Test prop and tbol cycle

Gotta disagree with you there bro. You wanna keep your levels as stable as possible doing three days a week definitely throws you off. Eod is the bare minimum in my opinion but optimal is ed with prop. Also I lose out on two injection sites I can’t inject my quads. I don’t know what it is about prop in my quads but I cripples me for days on end so I’m stuck with glutes and delts rotation only hence why 12 weeks is a lot of pinning for me even eod if I chose to do that. Like I said in my original post this will be my 8th cycle most of mine have been prop(ed injections) so I have a lot of scar tissue built up and it gets painful.
You are way overcomplicating things worrying about Ed or Eod pinning - hence get to the gym and don’t worry about minuscule stuff
Gotta disagree with you there bro. You wanna keep your levels as stable as possible doing three days a week definitely throws you off. Eod is the bare minimum in my opinion but optimal is ed with prop. Also I lose out on two injection sites I can’t inject my quads. I don’t know what it is about prop in my quads but I cripples me for days on end so I’m stuck with glutes and delts rotation only hence why 12 weeks is a lot of pinning for me even eod if I chose to do that. Like I said in my original post this will be my 8th cycle most of mine have been prop(ed injections) so I have a lot of scar tissue built up and it gets painful.
How much of a variation in blood serum concentration do you think happens when pinning 3x a week? It's not like you start from the bottom every 2nd day. You'll have small dips but at a 3 day half life you'll have a good amount still left In you by the next shot.

Yes more constant saturation Is better but have you tried 3x a week and truly noticed a huge difference in gains and sides? Because I've done ed/eod/3x a week and they felt damn near identical. But that's personal experience though.

You could always do 29g 1/2" slin pins if the pinning frequency bothers you.