Testosterone Cycle Question


New Member
Hey, just a quick run down I’m 184 LBS, 5,9, probably sitting around 13-15 percent BF, currently running a 500mg Test cycle, from a 200mg TRT.

Frequency of pinning three times a week Via Test Cyp, this is my second week of the cycle, yes quite early into it. What I’m practically wondering is my RHR, it’s sitting at 80-90 BPM, it’s not anxiety related not particularly stressed about it overall, more or less a plan of action. When I first started TRT that as well gave it my RHR a spike for a bit, but after sometime just leveled itself out.

I have AI on hand, arimidex and asin, pre blood cycles were completely fine e2 in range, haven’t personally experienced high e2 sides yet either. Now it’s more or less should I just ride out this RHR or should I source some Nebi? Only issue with the Nebi is most sources are looking at about 2-4 weeks out, but overall just looking for some pointers, thanks!