I'm coming up to 11 weeks in to my cycle of:
Test E 750mg per week
Primo E 600mg per week
Tren E ~160mg per week
Recently added HGH and will build up to 5iu per day.
My body weight is up almost 7kg, body fat levels don't seem to have increased (although holding water since adding HGH). When I finish this vial of tren in a couple of weeks I need to come off it as my HDL is very low.
Thinking of swapping the tren for mast E at 300mg per week. Would mast be a good addition to this cycle? Goals are lean mass building not too much water or fat gain, and I'm eating very clean. Otherwise I could just keep running Test E 750 and Primo E 600, or increase the primo slightly to make use of the extra syringe space.
Test E 750mg per week
Primo E 600mg per week
Tren E ~160mg per week
Recently added HGH and will build up to 5iu per day.
My body weight is up almost 7kg, body fat levels don't seem to have increased (although holding water since adding HGH). When I finish this vial of tren in a couple of weeks I need to come off it as my HDL is very low.
Thinking of swapping the tren for mast E at 300mg per week. Would mast be a good addition to this cycle? Goals are lean mass building not too much water or fat gain, and I'm eating very clean. Otherwise I could just keep running Test E 750 and Primo E 600, or increase the primo slightly to make use of the extra syringe space.