Test-Prop and NPP pin ED or EOD?


Just the last moments before I start my cycle and wanted to hear what some others think.
I am going to run a short 6 week blast of 350mg Test-prop + 350 mg NPP on top my normal Test-cyp cruise dosage.

What do you think is better and why:

1) Pin 50 mg of each everyday?
2) Pin 100 mg of each EOD?

I don't want any rollercoaster test levels (never used prop so not sure how much it matters ED vs EOD) and I will do what I got to do but I aint gonna lie -- everyday sounds like it is a pain in my ass.

thanks in advance for any insight regarding the best way to use these short esters.
Youre going to get varying answers, it depends on what the user likes best. I prefer to pin ed, others will do eod or even e3d. Sorry for not helping you at all lol
Youre going to get varying answers, it depends on what the user likes best. I prefer to pin ed, others will do eod or even e3d. Sorry for not helping you at all lol

No apologies brother! all honest replies are helpful because it shows me if it is super important to do ED or not. It might come down to me just trying but obviously most people don't actually like pinning so if blood levels are not much different either way then I would prefer EOD.

Varying answers is true--I am reading on a few sites including here and man it seems like a pretty even vote for either.
I pinned EOD, my numbers were 6000k+

Prolly not much difference in my opinion...
EOD for me. Tried ED last tren run. Didn't notice a difference other that wasting pins and running out of spots to pin.
Whichever your prefer. Some people prefer more frequent and smaller volume pins, some the opposite.
Less injectioning is better for me, so I say eod.
I've done Both and also didn't notice any difference.
Except maybe feeling like a Pin Cushion with ED................................. JP
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Good to hear, thank you everyone for the input. A gym bro said it has to be ED but everything I read online seems to be split and all of you have experienced EOD working just fine. I hate the stupid gym bro mentality where people just pass along random opinions like they are solid facts.

I will plan for EOD. That will work way better for me and also allow my schedule for work with OT on odd days to be more free without worry about finding a way to go pin.

Thanks again MESO brothers -- I feel a lot more informed.