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Image 1 — Hormone Cascade
Image 2
Basic thread on HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
Remembering that I wrote this thread based on topics I read, information from other places and reports (if you are in doubt, study more and see if it is worth it)
The topics covered in the thread:
• HCG and its importance in the general functions of the body;
• HCG and fertility, what are the reasons and what are the uses;
• Why use it chronically if you use hormones;
• Doses/Protocols;
• Final considerations
Thread on HCG – HCG and its importance in the general functions of the body.
Dwarves, first of all it is worth mentioning that all the information here is not described in an academic/formal way.
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
For the dwarf who still doesn't know what the gonads are, they are the organs where the sex cells are produced (in men they are called balls and in women they are ovaries).
But what is interesting about this? HCG produces Leydig cells (LH), one of the most important hormones for our body, and a small portion is transformed into FSH, which is also very important.
Since the gonads secrete the sex hormones, stimulation begins:
Image 1 – Entire hormonal cascade
Image 2 – Functions of gonadotropins
Note, for hormone production to be stimulated (Image 1), LH must be produced.
Therefore, there is a need to use HCG during the cycle. If the LH stage is left behind, the other participants in the cascade stop acting in the body, because when testosterone is administered exogenously, this process is "SKIPPED".
Thread about HCG – HCG and fertility
Down, as already mentioned in the previous topic, HCG plays a significant role in the human body. Going without it during your cycles is like jumping an electric fence.
We previously talked about the hormonal cascade, now we will talk about its importance for your fertility. LH plays a role in fertility along with FSH, so if you want to keep your balls up to date (along with the production of other essential hormones), use it. I won't elaborate carefully, but the basis is the same. The chances of getting pregnant increase, because spermatogenesis is still there, due to HCG.
And it's worth remembering that before stopping your cycle (either you're natural or you'll be riding a bike forever, you son of a bitch), it's a good idea to keep your balls activated before stopping the use of exogenous tests.
Thread about HCG – Why use it chronically if you do TRT/BLAST/CRUISE?
The answer is simple, as already pointed out in the previous images, other factors contribute to the better functioning of the body besides the test, so if you, the average Afghan, use hormones, it's worth using hcg together. If you don't, the problems won't be seen quickly, but in the medium/long term. In the cognitive/physical/sexual part
Thread about HCG – Doses/protocols.
Remember that the dwarf who writes this thread is not recommending anything, use it consciously (apply it, friend, apply it).
HCG has a very short half-life, applications should be made every 2/3 days and subcutaneously.
Fraction the weekly dose by the number of applications per week.
The doses will depend on your case, in general it is 750IU/1000IU per week for those who use Test chronically.
Image 2
Basic thread on HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
Remembering that I wrote this thread based on topics I read, information from other places and reports (if you are in doubt, study more and see if it is worth it)
The topics covered in the thread:
• HCG and its importance in the general functions of the body;
• HCG and fertility, what are the reasons and what are the uses;
• Why use it chronically if you use hormones;
• Doses/Protocols;
• Final considerations
Thread on HCG – HCG and its importance in the general functions of the body.
Dwarves, first of all it is worth mentioning that all the information here is not described in an academic/formal way.
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)
For the dwarf who still doesn't know what the gonads are, they are the organs where the sex cells are produced (in men they are called balls and in women they are ovaries).
But what is interesting about this? HCG produces Leydig cells (LH), one of the most important hormones for our body, and a small portion is transformed into FSH, which is also very important.
Since the gonads secrete the sex hormones, stimulation begins:
Image 1 – Entire hormonal cascade
Image 2 – Functions of gonadotropins
Note, for hormone production to be stimulated (Image 1), LH must be produced.
Therefore, there is a need to use HCG during the cycle. If the LH stage is left behind, the other participants in the cascade stop acting in the body, because when testosterone is administered exogenously, this process is "SKIPPED".
Thread about HCG – HCG and fertility
Down, as already mentioned in the previous topic, HCG plays a significant role in the human body. Going without it during your cycles is like jumping an electric fence.
We previously talked about the hormonal cascade, now we will talk about its importance for your fertility. LH plays a role in fertility along with FSH, so if you want to keep your balls up to date (along with the production of other essential hormones), use it. I won't elaborate carefully, but the basis is the same. The chances of getting pregnant increase, because spermatogenesis is still there, due to HCG.
And it's worth remembering that before stopping your cycle (either you're natural or you'll be riding a bike forever, you son of a bitch), it's a good idea to keep your balls activated before stopping the use of exogenous tests.
Thread about HCG – Why use it chronically if you do TRT/BLAST/CRUISE?
The answer is simple, as already pointed out in the previous images, other factors contribute to the better functioning of the body besides the test, so if you, the average Afghan, use hormones, it's worth using hcg together. If you don't, the problems won't be seen quickly, but in the medium/long term. In the cognitive/physical/sexual part
Thread about HCG – Doses/protocols.
Remember that the dwarf who writes this thread is not recommending anything, use it consciously (apply it, friend, apply it).
HCG has a very short half-life, applications should be made every 2/3 days and subcutaneously.
Fraction the weekly dose by the number of applications per week.
The doses will depend on your case, in general it is 750IU/1000IU per week for those who use Test chronically.