Testo E from pharmacy vs Testo E from underground


New Member
This is just for my curiosity:

Last year, I run a cycle by using testo enanthate purchased from the underground while now I'm running the same cycle by using test purchased directly at the pharmacy.

Now, the strange thing is that when I used the underground test, the days after the injections, my testosterone was at 15 ng/ml (the day after) down to 11 ng/ml the day before the next injection.
While, by using the testosterone from pharmacy (TESTOVIRON), the day after the injection I have 11 ng/ml and then it drops to 9 ng/ml.

This is really strange to me because I think that usually testosterone from underground is underdosed.
How is it possible? Is it the carrier?
The only difference is that I used to inject testosterone from underground in my delts, while now I'm injecting in my glute.

The vials are 250mg/ml in both cases.

P.S. the Laboratory is always the same and also the machines used to perform the blood tests.

P.S.S. the effects on the muscle mass are almost the same by the way.
Even if two products have the exact same dose per ml (lab tested) the carrier oil that is used can make a difference in how quick or evenly body absorbs the substance. So with underground it might be absorbed quicker but also your blood plasma levels will go down sooner. And vice versa for pharmacy.
Hormone levels and release rates always fluctuate bro so it will be very rare to get the same readings twice or consistently regardless of whether it's legit pharma or accurately dosed UGL.

Why are you doing so many blood tests?
A test the day after a shot and then another test the day before the next shot? Seems a bit obsessive....
Hormone levels and release rates always fluctuate bro so it will be very rare to get the same readings twice or consistently regardless of whether it's legit pharma or accurately dosed UGL.

Why are you doing so many blood tests?
A test the day after a shot and then another test the day before the next shot? Seems a bit obsessive....
It was just because I was carrying on a medical research, nothing in particular. I work in a research hospital and so we can decide whether joining some trials or not.