Testosterone Only + PCT - First Cycle Advice - Age 40+


New Member
Planning to do my first cycle in 15+ years - the previous couple of cycles were in my early and mid-twenties and not carried out correctly at all with no PCT

I am planning the following cycle after reading various helpful threads from the meso community. I am seeking advice to see if the amount of testosterone cypionate is sufficient for the first cycle and if the plan for PCT is correct.

12-week cycle (Test C cycle - 250mg per week)

Week 1 - 12
250mg of Test C (pin 1x125mg Mon & Thur)

Week 12
(hCG) is 2500IU EOD for 16 days after the last Test C pin

PCT (16 days after last test c pin)
Clomid 50mg is taken twice per day for 30 days.
Nolvadex 20 mg per day for 45 days.
Any thought or advice on the cycle would be greatly appreciated - I've tried to put it together based on the information found on the forum from people who have far more experience than I do.
If I have missed something, please don't slam me for it. I don't know hence asking for advice.
Planning to do my first cycle in 15+ years - the previous couple of cycles were in my early and mid-twenties and not carried out correctly at all with no PCT

I am planning the following cycle after reading various helpful threads from the meso community. I am seeking advice to see if the amount of testosterone cypionate is sufficient for the first cycle and if the plan for PCT is correct.

12-week cycle (Test C cycle - 250mg per week)

Week 1 - 12
250mg of Test C (pin 1x125mg Mon & Thur)

Week 12
(hCG) is 2500IU EOD for 16 days after the last Test C pin

PCT (16 days after last test c pin)
Clomid 50mg is taken twice per day for 30 days.
Nolvadex 20 mg per day for 45 days.
Any thought or advice on the cycle would be greatly appreciated - I've tried to put it together based on the information found on the forum from people who have far more experience than I do.
If I have missed something, please don't slam me for it. I don't know hence asking for advice.
That’s a very mild cycle. And only 12 weeks. You shouldn’t have any problems with estrogen on that dose but if your nipples start getting sensitive and a bit sore take arimidex. I think the clomid should be enough of a PCT. I started clomid 21 days after my last pin but I think I should have started earlier. My bloods were back to normal 6 weeks after cycle. It was 16 weeks at 500 mg test E per week.
Had a 4 month break and just started another cycle. This time I’ll add Anavar. Good luck to you .
Thanks for the information @Mez63 , helpful to read what you found did and didn't work and how your bloodwork was after a cycle on a larger dose. has given me something to think about, I might look to scale up to 500mg after three more weeks at 250mg. Only started with first pin yesterday. best of luck with the Anavar, that is on my cycle to-do list :)
Thanks, @Big_paul looks like I should start increasing the dosage to get the gains. Would you still use the PCT?

PCT (16 days after last test c pin)
Clomid 50mg 2xDay for 30 days.
Nolvadex 20 mg 1xDay for 45 days.

Would there be a need for hCG, or is that overkill?
Thanks, @Big_paul looks like I should start increasing the dosage to get the gains. Would you still use the PCT?

PCT (16 days after last test c pin)
Clomid 50mg 2xDay for 30 days.
Nolvadex 20 mg 1xDay for 45 days.

Would there be a need for hCG, or is that overkill?
You will need to do a pct. Clomid, Nolvadex and hcg. It's been over 15yrs since I went on trt. To be honest I can't remember the dosages I used, but what you plan looks good. It's an easy search.
You will need to do a pct. Clomid, Nolvadex and hcg. It's been over 15yrs since I went on trt. To be honest I can't remember the dosages I used, but what you plan looks good. It's an easy search.
I’ve seen a couple of people running HCG only for PCT. What happened to the best practice being 300-500 IU 2x a week while on to prevent atrophy and any shutdown at all? 1 injection of HCG can stimulate 2-3 days of endogenous Test production. Why wait til the end then blast at such high doses?
Planning to do my first cycle in 15+ years - the previous couple of cycles were in my early and mid-twenties and not carried out correctly at all with no PCT

I am planning the following cycle after reading various helpful threads from the meso community. I am seeking advice to see if the amount of testosterone cypionate is sufficient for the first cycle and if the plan for PCT is correct.

12-week cycle (Test C cycle - 250mg per week)

Week 1 - 12
250mg of Test C (pin 1x125mg Mon & Thur)

Week 12
(hCG) is 2500IU EOD for 16 days after the last Test C pin

PCT (16 days after last test c pin)
Clomid 50mg is taken twice per day for 30 days.
Nolvadex 20 mg per day for 45 days.
Any thought or advice on the cycle would be greatly appreciated - I've tried to put it together based on the information found on the forum from people who have far more experience than I do.
If I have missed something, please don't slam me for it. I don't know hence asking for advice.
What is your goal outcome? This is a very important question to consider when asking for help.
i ran 500 test c 16 weeks, hcg 750iu a week. PCT started 21 days after last shot of test. 20/20/10/10 Nolva 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25 Enclomid.

Honestly i feel like crap. Had some good workouts but my joints are dry and achy. I am waiting to get blood work in another 2 weeks
i ran 500 test c 16 weeks, hcg 750iu a week. PCT started 21 days after last shot of test. 20/20/10/10 Nolva 12.5/12.5/6.25/6.25 Enclomid.

Honestly i feel like crap. Had some good workouts but my joints are dry and achy. I am waiting to get blood work in another 2 weeks
I know it's still early but any updates?
I know it's still early but any updates?
Actually felt good this weekend with motovation overall mentally this weekend which is week after PCT ended so no more serms. However shoulder joints are still sore so shoulder pressing is rough. Biggest thing is my knees I cannot squat at all. They are just achy. However I was able to do leg presses this weekend.

There were too many variables I guess. PCT, pct serms, also weather in NE part of country. So a lot of factors
Yeah I'm sure this cold doesn't help (also NE). Looking back would there be anything in your pct you would change knowing what/where you're at now with getting back to baseline?
Yeah I agree with Paul on 500mg. And since you are over 40 have you considered TRT? It would eliminate the need for a PCT routine. It could also be viewed as a lifetime decision somewhat at your age. Some guys don’t fully bounce back after 40. Even with a solid PCT.

OTOH, some guys over 40 can actually return to solid natural numbers after 40 with no PCT at lol. But I wouldn’t count on being in that select group. But I was just asking if you had considered TRT at your age.
Yeah I'm sure this cold doesn't help (also NE). Looking back would there be anything in your pct you would change knowing what/where you're at now with getting back to baseline?
I wouldnt of done both serms (nolva, enclomid) I would of done one or the other to see how it affected me. I am going to get bloodwork done next saturday, so 2 weeks post PCT. I want to see where my bloodwork is at just out of curiosity so I dont think my estrogen is tanked. However, this weekend wife and I had sex all weekend so maybe I am fine.

I am 41 so I will see how I bounce back.