Test U 220mg/ml recipe?

I brewed my test U with castor oil, 20% BB and 2% BA.
It is very thick. With a 23G needle it fills the syringe slowly but ok. With 25G it is painfully slow. I dread to think what it would be with a 29G insulin one.
I brewed my test U with castor oil, 20% BB and 2% BA.
It is very thick. With a 23G needle it fills the syringe slowly but ok. With 25G it is painfully slow. I dread to think what it would be with a 29G insulin one.
That’s good to know. Honestly I will probably just stick with MCT since I’m doing once a week
When i switched to test u from test e, i used both during 2 months. Gradually increasing test u dose and decreasing test e dose.

Used steroid plotter to select the levels i wanted
So frontloading TU is mandatory.
No it's not. Front loading is a bs practice, a relic of the past that does more harm than good. Flooding your system with 4x the dose just to get a head start on things can lead to a heap of side effects that will throw the cycle off track faster than a hoe breaks sweat in a church
No it's not. Front loading is a bs practice, a relic of the past that does more harm than good. Flooding your system with 4x the dose just to get a head start on things can lead to a heap of side effects that will throw the cycle off track faster than a hoe breaks sweat in a church
I would have too disagree.

For things with a half life of 33 days. Definitely cant reach steady state with an initial boost.

Not that I agree with the dose/time difference. Even with Nebido the the time between the first and 2nd injection may be 6 weeks and subsequent injections may be 10 weeks apart
I would have too disagree.

For things with a half life of 33 days. Definitely cant reach steady state with an initial boost.

Not that I agree with the dose/time difference. Even with Nebido the the time between the first and 2nd injection may be 6 weeks and subsequent injections may be 10 weeks apart
That's when going by the book and the dosing scheme of the manufacturer. If one opted to use Test U for TRT (would be retarded to use it for blasting) he could probably archive steady blood levels faster and easier if he would break the 1x 4ml (1000mg) once in 6 weeks dosage to weekly administration for the initial "loading" phase.

Front loading would make him do 1000mg x2 at least and that 2 fkng grams of test into the system at once
Front loading would make him do 1000mg x2 at least and that 2 fkng grams of test into the system at once
i linked it on this page on the comparison of drug serum levels, but it would be 1400mg if you did 200mg a week.

It also shows how long it would take to reach steady state.

Test C, E, D I wouldnt even bother front loading.

I guess this something we would definitely disagree on.

Front loading even does exist today with Azithromycin packs 500mg first day then 250 subsequent.