Test, Tren E, Deca for bulking?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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Deleted member 123722

5'11, 230lbs, 37yrs old, years of cycle experience.

From January to June 14 of this year, I ran test cyp 200mg and tren E 200mg, completely recomping my body, from 260lb dad-bod to 230lbs prob 13% bf, over a six-month period. Everyone advised me, including John Meadows (RIP) not to run Tren more than 8-12 weeks, but I figured if I’m running such a low dose, I should be able to run double what people typically do. I was right.

I took about a month off, then jumped on Test Cyp 480, and Primo 660; this cycle which I’m currently on that I brewed, has about a month left. I got my bloodwork last week, and everything was basically normal, aside from elevated AST at 51, which goes to show how safe Primo really is.

So, even being on tren E for half a year, my body is fine. Granted it was a low dose, but I’m clearly one of those lucky people.

Being that I’m on TRT for life, I just blast and cruise; I don’t have to worry about PCT, and I can handle the harshest injectable out there.

I have 10grams (10,000mg) of Test Cyp, Deca and Tren E raws remaining; each will last me 25 weeks at 400mg, or 16 weeks at 600mg. Unfortunately, my cyp raws gave me shitty labs, but I’m hoping these other raws are good to go; if not, I’d have to double everything.

My plan was to brew Deca for my next cycle for the “bulk” phase, and save the Tren E for next year during my “cut.” I put both in quotations because really, I do the whole Doucette “maingaining” thing, where I only slightly manipulate calories rather than gorge like a fat ass; basically, I’m either slightly over or below maintenance during these phases. Thing is, I haven’t taken regular Nandrolone in over 10 years, but I did run NPP about 3 years ago, and I didn’t notice any sides at all. I read from posts from all different forums about Deca bloating, but forum vets saying that’s up to diet and controlling estrogen, and controlling prolactin to avoid deca dick.

The reason why I’m hesitant to run Deca, is because of the whole “wet gains” thing, and after I just recomped my body to being lean, I’m not trying to get watery. The Primo is so wonderful, I’ve gained ZERO water retention, even from doubling my test. Even if my Cyp raws suck, the Primo is definitely working.

I, and I’m sure all of us, are fans of “dry gains,” but what the posts I’m reading seem to imply, is that “wet gains” is misnomer, since LBM does include water retention within muscle, and bloating will come from being a fat ass on your diet.

On Tren E I don’t get any libido issues; in fact, I become a sex freak. Then again, haven’t done 400mg of Tren E in years.

So my question is, since I’m one of the lucky ones who doesn’t get destroyed by Tren, should I just forget the Deca and go with the Tren E at 400mg, or should I stick to my original plan, being that I haven’t really done any “hard” cycles.

I kind of want to run Deca to see how I’d look on it now with over a decade of new experience with bodybuilding, and since I have it, but then again, I rather not waste time if Tren E would be more suitable for me since I handle it and seem to response to it very well.

I know some people run BOTH, which I could easily do by my mixing the brew together, perhaps make a blend of 200/200 Deca/Tren?

I know everyone reacts differently, which is why I explained how I react to things, so I’m basically asking:

“If you were me, what would you do?”

Thanks gents.
If I wanted to put on size I would be running nandrolone. IDK about the whole bloating/wet gains thing, I have only ever run NPP.
5'11, 230lbs, 37yrs old, years of cycle experience.

From January to June 14 of this year, I ran test cyp 200mg and tren E 200mg, completely recomping my body, from 260lb dad-bod to 230lbs prob 13% bf, over a six-month period. Everyone advised me, including John Meadows (RIP) not to run Tren more than 8-12 weeks, but I figured if I’m running such a low dose, I should be able to run double what people typically do. I was right.

I took about a month off, then jumped on Test Cyp 480, and Primo 660; this cycle which I’m currently on that I brewed, has about a month left. I got my bloodwork last week, and everything was basically normal, aside from elevated AST at 51, which goes to show how safe Primo really is.

So, even being on tren E for half a year, my body is fine. Granted it was a low dose, but I’m clearly one of those lucky people.

Being that I’m on TRT for life, I just blast and cruise; I don’t have to worry about PCT, and I can handle the harshest injectable out there.

I have 10grams (10,000mg) of Test Cyp, Deca and Tren E raws remaining; each will last me 25 weeks at 400mg, or 16 weeks at 600mg. Unfortunately, my cyp raws gave me shitty labs, but I’m hoping these other raws are good to go; if not, I’d have to double everything.

My plan was to brew Deca for my next cycle for the “bulk” phase, and save the Tren E for next year during my “cut.” I put both in quotations because really, I do the whole Doucette “maingaining” thing, where I only slightly manipulate calories rather than gorge like a fat ass; basically, I’m either slightly over or below maintenance during these phases. Thing is, I haven’t taken regular Nandrolone in over 10 years, but I did run NPP about 3 years ago, and I didn’t notice any sides at all. I read from posts from all different forums about Deca bloating, but forum vets saying that’s up to diet and controlling estrogen, and controlling prolactin to avoid deca dick.

The reason why I’m hesitant to run Deca, is because of the whole “wet gains” thing, and after I just recomped my body to being lean, I’m not trying to get watery. The Primo is so wonderful, I’ve gained ZERO water retention, even from doubling my test. Even if my Cyp raws suck, the Primo is definitely working.

I, and I’m sure all of us, are fans of “dry gains,” but what the posts I’m reading seem to imply, is that “wet gains” is misnomer, since LBM does include water retention within muscle, and bloating will come from being a fat ass on your diet.

On Tren E I don’t get any libido issues; in fact, I become a sex freak. Then again, haven’t done 400mg of Tren E in years.

So my question is, since I’m one of the lucky ones who doesn’t get destroyed by Tren, should I just forget the Deca and go with the Tren E at 400mg, or should I stick to my original plan, being that I haven’t really done any “hard” cycles.

I kind of want to run Deca to see how I’d look on it now with over a decade of new experience with bodybuilding, and since I have it, but then again, I rather not waste time if Tren E would be more suitable for me since I handle it and seem to response to it very well.

I know some people run BOTH, which I could easily do by my mixing the brew together, perhaps make a blend of 200/200 Deca/Tren?

I know everyone reacts differently, which is why I explained how I react to things, so I’m basically asking:

“If you were me, what would you do?”

Thanks gents.
I've done a tren/deca cycle, only because Pharmacom has it in their mixes line up. It's very powerful but heavy with prolactin and not good for gyno. And there is some bloat but not a ton. If I was to do it over again I would do Tren and EQ instead. Tren/EQ/test and Winstrol or Anavar.
I've done a tren/deca cycle, only because Pharmacom has it in their mixes line up. It's very powerful but heavy with prolactin and not good for gyno. And there is some bloat but not a ton. If I was to do it over again I would do Tren and EQ instead. Tren/EQ/test and Winstrol or Anavar.
I should have mentioned, I got my gyno removed when I was in the Marine corps.
I was reading in some places that one should actually not hve high test, and some peopel doing Deca only cycles, because the high test actually causes the issues with Nandrolone. So some will just cycle dbol/deca, or just deca alone. Crazy since its the opposite I've everything ive heard.
Actually more interested in your low dose recomp. Would be cool for you to throw up a new thread if you did not already with an outline an summary.

For your growth phase, I would just stick with the deca and test, or primo and test. (Not a huge fan of Deca from past experiences, but since you have the raws)

See how you respond during the surplus and adjust from there.
Actually more interested in your low dose recomp. Would be cool for you to throw up a new thread if you did not already with an outline an summary.
For your growth phase, I would just stick with the deca and test, or primo and test. (Not a huge fan of Deca from past experiences, but since you have the raws)

See how you respond during the surplus and adjust from there.
Alright, I'll do that tomorrow since I'm about to go to bed. Thanks for your feedback.
Alright, I'll do that tomorrow since I'm about to go to bed. Thanks for your feedback.
Instead of writing a new one, I have the threads I posted from another forum in order here so you can follow my progress:

-Run the Deca and save the Tren E.
Things change over time, and body composition changes, and even dosages that bring side effects change. Therefore I wouldn't run the Deca and Tren without knowing how you respond to the Deca.
I run them both together most of the time.
Yet, as of late, I run them separately.

-I stay away from brewing blends, just because I can just draw the ratio from the individual vials of singular compounds. The ratio of compounds many times change as I run them.

-the whole wet thing, can easy be remedied after the blast. I don't run an AI anyway, I use Nolva to block, and Prami to handle prolactin.
I also use Prami after banging the wifey, because of rise in prolactin after ejaculation, and it can decrease refractory period (time needed to get another erection).
I use the water retention to my advantage. Added strength and pump, cushion, and overall just feels good. Easy to shed water retention at the end.

All I simply do is run Aromasin 12.5mg E3D along with Winstrol 50mg for 3 weeks, and it sheds most of the unnecessary juicyness, then cruise, and dream about coming back on so I can get Tren'd out on next blast.

Everyone is different of course.
-Run the Deca and save the Tren E.
Things change over time, and body composition changes, and even dosages that bring side effects change. Therefore I wouldn't run the Deca and Tren without knowing how you respond to the Deca.
I run them both together most of the time.
Yet, as of late, I run them separately.

-I stay away from brewing blends, just because I can just draw the ratio from the individual vials of singular compounds. The ratio of compounds many times change as I run them.

-the whole wet thing, can easy be remedied after the blast. I don't run an AI anyway, I use Nolva to block, and Prami to handle prolactin.
I also use Prami after banging the wifey, because of rise in prolactin after ejaculation, and it can decrease refractory period (time needed to get another erection).
I use the water retention to my advantage. Added strength and pump, cushion, and overall just feels good. Easy to shed water retention at the end.

All I simply do is run Aromasin 12.5mg E3D along with Winstrol 50mg for 3 weeks, and it sheds most of the unnecessary juicyness, then cruise, and dream about coming back on so I can get Tren'd out on next blast.

Everyone is different of course.
I have Rx Armidex that I've been taking since forever at .5mg Mon and Thursday. I know it won't help with the deca sides, but actually not being horny would save my wife and myself the headache lol.

Also, some people say that the bloating is really diet related as well; if you bulk like a maniac, that is. I don't intent to do that.

I'm also a fan of longer cycles, being that I'm on TRT for life, I don't need to come off as soon as someone else. So I was thinking maybe running this cycle 600 test, 400 deca, keeping it around a gram of total gear. But I could probably handle even higher deca. Some say you could go low test, high deca.

I guess I'll save the Tren E for next year.
I have Rx Armidex that I've been taking since forever at .5mg Mon and Thursday. I know it won't help with the deca sides, but actually not being horny would save my wife and myself the headache lol.

Also, some people say that the bloating is really diet related as well; if you bulk like a maniac, that is. I don't intent to do that.

I'm also a fan of longer cycles, being that I'm on TRT for life, I don't need to come off as soon as someone else. So I was thinking maybe running this cycle 600 test, 400 deca, keeping it around a gram of total gear. But I could probably handle even higher deca. Some say you could go low test, high deca.

I guess I'll save the Tren E for next year.
I'm more a homeostasis diet type person. In other words I also don't bulk like crazy. I simply bump up calories slightly through carbs. Typically on a blast.
If cutting, just eat slightly less carbs, keep fats and protein the same.
I'm already larger, so it's more maintaining, and refining. Adding 5lbs of muscle a year over time.
It just makes it simple because I've had a certain diet so long. Same food sources, just change flavor with seasoning and condiments.
Also allows me to eat out whenever, which is probably once a week with the fam.
I'm more a homeostasis diet type person. In other words I also don't bulk like crazy. I simply bump up calories slightly through carbs. Typically on a blast.
If cutting, just eat slightly less carbs, keep fats and protein the same.
I'm already larger, so it's more maintaining, and refining. Adding 5lbs of muscle a year over time.
It just makes it simple because I've had a certain diet so long. Same food sources, just change flavor with seasoning and condiments.
Also allows me to eat out whenever, which is probably once a week with the fam.
I've adopted the same strategy myself. I just posted my pics over this 9-month, super slow recomp on a different thread.
It's why so many people love NPP lol.
I didn’t get bloated with Deca. It’s all about your diet. People like NPP better because it get working quicker and you don’t have to run as long. Also people who experience depression with Deca seem not to work npp
I see you said you’re doing the “maintaining” Doucette plan. Go watch the collaboration he did with MPMD. I’m sure I remember him saying that’s for people who train natural. The rules are different when on gear. I still don’t recommend having an insane surplus but you can definitely eat more food on cycle vs natural
I see you said you’re doing the “maintaining” Doucette plan. Go watch the collaboration he did with MPMD. I’m sure I remember him saying that’s for people who train natural. The rules are different when on gear. I still don’t recommend having an insane surplus but you can definitely eat more food on cycle vs natural
Well, my calories do vary every day, but I have a good idea where they are floating: can be anywhere from 2700-3100 depending how much I feel like eating; I haven't gained any weight, yet I'm leaning out, so it is working, and it is VERY fucking slow lol.