"Easter Sunday Sale"
Minimum order: $150
Shipping $7.20!
Orders ship Mon!
Turn around: 2 - 3 days!
SUSTANON - 10G $25!
ANAVAR - 5G $25! 10G $40!!
SUPERDROL - 5G $25! 10G $40!
MAST P - 5G $25! 10G $40.
MAST E - 5G $25! 10G $40!
NOLVADEX - 5G $15! 10G $25!
CLOMID - 5G $15! 10G $25!
VIAGRA - 5G $15! 10G $25!
CIALIS - 5G $15! 10G $25!
INJECTABLES: buy 2 get 1 free!
Test prop - 10ml x 100mg/ml $12! (mct oil)
Test e - 10ml x 250mg/ml $15! (gso oil)
Test c - 10ml x 250mg/ml $15! (gso oil)
Sus - 10ml x 250mg/ml $18! (mct oil)
Deca - 10ml x 250mg/ml $20! (mct oil)
Tren a -:10ml x 100mg/ml $25! (mct oil)
Tren e - 10ml x 200mg/ml $30! (mct oil)
Mast p - 10ml x 100mg/ml $25! (gso oil)
Mast e - 10ml x 200mg/ml $30! (mct oil)
"ORALS" Buy 2 get 1 free!
Dbol - 50 x 25mg $20!
Anadrol - 50 × 50mg $25!
Tbol - 50 × 25mg $30!
Superdrol - 50 × 25mg $30!
Anavar - 50 × 25mg.$30!
The following are on sale at .50cents ea!
Nolvadex - 20mg
Clomid - 50mg
Viagra - 50mg
Cialis - 20mg
Auto list is updated.
Attention: You can believe what you want, but the bottom line is that I have delivered 100% of orders since starting up 3 months ago. There have been some issues that have been corrected or are in the process of being corrected. When 2 potential customers got scammed because they didn't thoroughly check the return email, I sent them orders. Also I offered to replace an order of a customer that conplained of floaties, that were hormone crystals and just needed more heat to disolve, he source bashed me. All in all, I started with the brew kit thread and when ready, I stayed with it throughout. I also made an offer to the customer that got samples tested and got a return email that he would accept the offer then haven't heard back from him since. I have customers emailing me saying how good the products are and the gains their making and that they will definitely using me as their go to source. So, if your interested in getting quality products at great prices and a quick turnaround, then send in an order, you will be glad you did!
Thanks, TBK.