The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy


I think this is pretty clear; they no longer exist because every batch that has been made after that one problematic batch has been vacuum sealed, and that's going to be the case going forward (I say this as someone who owns more than 25+ no vacuum kits (310), so I am probably more invested in this than anyone else. No reason to resort to this kind of behavior, it doesn't look good.
That will be fantastic if they are all vacuum sealed going forward. But to say they don't exist and can't happen is over the top.

No need for conjecture about what members do IRL. As always, the guesser usually has no idea of the practical or theoretical background for an anonymous poster on the internet. All this BS is easily avoided.
That will be fantastic if they are all vacuum sealed going forward. But to say they don't exist and can't happen is over the top.

No need for conjecture about what members do IRL. As always, the guesser usually has no idea of the practical or theoretical background for an anonymous poster on the internet. All this BS is easily avoided.
My friend who struggles to understand, I’ve said multiple times that there isn’t even the slightest air inside non vacuum vials.

You’ve talked too much, and it’s getting exhausting. You were way off from the start. Fine, you know everything, you’re the king…

Okay, we get it. You win. All products are bad. Which you didnt even buy any of. Okay superman okay spiderman okay my life okay my dear okay my everything. You know all. I understand okay.

Step outside and take a look at life beyond your home. Go for a walk, get some fresh air, and clear your mind. A little walk might do you some good

Now please relax enough ❤️
All products are bad. Which you didnt even buy any of.
Never said that. You are making it increasingly harder to buy from you with your attitude. Why do this?

Should be a compliment I asked about your excipient package. You treat my questions as some insult. Never had a bad word about you or your products. Now you need to take it low and start with ridiculous personal taunts, assumptions, conjecture, school yard stuff where you are at a disadvantage since you know nothing of the person you are addressing.

Best wishes to you and you venture. Commendable how you sell your Genotropin at the lowest prices. Pisses me off this is where we are at. You seem like a good dude. I wish you continued success doing things the right way.
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There are no HGH vials without vacuum, and vacuum cannot leak from vials this is a 100% fact you need to understand. If you dont believe it, buy a vial, put it in water, keep it there for two months, and share your experience.BUT YOUR EXPERIENCE.
I speak from real manufacturing experience. Have you ever manufactured anything or sealed caps yourself?Otherwise, stop copying and pasting things thats enough.

We sent a non-vacuum vial for testing, and the results will be available in 1,2 weeks. Youve done enough research and shared enough links about this topic. Youre definitely making the most of your ChatGPT subscription maybe theyll even charge you extra for overuse.

Theres no point in discussing non-vacuum HGH vials because they dont exist. I hope you and your link sharing friend get it.

Love you all ❤️

You asked what I do, none of your business but I'll answer,

For decades I've wrapped my head around complex, technical, often novel concepts, and reduce them to their essential elements for decision makers who are short on time and long on money.

With increasing profitability, I've had to do fewer of these over time, so to avoid tunnel vision, and stay fresh, I'll take a break and pursue other topics, like this one, out of pure intellectual curiosity.

A link to a single study may represent all you know, but it certainly doesn't represent all I know on this topic or the resources at my disposal to clarify anything that's not apparent. For the sake of brevity I'm not going to go into every detail of what I know in a single post. Any left unclear is a deficiency in your knowledge, not mine.

But anyone can understand these points,

-A UGL vial lacking vacuum is filled with air.

Everyone who uses UGL peptides long enough has or will encounter a vial lacking vacuum. Almost everyone understands a vial with no vacuum is undesirable. Everything your customer described is typical of a vial lacking vacuum.

-Air is 20% oxygen.

-Methionine is easily oxidized by oxygen, and the most common post translational change that occurs to rHGH and other proteins with MET. MET oxidized rHGH is inactive and increases aggregation. There are countless studies about methods to avoid this in rHGH manufacturing, it's why antioxidants are a common rHGH excipient. and why vials are vacuum sealed. Vacuum can and does leak, pulling in atmospheric air, No process is perfect, That's why pharma often injects an inert gas, to eliminate negative pressure on the stopper and reduce the chances of this happening.

We expect a lot out of Jano for very little money. As valuable as his services are, it's not reasonable to expect him to do the same in depth analysis pharma or a professional researcher would do, for $200.

I've been told Methionine oxidation is difficult to detect for several reasons. The analysis workflow can cause this oxidation, and result in "background noise", requiring time consuming steps using expensive reagents to work around it. Perhaps this is already done, making Jano's tests even more of a bargain, or perhaps it needs a more expensive test, Measuring the resulting aggregation, another risk factor ignored by UGL, also requires additional work. We'll see if he can conduct MFI to check for particulates, Perhaps even measure immunogenicity, replicating a small experiment the FDA conducted revealing what trash some compounded GLPs are, so we can gain a sense of the potential health risks UGL peptides represent, and not rely on trust, or the "haven't lost an ass cheek" standard,

I think it's time for some progress, and we're due for "Expanded Peptide/Protein Testing", Since @readalot was so effective at moving the needle on AAS, I'll work with him, the industry experts I consult, and @janoshik to see if we can put together a protocol to get a closer look at the important elements of these compounds, the ones pharma routinely look at for quality control, than a simple "purity & dimer" measurement can reveal.
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Never said that. You are making it increasingly harder to buy from you with your attitude. Why do this?

Should be a compliment I asked about your excipient package. You treat my questions as some insult. Never had a bad word about you or your products. Now you need to take it low and start with ridiculous personal taunts, assumptions, conjecture, school yard stuff where you are at a disadvantage since you know nothing of the person you are addressing.

Best wishes to you and you venture. Commendable how you sell your Genotropin at the lowest prices. Pisses me off this is where we are at. You seem like a good dude. I wish you continued success doing things the right way.
readalot, the only one making it harder to buy from Lobster is YOU!

100% fact, a vacuum leak would cause air with x% RH to leak into the vial.

Stop making Boltzmann want to kill himself again from the grave. Let him rest in peace.

BTW, pretty cool you've made QC/QA obsolete all by yourself. Infinite sigma quality.

That fat teletubbie kid had me rollin much like him rollin off that blankie hahaha
You asked what I do, none of your business but I'll answer,

For decades I've wrapped my head around complex, technical, often novel concepts, and reduce them to their essential elements for decision makers who are short on time and long on money.

With increasing profitability, I've had to do fewer of these over time, so to avoid tunnel vision, and stay fresh, I'll take a break and pursue other topics, like this one, out of pure intellectual curiosity.

A link to a single study may represent all you know, but it certainly doesn't represent all I know on this topic or the resources at my disposal to clarify anything that's not apparent. For the sake of brevity I'm not going to go into every detail of what I know in a single post. Any left unclear is a deficiency in your knowledge, not mine.

But anyone can understand these points,

-A UGL vial lacking vacuum is filled with air.

Everyone who uses UGL peptides long enough has or will encounter a vial lacking vacuum. Almost everyone understands a vial with no vacuum is undesirable. Everything your customer described is typical of a vial lacking vacuum.

-Air is 20% oxygen.

-Methionine is easily oxidized by oxygen, and the most common post translational change that occurs to rHGH and other proteins with MET. MET oxidized rHGH is inactive and increases aggregation. There are countless studies about methods to avoid this in rHGH manufacturing, it's why antioxidants are a common rHGH excipient. and why vials are vacuum sealed. Vacuum can and does leak, pulling in atmospheric air, No process is perfect, That's why pharma often injects an inert gas, to eliminate negative pressure on the stopper and reduce the chances of this happening.

We expect a lot out of Jano for very little money. As valuable as his services are, it's not reasonable to expect him to do the same in depth analysis pharma or a professional researcher would do, for $200.

I've been told Methionine oxidation is difficult to detect for several reasons. The analysis workflow can cause this oxidation, and result in "background noise", requiring time consuming steps using expensive reagents to work around it. Perhaps this is already done, making Jano's tests even more of a bargain, or perhaps it needs a more expensive test, Measuring the resulting aggregation, another risk factor ignored by UGL, also requires additional work. We'll see if he can conduct MFI to check for particulates, Perhaps even measure immunogenicity, replicating a small experiment the FDA conducted revealing what trash some compounded GLPs are, so we can gain a sense of the potential health risks UGL peptides represent, and not rely on trust, or the "haven't lost an ass cheek" standard,

I think it's time for some progress, and we're due for "Expanded Peptide/Protein Testing", Since @readalot was so effective at moving the needle on AAS, I'll work with him, the industry experts I consult, and @janoshik to see if we can put together a protocol to get a closer look at the important elements of these compounds, the ones pharma routinely look at for quality control, than a simple "purity & dimer" measurement can reveal.

You should've asked ChatGPT to ensure the answer didn't make it seem like you were unemployed.
You should've asked ChatGPT to ensure the answer didn't make it seem like you were unemployed.
ChatGPT must have a glitch. I’m trying to figure out how the needle was moved on AAS (I do not see it) and who appointed these two to run around harassing sources and pretending to be experts when they are not.

But it’s not always the message, but sometimes the messenger that causes these endeavors to fail. Is there some value in all of this? Yes. But once you lose the support of simple people like myself you are bound to fail.
these two to run around harassing sources and pretending to be experts
Expert in what?

I'm an anonymous internet poster that also has an AAS/IED hobby. Did I need permission or election by member quorum?

Too bad this thread starting to get that weird QSC vibe. Maybe it's that MESO law of vendor accountability.

I have a cool graph in my head with unit price (x-axis) vs. member engagement on source accountability (y-axis).

100% fact, a vacuum leak would cause air with x% RH to leak into the vial.

Stop making Boltzmann want to kill himself again from the grave. Let him rest in peace.

BTW, pretty cool you've made QC/QA obsolete all by yourself. Infinite sigma quality.

My man casually flexing a Ludwig Boltzmann refence.

On a side note, reading @Ghoul's post (The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy), where they were respectfully and commendably attempting to extend the proverbial olive branch and come to a mutual understanding, and then reading the source's bitter response, is rather disappointing. Put the ego and defensiveness aside, display some character and maturity, and engage with people as if they were, ya know, people. Things can be taken out of contex and provoke emotional, aggressive reactions (especially through a text medium), we've all been there, but I cannot fathom a justifiable reason why anyone would outright reject another's good-faith gesture to dissolve a minor quarrel, and instead would choose to continue with insults and mockery. I don't know, perhaps the flaw is on my end, and my meager brain lacks the capacity to understand.