Test, Tren E, Deca for bulking?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
  • Start date
Well, my calories do vary every day, but I have a good idea where they are floating: can be anywhere from 2700-3100 depending how much I feel like eating; I haven't gained any weight, yet I'm leaning out, so it is working, and it is VERY fucking slow lol.
Yep. Recomping is a slower process but I’ve always liked the idea of burning a little fat and building a little muscle at the same time.
Well, my calories do vary every day, but I have a good idea where they are floating: can be anywhere from 2700-3100 depending how much I feel like eating; I haven't gained any weight, yet I'm leaning out, so it is working, and it is VERY fucking slow lol.
I can sympathize. I started at 20+% bf and my goal was to recomp. I am currently under 15% after 16wks. I didnt want to lose too much weight but also i needed to put on muscle to help burn more calories without dirty bulking. I have hovered in the 200-210 range the whole time, i can see the changes in the mirror and by increase lifts, but it feels so slow! This was however my goal, slow & steady recomp. Currently just on Test&Mast w Var pwo.
Yes, and thats going to take time indeed. Slow.
So slow lol

Im Waiting GIF
Not when tren is used
I am thinking of adding tren to my next cycle using test 75 e3d , primo 150 e3d and under 50 ed of tren ace and maybe winny the last 4-6 weeks of 16 wks. My goal is to recomp/cut. This would be my first time w tren so i am easing in.
I am thinking of adding tren to my next cycle using test 75 e3d , primo 150 e3d and under 50 ed of tren ace and maybe winny the last 4-6 weeks of 16 wks. My goal is to recomp/cut. This would be my first time w tren so i am easing in.
Yes ease it in. Honestly if i am ever in a good place mentally to run it, i would do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off and repeat. Or 2 weeks on and 1 week off.

or super low like 200 mg.
I am thinking of adding tren to my next cycle using test 75 e3d , primo 150 e3d and under 50 ed of tren ace and maybe winny the last 4-6 weeks of 16 wks. My goal is to recomp/cut. This would be my first time w tren so i am easing in.
There is zero need to go over that 350 mg ed. If your diet and training is good. You will grow.
There is zero need to go over that 350 mg ed. If your diet and training is good. You will grow.
Yeah, i want to keep everything low. Thats why im thinking 150 test 300 primo and 200 or less of tren per week. Im just looking to maintain muscle and really focus on cutting. I could go less on the primo (150) but ive read its better to at higher doses, i may start test & primo @ 150/w and see then just start tren @ 25 ed and ease up until i get sides then back off.
Yeah, i want to keep everything low. Thats why im thinking 150 test 300 primo and 200 or less of tren per week. Im just looking to maintain muscle and really focus on cutting. I could go less on the primo (150) but ive read its better to at higher doses, i may start test & primo @ 150/w and see then just start tren @ 25 ed and ease up until i get sides then back off.
You can alway add more as you go.
While i read your other thread i was thinking a recomp with low tren might be the ticket for getting lean a little quicker without the sides of a full on tren cycle.
yea it certainly helped but took a long ass time
Is this a troll thread? You ran tren that long, and the outcome you came up with was that you "can handle the harshest" and "haven't done a heavy cycle".......hate to break it to ya bud, but you are indeed a window licker.
someone should run this:
Test E / primo E / ment E / superdrol

and report back after
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