The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

To those who live their social life on this forum, you’ll see a nice post about this test result next week. I hope you find more important things in life to spend your time on. That’s all I wish for you professors

Commenting so much on products you’ve never purchased in your life really shows that there’s nothing else worthwhile left for you to do. If this makes you happy, then of course, I have no choice but to respect it

I’m sure you can’t look in the mirror without a tear of insecurity falling from your eyes, asking yourself, Why am I breathing in this life? I guess it’s a mix of loneliness and a kind of sickness

But i love you and i am your friend ❤️
Where will China International be shipping to? Will they be shipping worldwide? And in the event of customs seizures, will reshipping be offered?

100% shipping guarantee
Do not worry about that my friend
Only shippings are taking more longer than as usual at all. Nothing more wrong

Thank you
So as long as it's low dose contamination we good. Got it!

Wont question it again.
It's little to nothing

There is more shit to worry about than 0.01mg of mt2.

The thing I find ironic about half these people worried about this contamination is that these motherfuckers don't even test shit themselves.

I'm not wild that there's contamination. But I know at the same time it's not going to affect me. So how about some people put the fucking book away and use some goddamn logic. I posted it for transparency and that's still how I feel
To those who live their social life on this forum, you’ll see a nice post about this test result next week. I hope you find more important things in life to spend your time on. That’s all I wish for you professors

Commenting so much on products you’ve never purchased in your life really shows that there’s nothing else worthwhile left for you to do. If this makes you happy, then of course, I have no choice but to respect it

I’m sure you can’t look in the mirror without a tear of insecurity falling from your eyes, asking yourself, Why am I breathing in this life? I guess it’s a mix of loneliness and a kind of sickness

But i love you and i am your friend ❤️
Wizard Of Oz GIF

So you got the result but ain't posted it yet. 10-4.

This will be good.

Nice flavoring of red herring and ad hominem as a bonus. :D
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To those who live their social life on this forum, you’ll see a nice post about this test result next week. I hope you find more important things in life to spend your time on. That’s all I wish for you professors

Commenting so much on products you’ve never purchased in your life really shows that there’s nothing else worthwhile left for you to do. If this makes you happy, then of course, I have no choice but to respect it

I’m sure you can’t look in the mirror without a tear of insecurity falling from your eyes, asking yourself, Why am I breathing in this life? I guess it’s a mix of loneliness and a kind of sickness

But i love you and i am your friend ❤️
since QSC is gone all the PEDs nerds gonna come for you now... stay safe bro bro
How precious. Offering the vendor a token of your deep affection.

The MESO mind virus continues.
Scam alert

As your doctor, I recommend that you limit yourself to posting 150 times per day on MESO. From what I’ve learned, you are engaging in the same meaningless conversations on three or four other forums as well. It seems that you do not have a normal mindset. In fact, some forums have even banned you

But don’t worry i will treat you. Today, instead of posting 500 times, you will post only 150 times. This will be the first step in your recovery. I believe in you; you can do this. Your daily dose will start at 150 posts and gradually decrease each week

Additionally, I prescribe you real friends and 10–15 minutes of daily walks outside your home. This will help you become a normal individual. Your daily walks outside will gradually increase in duration 15, then 20,
then 25, and eventually 30 minutes. I will prescribe these walking sessions for you

I am your best friend. You can trust me. You are in safe hands, don’t worry ❤️
From what I’ve learned, you are engaging in the same meaningless conversations on three or four other forums as well.
Well then based on the evidence you don't learn so well or aren't using credible sources for your education.

Good luck with continuing to educate yourself.

Btw, when will you be posting your host cell protein testing? Where's your ELISA results?

And strange you won't post your GH purity / aggregate results for the no vacuum vial(s).

You got time on your hands. Get to work.

How precious. Offering the vendor a token of your deep affection.

The MESO mind virus continues.

The options were:

1. Say "Looking into why some vials didn't have vacuum, and we'll get that straightened out."

The End.


2. Insisting vacuum doesn't matter.

Pharma and UGL's have been wasting their time protecting peptides from exposure to oxygen.

Atmospheric air filling the vials is sterile,

60 years of science has been wrong about oxygen damaging peptides with oxidizable aminos.

Dragging @janoshik into this by suggesting his basic (and inadequate in this case) testing will rock the scientific community by disproving what's already been established by decades of comprehensive research.

Will vials that air has leaked into kill you? Probobly not.

Will they be more likely to be unsterile? Yes.

Will they be degraded in some way? Yes. In the case of rHGH we know once reconstituted, oxidized rHGH will be less stable than unoxidized rHGH.

A minute ago it was common knowledge here lack of vacuum in peptide vials was undesirable. Now, the lowest priced rHGH has suddenly made that questionable, suggesting it may be ok after all. Failed sterility test? That's ok too, unless you have a death certificate to go with it. Just like QSC proved if the oils are cheap enough, floaters and leaking vials are acceptable.
Lobster's word (acronym) of the day....

E... L... I... S... A

Nice work getting away with this for so long Lobster. It was a nice run. Sure, you could have kept a decent attitude. But, nah.
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you’ll see a nice post about this test result next week.
You’re spending so much time at home that it’s starting to take a toll on you. It seems like you’ve begun to lose your ability to comprehend what you read, or maybe even the early stages of dementia are setting in.

Because of this, I will prepare and prescribe treatments for you. I didn’t think your condition had progressed this far, but it turns out you’re in a really serious state.

If you read what I wrote here once again, it might actually help you.

Now, please kindly off from here. Take your scam ghoul too please he made is profile picture ELITE haha. Both of you never ever buy something in this forum just empty talks
Very funny . Sad for you guys

both of you really need to seek professional help, and I truly mean this
You’re spending so much time at home that it’s starting to take a toll on you. It seems like you’ve begun to lose your ability to comprehend what you read, or maybe even the early stages of dementia are setting in.

Because of this, I will prepare and prescribe treatments for you. I didn’t think your condition had progressed this far, but it turns out you’re in a really serious state.

If you read what I wrote here once again, it might actually help you.

Now, please kindly off from here. Take your scam ghoul too please he made is profile picture ELITE haha. Both of you never ever buy something in this forum just empty talks
Very funny . Sad for you guys

both of you really need to seek professional help, and I truly mean this
Try Fail GIF by Pesto Streetwear
Now, the lowest priced rHGH has suddenly made that questionable, suggesting it may be ok after all. Failed sterility test? That's ok too, unless you have a death certificate to go with it. Just like QSC proved if the oils are cheap enough, floaters and leaking vials are acceptable.
I’m pretty sure The Lobster isn’t the lowest priced HGH. Never was. And whatever issue with vacuum that impacted some (not all) vials he claims has already been resolved. You two should buy some so you have first hand knowledge instead of quoting studies. Or at a minimum ask some of the members here who are ordering daily whether the issue has already been resolved.
Or at a minimum ask some of the members here who are ordering daily
The data from those vials has already come back. Still hasn't been posted. The question was what storing lyo product in air does to the purity/aggregate. Lobster knows. The longer it sits, the more degradation. The results are not going to show the 98% purity / 0% aggregate he lists on his site.

And remember these were short term test results. Try 3 and 6 months as well. You get my drift.
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The data from those vials has already come back. Still hasn't been posted. The question was what storing lyo product in air does to the purity/aggregate. Lobster knows. The longer it sits, the more degradation. The results are not going to show the 98% purity / 0% aggregate he lists on his site.
I agree, the test results will be very informative. The fact that he is ensuring there is vacuum and seal on his vials tells us he knows it’s important.

Even if he doesn’t admit it.