testicular atrophy


New Member
ive done a lot of searching on this and cant find much to help my specific case, so if this has been discussed before im sorry.
my issue is that i completed my PCT 2 weeks ago and i still have testicular atrophy. i do not have any symptoms of low estrogen or high estrogen or low t so im not sure if this is an issue or not? getting bloods done in another 2-4 weeks as recommended by a member here so should i wait until my blood results to do anything about this or would JUST cycle a low dose of HCG help out or would it make matters worse since im already past my PCT?
test-e 250mg/ml twice weekly for 12 weeks
tren m @ 250mcg twice daily for 7 weeks
ana was used for AI during cycle
2 weeks nolva 40mg ED, clo 100mg ED
2 weeks nolva 20mg ED, clo 50mg ED
1 week nolva 10mg ED, clo 25mg ED

thanks in advance
It will only help and I would use some for a couple weeks. I would hit 2500 units per week for 2 weeks, and be sure to use a little anti estrogen when you're doing it because it can give gynecomastia in some users, although much more likely when dosage is higher and longer. But it blows me nuts right back up and I have been juicing for about 15 years now and stay on test year round
damn you dont ever stop your cycle at all? i should have a little bit of AI left over from cycle but just to be safe ill get some more with the HCG then. anything else i should get? also 2500iu per week? so about treefidy iu a day?

it was just TOO easy to say treefidy there
I would just do a 1250 unit shot twice a week for 2 wks. After 1 week you'll notice your nuts blowing back up. Now the important part is to stay off long enough.

Yes, I stay on year round, at least testosterone replacement dose. My nuts initially shrunk but haven't gotten any worse in about 10 years.
I would just do a 1250 unit shot twice a week for 2 wks. After 1 week you'll notice your nuts blowing back up. Now the important part is to stay off long enough.

Yes, I stay on year round, at least testosterone replacement dose. My nuts initially shrunk but haven't gotten any worse in about 10 years.
ok ill do that then, thanks man!