The Lobster International, US and EU Domestic HGH, PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

I don’t see much trolling here, to be honest. @Ghoul and @readalot ask a lot of questions, but they seem to be trying to contribute to the community in their own way. Maybe their approach is different from those who test HGH or other products themselves, but personally, it doesn’t bother me. I actually find their posts interesting to read, just like I do with those who run their own tests.

As for me, I simply don’t need 50 kits of HGH. If the minimum was still 10, I would’ve placed an order without hesitation. Lobster explained the situation clearly, so I’ll be ordering from Turkey instead. Simple as that.
Maybe their approach is different from those who test HGH or other products themselves

I don’t see much trolling here, to be honest. @Ghoul and @readalot ask a lot of questions, but they seem to be trying to contribute to the community in their own way. Maybe their approach is different from those who test HGH or other products themselves, but personally, it doesn’t bother me. I actually find their posts interesting to read, just like I do with those who run their own tests.
They are throwing alot of hypotheticals. Asking for excipients, list etc.

for what? They aren't even buying the product.

One was against testing the unvacuumed vial for god knows what reason stating we need to test them all then then.

Then the same jack shit was stating I was withholding the vendor and the MT2 Contamination(it was already posted).

I told the vendor I was posting it and the vendor was supportive of me doing so. He was open for transparency.

So that being said. Someone who is making a big deal on contamination hasnt tested anything himself. How does he know anything he injects isn't contaminated, let alone it is what it is.

I say ones that make a big deal of this stuff, should get off their fat ass and test some products, especially with vendors will refund testing.

Also they should probably lift a weight

So yes, its fucking trolling.
Literally what started this entire beef, lol.

Mentioning to a member that if he's going to use any lyophilized vial without vacuum, potential problems could be minimized by filtering. Ensuring sterility, reducing particulates. You know, harm reduction.

Shouldn't be controversial.
It was a joke!
Who do you think?
I don't know Dude. You said they. So I would think you had at least two people in mind. Oh nevermind, forgot that new lingo that gets thrown around these days. Hard to tell. He/she/they. So confusing.

Tired of going round and round with you. I wish you a pleasant evening. Reply to my DM if you want to trade striation pics. Lol.

Come Together Peace And Love GIF by INTO ACTION
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I don't know Dude. You said they. So I would think you had at least two people in mind.

Tired of going round and round with you. I wish you a pleasant evening. Reply to my DM if you want to trade striation pics.

Come Together Peace And Love GIF by INTO ACTION
Damn is that a challenge??? Idk readalot seems pretty ripped from his avatar…