The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

One thing I've always respected about Meso - above other boards especially - is the significance placed upon testing, particularly third party testing.

"Screw your 'feelz reports', we don't want to hear about it without a test."

Being a harm reduction board, focused on the end users well being, it's pretty much our last and only bastion of defence against unscrupulous UGL's. More than that, any member can send something off to be tested. Third party testing fosters an atmosphere where labs are being held accountable, where members contribute towards other members well being and where harm reduction is an end consequence.

Third party testing is clear cut in my opinion, and the results are easy understand for pretty much every user. Harm reduction doesn't mean endless essays of technical jargon, and arguing over minutae. If anything, that kind of shit is detrimental. The intentions are good, but how many people really read it and care? Does it really have a positive effect? I think not. So long as third party testing is enforced, encouraged and expected, I feel like that is more than we could have hoped for only a number of years ago.

And in regards to Lobster, we rarely have a source who is open and obliging when it comes to performing tests. Definitely an example I feel other sources could follow.
Brother, let me help you by front running a few questions / comments:

1) should we only settle for basic testing for 3rd party testing or should we try and elevate the UGL testing standard? Why not try and elevate UGL testing standard

2) what is the issue with an endless ChatGPT essay of technical jargon? If folks care, they’ll read and if not, they can skip.

3) why are you riding this sources dick?

4) back in the 20th century we used equipment that by todays standards makes us look like savages. That’s analogous to todays harm reduction practices in UGL gear + peptides.

Don’t shoot me, the messenger. I’m just trying to move this conversation along and develop it into what it will become asap, so we can then get back to regularly scheduled programming.

EDIT: fuck my fat thumbs. Took me too long :(
Brother, let me help you by front running a few questions / comments:

1) should we only settle for basic testing for 3rd party testing or should we try and elevate the UGL testing standard? Why not try and elevate UGL testing standard

2) what is the issue with an endless ChatGPT essay of technical jargon? If folks care, they’ll read and if not, they can skip.

3) why are you riding this sources dick?

4) back in the 20th century we used equipment that by todays standards makes us look like savages. That’s analogous to todays harm reduction practices in UGL gear + peptides.

Don’t shoot me, the messenger. I’m just trying to move this conversation along and develop it into what it will become asap, so we can then get back to regularly scheduled programming.

EDIT: fuck my fat thumbs. Took me too long :(
1) I probably should have worded my comment better, as I'm definitely not against elevating UGL testing standards. The point I was trying (and clearly failing) to make was that I feel methods such as third party testing are a more proactive and constructive approach to harm reduction than endless ChatGPT jargon. Just my opinion is all.

2) Fair point. If people want to read it, power on.

3) Wasn't aware that I was. I feel like that's one of the cardinal sins on here. He's the source I use the most on here and I just appreciate his approach in regards to his willingness to test his shit, that's all. I know that's really the least we should be expecting of our sources though, in reality.

4) Another fair point, can't argue with that. Probably wouldn't even if I could, you type a lot faster than me clearly.
1) I probably should have worded my comment better, as I'm definitely not against elevating UGL testing standards. The point I was trying (and clearly failing) to make was that I feel methods such as third party testing are a more proactive and constructive approach to harm reduction than endless ChatGPT jargon. Just my opinion is all.
Ah, yes! Completely agree.
2) Fair point. If people want to read it, power on.
I upload them to chatGPT and ask it to summarize as if it were not chatGPT and an actual human.
3) Wasn't aware that I was. I feel like that's one of the cardinal sins on here. He's the source I use the most on here and I just appreciate his approach in regards to his willingness to test his shit, that's all. I know that's really the least we should be expecting of our sources though, in reality.
I don’t personally think you were. I just was asking before someone else did. FWIW, at this point in time, the lobster will be who I next purchase GH from.

4) Another fair point, can't argue with that. Probably wouldn't even if I could, you type a lot faster than me clearly.
Oh brother I was on my phone with these fat fucking thumbs. I’m sure you can.

Like I mentioned, these may or may not be some of my personal views, and I may agree or disagree with all of them. But figured I’d summarize the comments I knew were coming.
Turkish / Greek (not trying to start another genocide) coffee. No cream, haha.

They take you out back and shoot you if you try that in the Χωριό. Pretty sure same in Turkey (maybe Lobster can confirm). Or maybe you get the cream out back. Regional differences?
Ngl, had to upload to chat gpt cuz I’m not nearly cultured enough to understand.

The reference to "Turkish / Greek coffee" and the reaction in the χωριό (Greek for "village") touches on the long-standing cultural and political tensions between Greece and Turkey, particularly in how each country claims ownership over certain shared traditions—one of the most famous being their style of coffee.

Turkish vs. Greek Coffee: The Same But Different

  • The brewing method for both Greek coffee (ελληνικός καφές) and Turkish coffee (Türk kahvesi) is identical. Finely ground coffee is boiled in a small pot (briki in Greek, cezve in Turkish) with water and sometimes sugar, then poured unfiltered into a small cup.
  • The key difference? The name. In Greece, calling it "Turkish coffee" will get you dirty looks—or worse—because of historical conflicts, particularly the Ottoman rule over Greece and the tensions over Cyprus.
  • Likewise, in Turkey, calling it "Greek coffee" might be seen as revisionist and disrespectful.

Why Would They "Take You Out Back and Shoot You"?

This is obviously hyperbole, but it reflects the strong nationalistic sentiment surrounding the name. In a traditional Greek village (χωριό), ordering "Turkish coffee" could be seen as an insult or provocation. Similarly, in Turkey, calling it "Greek coffee" might not go over well.

Historical Context: The Renaming of Coffee

  • Prior to the mid-20th century, Greek coffee was simply called "Turkish coffee" in Greece, as the Ottomans introduced it.
  • After the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974, nationalist sentiment in Greece and Cyprus led to an official rebranding as "Greek coffee."
  • Other countries have their own versions—Armenian coffee, Cypriot coffee, Bosnian coffee, Arabic coffee, etc.—all nearly identical but reflecting national identity

Moral of the Story?

If you're in Greece, order "Greek coffee."
If you're in Turkey, order "Turkish coffee."
If you're elsewhere, just order that really strong coffee with the grounds at the bottom and avoid a diplomatic incident.
Alrighty now look fuckers….

I love good ol
Lobster tail… he comes across wrong at times but so do a lot of u… show ur degree’s and past experiences not just brewin shit in ur basements or ur mom’s fucken section 8 housing soup kitchens…. Butt u is ganagsta

& too used to packing gats and stuff
Now honeys play me close like butter play toast
From the Mississippi down to the East Coast….

Then lets all take him up on his offer to fly to turkey so we can get raped and have our bums stuffed full of drugs to cart around and make a truce… ffs for fucken fucks sake sake’


Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis
When I was dead broke, man, I couldn't picture this (now i can from my ma’s soup kitchens)
50-inch screen, money-green leather sofa
Got two rides, a limousine with a chauffeur
Phone bill about two-Gs flat
No need to worry, my accountant handles that
And my whole crew is loungin'
Celebrating every day, no more public housin'

Cmon whats the rest of the song? Dag nab it!!

Pony…. Umm not sure…. Looks more like stallion ridding…

Pink pony club??
Turkish / Greek (not trying to start another genocide) coffee. No cream, haha.

They take you out back and shoot you if you try that in the Χωριό. Pretty sure same in Turkey (maybe Lobster can confirm). Or maybe you get the cream out back. Regional differences?
Crema is the natural froth/foam from coffee, not cream.

But there is crema visible in the gif anyway, so...
Crema is the natural froth/foam from coffee, not cream.

But there is crema visible in the gif anyway, so...
Yeah I got ya. Was just trying to make a poor joke that the locals don't take kindly to adulteration of their fine brew with an extraneous proteinaceous spooge. Poor form. Notice the source of the crema our Brother TT mentions.

Thanks for the coffee lesson, lol.
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My friend, dragging this issue out and exaggerating it this much without a clear result shows that they have a bias against me and are trying to act like know it alls. Their attempt to justify themselves with information they read online and their deliberate effort to prolong this discussion was completely unnecessary.

The HGH batches I produce are always between 2,000 and 5,000 vials. I have repeatedly stated that there is no more non-vacuum HGH, yet they kept pushing the topic on purpose.

Now, for the last time, I want to make this CLEAR AND FINAL:

There is no more non-vacuum HGH. The small amount that existed is gone. Those who received non-vacuum HGH were not harmed I know this for a fact. The test results will be published within two weeks.

Making assumptions and exaggerating the issue based on what they read online without ever holding a Lobster HGH vial or testing one is nothing but a deliberate attack against me.

The greatest difference between ignorance and wisdom is that the wise know what they do not know. Socrates

Your opinion is not as valuable as my knowledge. Because your opinion was formed without knowing anything.Harlan Ellison

While I can sympathize with your position, we have to understand the context here. Allow me an attempt to elaborate on this, if you will.

The primary theme of this entire site/forum/community is harm reduction for the consumers of PEDs. This is a place run by and for "the people," so to speak. The primary principle here is to be protective of the community members. When a source advertises their products here, they are a guest in another's home (the collective home of the community here), and while it is common courtesy to be a friendly host to one's guests, the guest is still a guest. One cannot assume that a guest is always going to have the best of intentions. So, while it is polite for a host to be friendly and respectful to their guests, there has to remain a healthy level of skepticism and suspicion as well. When a community member voices concern over a product they purchased from the guest, the community will rally around that member in support. This is not with the intention of attacking the guest, but of defending their fellow member, and this is my main point. I think you should view this situation from this perspective:

The community is simply showing support and solidarity with a fellow member by validating their concern and ensuring that they don't feel isolated and vulnerable. We are not attacking YOU, we are supporting our fellow MEMBER.

Even those who have posed the most questions interrogating you have simultaneously reiterated their praise of your reputation here as a person of integrity who has a proven track record of product quality and exceptional customer service. You are clearly well-respected and highly regarded among the community, and your character is not being called into question by anyone who is engaging you in good faith. At the same time, as long as this community stays faithful to its founding principles, we will always prioritize the well-being, interests, and security of a fellow member who is acting in good faith. Please don't misinterpret this prioritization as hostility. We do not presume your intentions, and quite frankly they are irrelevant. We just know that a fellow member is in need of support, and we will act accordingly to ensure they receive it.

Full disclosure, I've only been a member here for less than a year, so my words carry very limited weight, but from what I've gathered, I believe I have sufficiently elucidated the philosophical position of the community.
My friend

Please do not perform mathematical calculations. Raw materials are experiencing losses during the production stage. As I told you, it is 2,750 IU. I hope I have made myself clear

For example, in 1 gram of BPC raw material, you cannot have 100 vials x 10 mg of product. You can only have up to 88-85 vials x 10 mg of product. There are always losses during the raw material production process.

What you’re thinking is that 1 gram equals 1,000 mg, so you believe you can have 100 vials x 10 mg of product. However, this doesn’t happen during the production stage. I hope you understand now

Thank you
This fucking sent me just now lmao. You implored his ass not to do math.