of your ass. Probably from reddit or something.
400 is perfectly fine and will support a sub 200 lb frame without a problem after a proper PCT. Keep working out, never use steroids again and you'll keep that muscle for maybe a decade. And do another cycle later if wanted.

Now 270 for a healthy fit guy in his 20s is very, very rare. Especially with newbies on a steroid board who've been watching too much MPMD. It hasn't been studied but I would guess 1 in 500, or 1 in a thousand, 20 something yr old men have test that low without something else going on.
400 is perfectly fine and will support a sub 200 lb frame without a problem after a proper PCT. Keep working out, never use steroids again and you'll keep that muscle for maybe a decade. And do another cycle later if wanted.

Now 270 for a healthy fit guy in his 20s is very, very rare. Especially with newbies on a steroid board who've been watching too much MPMD. It hasn't been studied but I would guess 1 in 500, or 1 in a thousand, 20 something yr old men have test that low without something else going on.
When you say something else going on you mean like pituitary tumour?
When you say something else going on you mean like pituitary tumour?
Like an injury, or medications (opioids, steroid use), sometimes daily drinking or marijuana, and yeah medical things like hypothalamus/pituitary problems, kidney/liver issues, congenital defects, etc. Maybe getting tested on a day where diet, stress, or exercise affected it.

I would say most people in their 20s with low to severely low test did a course of deca or tren at least somewhat recently though ;)
Like an injury, or medications (opioids, steroid use), sometimes daily drinking or marijuana, and yeah medical things like hypothalamus/pituitary problems, kidney/liver issues, congenital defects, etc. Maybe getting tested on a day where diet, stress, or exercise affected it.

I would say most people in their 20s with low to severely low test did a course of deca or tren though ;)
Yeah agreed
400 is perfectly fine and will support a sub 200 lb frame without a problem after a proper PCT. Keep working out, never use steroids again and you'll keep that muscle for maybe a decade. And do another cycle later if wanted.

Now 270 for a healthy fit guy in his 20s is very, very rare. Especially with newbies on a steroid board who've been watching too much MPMD. It hasn't been studied but I would guess 1 in 500, or 1 in a thousand, 20 something yr old men have test that low without something else going on.
Support sub 200 frame ..?

You are treating people like machines. I know people that can support 200lbs ripped with test levels of 200, and i know people who cant get over 180lbs on a 500mg test cycle…

sorry but your statements just sound stupid… we are not one size fits all.. we are not machines.

We are all different and theres so much more to genetics than test levels…
Support sub 200 frame ..?

You are treating people like machines. I know people that can support 200lbs ripped with test levels of 200, and i know people who cant get over 180lbs on a 500mg test cycle…

sorry but your statements just sound stupid… we are not one size fits all.. we are not machines.

We are all different and theres so much more to genetics than test levels…
When you're talking psych meds yeah... everybody's brain chemistry is different and unpredictable. But things like nitrogen retention and protein synthesis are pretty easy to predict with fairly good accuracy from hormone levels.

I work in an ICU and put people on machines to keep them alive.... ventilators, ecmo, dialysis, CRRT, all kinds of IV pumps and drainage tubes. Trust me, if you know what you're doing the human body can very much be treated like a machine and be manipulated by machines. That's not to say numbers are always more important that how a person looks and feels, but test levels needed to support a sub 200 lb frame isn't going to vary drastically from person to person.
test levels needed to support a sub 200 lb frame isn't going to vary drastically from person to person.
There is also genetic limitations?

Idk dude, this guy is on a righteous path to attack people on TRT that are cycling.

Why not be able to do this shit under a doctor's supervision to make sure they arent going overboard if they dont mind dropping money?