Brother, let me help you by front running a few questions / comments:One thing I've always respected about Meso - above other boards especially - is the significance placed upon testing, particularly third party testing.
"Screw your 'feelz reports', we don't want to hear about it without a test."
Being a harm reduction board, focused on the end users well being, it's pretty much our last and only bastion of defence against unscrupulous UGL's. More than that, any member can send something off to be tested. Third party testing fosters an atmosphere where labs are being held accountable, where members contribute towards other members well being and where harm reduction is an end consequence.
Third party testing is clear cut in my opinion, and the results are easy understand for pretty much every user. Harm reduction doesn't mean endless essays of technical jargon, and arguing over minutae. If anything, that kind of shit is detrimental. The intentions are good, but how many people really read it and care? Does it really have a positive effect? I think not. So long as third party testing is enforced, encouraged and expected, I feel like that is more than we could have hoped for only a number of years ago.
And in regards to Lobster, we rarely have a source who is open and obliging when it comes to performing tests. Definitely an example I feel other sources could follow.
1) should we only settle for basic testing for 3rd party testing or should we try and elevate the UGL testing standard? Why not try and elevate UGL testing standard
2) what is the issue with an endless ChatGPT essay of technical jargon? If folks care, they’ll read and if not, they can skip.
3) why are you riding this sources dick?
4) back in the 20th century we used equipment that by todays standards makes us look like savages. That’s analogous to todays harm reduction practices in UGL gear + peptides.
Don’t shoot me, the messenger. I’m just trying to move this conversation along and develop it into what it will become asap, so we can then get back to regularly scheduled programming.
EDIT: fuck my fat thumbs. Took me too long