The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

So is there a shipping option if you have a USPS PO box? @TheLobster


We offer fast and reliable shipping to all 50 U.S. states. All orders are shipped exclusively from the United States, ensuring quick delivery and top-notch service.
Delivery Time: Most customers receive their orders within 2-5 business days after the tracking number is provided
Shipping Cost: $20
Reshipment Policy: In the rare event of a package being seized, we offer a one-time free reshipment guarantee.
Order Minimum: $150
Dumb question - Any idea what is the rough expiry date of not reconstituted vials? (if it expires at all). Thanks.
Are you planning on selling the 310 units HGH from Europe domestic as well?

//Edit: what's the success rate for


Im here to inject all of you with my dirty, non-sterile, non-vacuum vials. LOBSTERPUNISHER is after all of you! All my tests are fake.I hacked the Janoshik website (please dont tell him). I print test results at home by hand, without gloves

I freeze peptides in my kitchen using a deep freezer, and for the first drying stage, I use my oven. The day before, I cooked salmon in it, but I cleaned it with wet wipes, so its fine. Everything is 100% homemade and organic I guarantee it! I mix raw materials with tap water and stir them by hand. If I get tired, I use my feet. I promise I wash them first unless I forget ❤️
At least Lobster has a good sense of humor , nice change from the usual "shit" we get ,,
Excuse me, where’s the crema from the direct pour onto the lyophilized puck? Obviously an oversight!
Turkish / Greek (not trying to start another genocide) coffee. No cream, haha.

They take you out back and shoot you if you try that in the Χωριό. Pretty sure same in Turkey (maybe Lobster can confirm). Or maybe you get the cream out back. Regional differences?
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One thing I've always respected about Meso - above other boards especially - is the significance placed upon testing, particularly third party testing.

"Screw your 'feelz reports', we don't want to hear about it without a test."

Being a harm reduction board, focused on the end users well being, it's pretty much our last and only bastion of defence against unscrupulous UGL's. More than that, any member can send something off to be tested. Third party testing fosters an atmosphere where labs are being held accountable, where members contribute towards other members well being and where harm reduction is an end consequence.

Third party testing is clear cut in my opinion, and the results are easy understand for pretty much every user. Harm reduction doesn't mean endless essays of technical jargon, and arguing over minutae. If anything, that kind of shit is detrimental. The intentions are good, but how many people really read it and care? Does it really have a positive effect? I think not. So long as third party testing is enforced, encouraged and expected, I feel like that is more than we could have hoped for only a number of years ago.

And in regards to Lobster, we rarely have a source who is open and obliging when it comes to performing tests. Definitely an example I feel other sources could follow.
Third party testing is clear cut in my opinion, and the results are easy understand for pretty much every user. Harm reduction doesn't mean endless essays of technical jargon, and arguing over minutae. If anything, that kind of shit is detrimental.

The intentions are good, but how many people really read it and care?
Almost no one.

Does it really have a positive effect? I think not. So long as third party testing is enforced, encouraged and expected, I feel like that is more than we could have hoped for only a number of years ago.
How do you think we got to the point of enjoying the 3rd party testing done today? Go back and scan this board over last 10 years. Somebody sure did have to push to raise standards and vet the methods. Takes work, technical jargon, and sometimes arguing over minutiae. Interesting some people get quite interested in all this when they want to understand what their test results mean every once in a while.

Glad you are enjoying the fruits of people busting their ass years ago.