What’s up fellas new to meso but looking for some cycle advice. So this is what I have going on I’m 41 years old 225lbs 18%bf. This will be my 8th cycle but I haven’t used aas in almost 3 years. I was in a car accident right at the beginning of Covid was bed ridden for 3 months then when I got back on my feet all the gyms were closed down. Needless to say between bed ridden and no gym and everything locked down I ballooned up to a fat piece of lard clocking in at 333 pounds. Woke up one day got in the scale and realized I turned into a fat piece of shit and decided it was enough. That was a year ago and down over a hundred pounds and have peaked in my strength training or hit a plateau being all natty I should say. Anyways I’ve been doing 2 hours strength training 6 days a week at 5am making sure I hit everything twice a week and 4 nights a week after work I do 45 mins of jogging for cardio. I’m eating clean and doing about 1900 to 2100 calories a day as I’m still trying to shed fat while putting on lean muscle hitting my macros 40/40/20 eating nothing but clean organic food and some whey protein split into 5 meals a day. Cycle history is first few were test only cycles started with test cyp and then a test e. After that I discovered prop and never went back to long esters. Did a prop wing cycle and then after that I dipped my toe in the tren a pool and fell in love. Couple of those cycles and my last two were test prop tren a and mast p. Fast forward to today and on hand I have 4 bottles of test prop and 6 weeks worth of tbol if I don’t do more than 50 mg a day. Winny is the only oral I have ever done and this is my first go around with tbol. So I’m looking for dosing advice as it’s all over the place on these forums. I’ve seen 30 mg a day to a 100mg lol that’s a crazy gap. Also looking for suggestion for test prop dosing with this I was gonna do 75mg Ed but I’m wondering since I’m at 18% bf is that gonna drive my estrogen up. Maybe do 50 ed not sure. Also have adex on hand as well. Sorry for the book everyone just wanted to get as much info as possible out there I could think of. Thanks in advance for the advice bros!