Test/Tren/ETC Cycle Advice


New Member
Hello everyone!

I am about to start my 6th cycle which will be a bulking one. I am 27, 5'8", 200 pounds at 11-12% body fat %.

I have used a wide variety of steroids in the past, including all but one in my planned cycle. I have done pre-cycle labs and everything is fine. I also had an EKG run recently by my cardiologist and everything with that was fine. I also had a heart ultrasound rather recently to make sure my heart was not getting massive or anything. I am lucky to have a PCP that knows about my use and is very helpful with mitigating sides and harms.

This will be a 20 week cycle.

1-20 Test E (1000 mg)
1-16 Tren E (175 mg)

1-6 Epistane (25 mg/day)
1-6 Winstrol (25 mg/day)

16-20 Epistane (25 mg/day)
16-20 Winstrol (25 mg/day)

I do not have any HGH, but I will be using MK-677 at 25-50 mg/day to increase HGH and IGF-1.

4 weeks on, 4 weeks off (or when fasted glucose exceeds 95) Humalog R (10 iu preworkout)

Cycle Support:
NAC (1 g/day)
TUDCA (500 mg/day when on orals)
Liv.52 DS (1 pill/day)
Fish Oil (2 g/day)
Crestor (20 mg/day)
Telmaristan (20 mg/day) (can increase if needed)

On hand - Propranolol for BP spike if needed (won't use when on insulin because it can mask hypo symptoms), glucose tablets if I go hypo, glucagon nasal spray (if somehow I become severely hypo), Niacin XR (prescribed) if lipids get really bad (would probably just bump up crestor dose instead however), adex, p5p, vitamin e, and random other stuff.

This will be my first time using insulin, so I am going to slowly increase to 10 iu from 5 iu and use 10 grams of carbs per unit of insulin.

Diet will be rather clean at 4000 calories, and I generally have 3 cheat meals per week while bulking. I will increase calories gradually as weight gain slows through the cycle.

I take one rest day per week, and hit every muscle group 2x per week at least. My joints are generally not affected by winstrol or other DHT drugs, so I am not concerned regarding that.

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated! Thank you all again.
Your plan looks well thought out.
I especially like the fact that you have been thoroughly examined by a doctor beforehand.

For your health, I would also add Citrus Bergamot 1000mg/day as cycle support, which is very good for cholesterol.