Testosterone Undecanoate and women


New Member

If you read the literature on women and testosterone, you will know that testosterone (T) therapy in women has proven very successful in restoring vaginal/sexual function in post menopausal women. Put bluntly, sex become painful for posmenapausal women. They then do not want to have sex. This proves to be very destructive to marriages because (surprise surprise) men still want to have sex, especially those using TRT and PED5 inhibitors. For example, I am older and still have a high sex drive.

This problem is easily resolved via bio identical hormone replacement which is centered on the use of a testosterone pellet. My friend, a Dermatologist has seen many marriages saved via this procedure, including his own.

The problem in many marriages is that women don't think that their loss of desire for sex merits treatment. They MOST CERTAINLY do NOT want to get a pellet injected. They ignore their husbands plea for sex and, at the risk of being overly dramatic, the next thing you know they end up in divorce court.

A simple solution to this problem is the use of oral T Undecanoate (TU). TU is extraordinarily safe. The only problem is that it is expensive (Andriol) has low bioavailability, and doctors are far behind the ball in terms of prescribing it for women. Not to mention it isn't even made in many places. There has, to my knowledge, only been one good study on its use and women: Pharmacokinetic study in women of three different doses of a new formulation of oral testosterone undecanoate, Andriol Testocaps - PubMed

This study doses women at 20, 40, and 80 mgs of Andriol (TU) twice daily. The BID dosing is due to its short half life (8 hours). The study reported no adverse effects. Since the bioavailability is only 7% these doses are not extreme. EDIT: Even at 7% bioavailability, these numbers might be high....opinions?

However we, as members of this community, have access to cheap raw TU powder. So it is an option for us. The question is, has anyone on this forum used it for women? If so, what is their experience?

TL/DR: Have any females use TU?
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My lady and I are working on this now. We are starting with home-dilution of pharma test c cream to address her almost undetectable test levels. I’ve looked at raws but I know my own limitations…

I did read every study I could find, with the best/most comprehensive being translations from European studies. I used Chat GPT to break them down into bite sized pieces I could comprehend. European docs appear more open to changing norms in hrt for women.

I am hoping for more attention and collaboration from this site on the issue of women’s hormones because there is so much knowledge here. And there are a ton of female bb’s that appear to be underrepresented in the info shared here, and I bet they would love more applicable info they can use for their unique needs.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply. However I am looking for anyone who has used TU.

Now the standard doc script for women has been 20 mgs of test c/e twice a week. However a number of posters have argued that that amount was a bit much, so lets say the total weekly amount should be 30 mg. We are actually going to keep it quite a bit lower at first.

Now oral TU is only 7% bioavailable, so it seems that it will take a bit over 400 mgs/week to hit 30 mgs of usable test. Of course this is just speculation of my part.

There seems to be little work in this area. That is a shame because TU is, in theory, a phenomenal compound to women. It has not been popular among men because you need a lot of it...200 mg a day to do anything and that is 5 capsules....and they are expensive. I am running raw from China, cheap.
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Thank you for your thoughtful reply. However I am looking for anyone who has used TU.

Now the standard doc script for women has been 20 mgs of test c/e twice a week. However a number of posters have argued that that amount was a bit much, so lets say the total weekly amount should be 30 mg. We are actually going to keep it quite a bit lower at first.

Now oral TU is only 7% bioavailable, so it seems that it will take a bit over 400 mgs/week to hit 30 mgs of usable test. Of course this is just speculation of my part.

There seems to be little work in this area. That is a shame because TU is, in theory, a phenomenal compound to women. It has not been popular among men because you need a lot of it...200 mg a day to do anything and that is 5 capsules....and they are expensive. I am running raw from China, cheap.
If you're going to buy the raws, then why not just make a cream?
TU is extraordinarily safe. The only problem is that it is expensive
My reading about TU led me to believe it is used less frequently in female trt due to the risk of liver toxicity and dosage adjustment difficulties. This is according to some studies I read. Then again, just because one group of people had that experience doesn’t mean you will.

Good luck with your search and please come back to update us with any findings.
My reading about TU led me to believe it is used less frequently in female trt due to the risk of liver toxicity and dosage adjustment difficulties. This is according to some studies I read. Then again, just because one group of people had that experience doesn’t mean you will.

Good luck with your search and please come back to update us with any findings.
Thank you for your reply. Would you be so kind as to post these studies? TU presents no liver toxicity and because of its' low bioavailability (7%) should be fairly easy to dose accurately.

But of course those numbers have not, to my knowledge, been provided, besides the 20, 40, 80 mg BID in the one study.
Thank you for your reply. Would you be so kind as to post these studies? TU presents no liver toxicity and because of its' low bioavailability (7%) should be fairly easy to dose accurately.

But of course those numbers have not, to my knowledge, been provided, besides the 20, 40, 80 mg BID in the one study.
My mistake! I was reading about oral test, but upon reading further I see transdermal is considered very safe in the long term. I really want to see more studies in the peri/postmenopausal demographic. It shouldn’t be this hard for women to get what they need. I hope you keep us updated with your lady’s experiences.

Edit: the study I was reading is old and not female focused but here it is:

“Metabolism and effects of orally administered testosterone undecanoate in healthy men and women”
Authors: S. P. L. F. Miller, T. H. A. Young, J. J. Morton, P. A. George

Journal: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

Publication Year: 1996
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Guys, not sure if you have read this, but here is the link:

It's about menopausal women participating in a study involving the administration of test U