The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

Big fan of the Opti Grey tops, closest I have personally gotten to no side effects besides pharma. Does anyone have any experience on how the Lobster 110iu Chinese kits compare?


Excipient system designed for vacuum performs poorly in presence of O2 in headspace.

Stability of freeze-dried solids at 25 degrees C and 40 degrees C is studied as a function of residual moisture and exposure to oxygen. Formulations with and without a glycine/mannitol excipient system are studied. Significant levels of chemical decomposition and irreversible aggregation occur under most conditions with the effects of residual water content and "headspace oxygen" strongly dependent on the formulation. At low water content with minimal oxygen in the vial headspace, the glycine/mannitol formulation yields optimum stability. However, for either high water content or high oxygen content in the vial, stability of hGH without excipients is superior.


See ref 53.
What sides do you have from other non pharma ?
On the QSC 36iu (the overdosed to 40 iu batch) Im currently taking 3iu daily and having carpel tunnel. Experienced some water bloat for a while but Taurine and potassium cleared that out pretty well enough but the carpel remains a nightly annoyance.

Edit- Also I will add that with the Opti Grey I would get considerably better sleep, more sound and restful. The QSC I honestly sleep worse with I think, which is why I am dosing it in the AM now instead of the PM like I used to with Opti's.
On the QSC 36iu (the overdosed to 40 iu batch) Im currently taking 3iu daily and having carpel tunnel. Experienced some water bloat for a while but Taurine and potassium cleared that out pretty well enough but the carpel remains a nightly annoyance.

Edit- Also I will add that with the Opti Grey I would get considerably better sleep, more sound and restful. The QSC I honestly sleep worse with I think, which is why I am dosing it in the AM now instead of the PM like I used to with Opti's.
I also started on the qsc 36iu kits (overdosed to 40 batch) at 2.5 iu and got carpel tunnel and so much water retention I had to drop it all together after 2 weeks. My sleep also went to shit even while dosing in the AM. My face was so puffy and tired looking (heavy bags) from lack of sleep and bloat as I usually have a defined jawline. Not a good feeling
I also started on the qsc 36iu kits (overdosed to 40 batch) at 2.5 iu and got carpel tunnel and so much water retention I had to drop it all together after 2 weeks. My sleep also went to shit even while dosing in the AM. My face was so puffy and tired looking (heavy bags) from lack of sleep and bloat as I usually have a defined jawline. Not a good feeling
you "started" at 2.5 iu? Were you already taking hgh before or you just started straight at 2.5 iu??
I also started on the qsc 36iu kits (overdosed to 40 batch) at 2.5 iu and got carpel tunnel and so much water retention I had to drop it all together after 2 weeks. My sleep also went to shit even while dosing in the AM. My face was so puffy and tired looking (heavy bags) from lack of sleep and bloat as I usually have a defined jawline. Not a good feeling
I have the same problems. I'm on with 4iu ed.
Really annoying but the prices where just 2 tempting.
I started at 2.2 to 2.5 being on the high end, they were labeled 36iu but some tests had them between 39-41iu so it's hard to tell exactly
i know from my experience starting hgh with to many iu's , i got everything you described, water bloat/cts/ poor sleep etc, i had to stop entirely and "reboot" and then it went smooth,,
You think 2.5iu is too many ? Where did you start on your reboot ?
i personally started at 1 iu then titrated up accordingly, now after 2+ years of hgh use i am at 5 ius comfortably with 97+% hgh from CHINA, but i think you may get better results if when you start back up just go slow , after all hgh is a long haul sort of thing and if you check past reports of sides its because 99% started to much to soon,, And that was my personal experience as well, ,