The Best Time To Use HGC When Coming Off


Hi Meso, so.. I’m about to run my first cycle I had everything planned out fine. Didn’t really want to use HCG because I didn’t really care about my fellas being small for a while but someone mentioned it and I think I may end up using to help me switch back on once I PCT. My question is. When do I use it? 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after my last injection? The day on my last injection for 3 weeks? There are so many mixed answers here.. or dosent it really matter aslong as it’s sorta before you start taking clo and nolv? 750iu eod? 1000iu once a week? 500iu twice a week? Is there a really correct dosage to how HCG works?

Also, I am running 500mg test for 16 weeks as reference.

Thanks guys!
Iv decided if I use it I’ll run 2000iu e3d for 14 days before starting clomid and nolva. If anyone has a opinion on this feel free to reply.
That’s not a whole lot of HCG. I’d recommend 15-20kiutotal starting 4 half lives after your longest ester and running for 3-4 weeks.
Sorry do you mean 15-20iu total? Starting 4 half-lives after? I’m running enanthate and the half life is around 2 weeks right? So you’re saying 8 weeks?
ive been on 500g test for 8 weeks. Been running hch whole time at 875iu a week. I too have not read what to do conclusively or have gotten feedback on a more for certain route. My fellas have shrunk up a little still while on cycle. My guess is after my last pin of test, run HCG for 3 weeks until I start nolva/clomid. during those three weeks I was thinking of running HCG at 1500iu a week.
I always ran 250-500 2x week through out the cycle and things never shrunk. and i got the other benifits from it's use.
I always ran 250-500 2x week through out the cycle and things never shrunk. and i got the other benifits from it's use.
What type of benifits? I don’t think hcg is necessary unless you don’t want your buddys to shrink.. lol
Going from no hcg to about 500IU/week went from penuts to about half my original size. I did blast it a bit just before starting my pct and they never regained full size until I finished my pct.

I think the proper protocol is to stop tanking it about 10 days before you start your pct, since it has about a 2 day half life?

Finding an hcg source might be hard, I use a USA domestic source that sells ZyHCG, in powder that has to be reconstituted, it could have lost some of its potency I'm not sure.
You could do initial doses of 500 iu x 3/week at the last 2 weeks of your cycle and then continue for another 2 weeks. Those low 1x 500iu/week dosages don't really do much.

Personally I just love how HCG works. At around 2000 iu / week my dick is constantly hanging low and ready. It gives a good confident boost and just feels great.
Going from no hcg to about 500IU/week went from penuts to about half my original size. I did blast it a bit just before starting my pct and they never regained full size until I finished my pct.

I think the proper protocol is to stop tanking it about 10 days before you start your pct, since it has about a 2 day half life?

Finding an hcg source might be hard, I use a USA domestic source that sells ZyHCG, in powder that has to be reconstituted, it could have lost some of its potency I'm not sure.
that is another question, I have shrinkage and makes me wonder if my HCG is underdosed.
that is another question, I have shrinkage and makes me wonder if my HCG is underdosed.
Could be how much you're taking. 875 a week isn't a lot. I take 750 twice a week, and that's just for TRT. I think my doctor prescribed me 1200 a week but I give it a little extra. I can't see 875 being worth it.

If you're trying to make the HCG last longer, I usually use up a 5000iu vial in about 4 weeks and then wait another 4 to start another one. Rather than taking too low of a dose that it doesn't do anything in the first place. That's when I'm blasting. When I'm on TRT protocols I take a little more because I get prescribed 10000iu vials and my benefits pay for it completely so I don't need to worry about making it last.
From what I’ve done and read it seems like two basic camps on HCG.

Camp one is let them shut down on cycle and reboot at the end with heavier amounts. Hence the sticky thread protocol on here.I did this in my 20s and it worked.

Camp two is never let them shut down and run 300-500iu eod all cycles. Then run it still a bit heavier before PCT. I like this method better as I’m older and feel quite a difference when my natural test is running on top of the gear. I also worry about full shutdown and coming back online fully.
What type of benifits? I don’t think hcg is necessary unless you don’t want your buddys to shrink.. lol
Opinions differ. Just depends on ones beliefs and goals are. As it seems to help keep the P450 pathway open, may help with nerve repair and help keep the vascular system healthy i opt to use it. Others may not think those benifits along with things that may not have been discovered yet are worth it. I have found that pretty much every hormone in the body does numerous duties and not just 1 thing.
From what I’ve done and read it seems like two basic camps on HCG.

Camp one is let them shut down on cycle and reboot at the end with heavier amounts. Hence the sticky thread protocol on here.I did this in my 20s and it worked.

Camp two is never let them shut down and run 300-500iu eod all cycles. Then run it still a bit heavier before PCT. I like this method better as I’m older and feel quite a difference when my natural test is running on top of the gear. I also worry about full shutdown and coming back online fully.

I would also not use it but the effects on flaccid dick size and libido are just crazy. I could not live without it.
That’s not a whole lot of HCG. I’d recommend 15-20kiutotal starting 4 half lives after your longest ester and running for 3-4 weeks.
why when your body is already out of hormones? wouldn´t be better to blast it just the last 3 weeks of your AAS leaving the system and then when you are at total 0 of everything, blast SERMs?
why when your body is already out of hormones? wouldn´t be better to blast it just the last 3 weeks of your AAS leaving the system and then when you are at total 0 of everything, blast SERMs?
It’s what I’ve seen the most success with in helping guys recover, especially after long cycles or years on b/c. You could argue starting at a point where hcg would still extend past test but if we’re gonna make an effort to fully recover, I prefer to commit completely and it’s worked for everyone I’ve helped with it so far. About 8-10 guys recovering after serious time on and 3-4 of them who’s goal was regaining fertility and having kids after VERY long periods on (like 5-10 years).