The right approach to hop on gear ⚙️


New Member
Hello friends. I'm Costa, 29. Will be doing my 30s in December this year.

Current stats:
Height -
1.72m (5'64ft)
Weight - 85kg (187.3lbs)
BFP - I would say somewhere between 20% to 25%. Tbh I havent checked that for a while but I know my body as Ive been through 2 cuts already.

I have been training inconsistently for the past 5/6 years and only started taking this more seriously about 1/2 years ago.
I went through a lot of stuff 6 years ago regarding mental health, motivation, self esteem, financial problems but I have been doing a lot better these past few years since I was able to solve most of my real life issues. 3 years ago when I became a father I stopped training for a while and that led me to a poor diet and a pretty lame physique. I started to get into lifting again and roughly 1/2 years ago I starting to take things more seriously. Although not entirely serious but serious enough if I do say so myself. I cycled between lean and dirty bulks through out the months whitch led me to an ok physique (better than average people) and I have decided that now it's time to get even more serious about training and take myself into the next level.

Since I will be a father again in 6/7 months and it's going to be my second and last child I have decided the usage of gear because I am considering competing in powerlifting meetings, unlocking brute force and achieve what is not achievable naturally.
I always tend to stick at one thing at a time, but I also want to build a nice physique through my powerlifting progress. As I will be cycling workout methods between powerlifting, hyperthrophy, resistance and deloads.

I have been considering start with Test Enanthate as my first approach to PEDs. I only have bloodwork from my testosterone levels (23 August 2023) and still need to do more bloodwork regarding blood pressure, glucose, etc...
My natural testosterone levels are:
Total Testosterone
- 797.95 ng/dL
Free Testosterone - 31.16 pg/mL

Again I know this bloodwork might seem pointless since it doesn't show you guys anything else but don't worry boys, I will have my complete bloodwork in check before I hop on this path. This is all a subjective discussion about what might or not might be recommended for a guy like me.

Now my questions are: what dosages do you guys usually recommend if I want to obtain levels above 1200/1500 total test or even further? Will I need to be using other compounds to gain more strength besides Test E? Would a TRT approach make any diference on my current T levels? Worth coming off cycle and do PCT or better to just keep blasting & cruising? I'm willing to stay on forever btw even If I have to stay on TRT.

Keep in mind that I like to start slow, see how my body reacts to these compounds and work my dosages from there while paying close attention to any sides that might come from it.
As for now I don't think I have anymore questions or anything else to add.

Thank you all in advance.
(Photos of my current physique have been attached)


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Start off with a basic cycle of 500mg test. If you decide to stay on trt it will allow you to keep most of your gains. Pct will be more difficult to keep gains but it's a choice only you can make.
Start off with a basic cycle of 500mg test. If you decide to stay on trt it will allow you to keep most of your gains. Pct will be more difficult to keep gains but it's a choice only you can make.
Are the side effects from 500mg Test E usually easy to be managed? I was thinking starting maybe with 300mg?
You already have high test levels almost 800. Most handle 500mg well. Just have an ai on hand in case you might need it. 500mg is a basic starting point for your first cycle
The advice I could give you is to loose bf as much as possible before starting any cycle.

Since it would be your first cycle I would start with Test only and see how it goes, feelings, E2 management and so on; after you learnt how you react to high doses of test you can think to add anything else.

I'm a bodybuilder not a powerlifter so my personal goal is to get huge not to have lot of strenght so I hope some powerlifter will help give you a more precise advice.
The right approach is to make a decision and do it.. just do it smart..
Do blood work before
Get all the meds you need to control sides
Get pharma gear to make sure you atleast start with quality for your first run..
Plan diet and training..
Do bloods every 4 weeks..
Finish your cycle as planned and start your pct unless you take the decision to stay on it for life..
If you don't have kids freeze sperm just in case..
Few simple steps you follow them you will benefit each time..
The right approach is to make a decision and do it.. just do it smart..
Do blood work before
Get all the meds you need to control sides
Get pharma gear to make sure you atleast start with quality for your first run..
Plan diet and training..
Do bloods every 4 weeks..
Finish your cycle as planned and start your pct unless you take the decision to stay on it for life..
If you don't have kids freeze sperm just in case..
Few simple steps you follow them you will benefit each time..
I do have a 3 year old daughter and got my wife pregnant 3 months ago so I'm about to have my 2nd child. I did mentioned it in the post buddy but I won't mind at all to mention it again. So as far as I'm aware, I'm done with kids. Lol
The advice I could give you is to loose bf as much as possible before starting any cycle.

Since it would be your first cycle I would start with Test only and see how it goes, feelings, E2 management and so on; after you learnt how you react to high doses of test you can think to add anything else.

I'm a bodybuilder not a powerlifter so my personal goal is to get huge not to have lot of strenght so I hope some powerlifter will help give you a more precise advice.
So you recommend a cut before I hop on gear. Wouldn't be a good idea to start the cut while on cycle or that isn't very smart?
So you recommend a cut before I hop on gear. Wouldn't be a good idea to start the cut while on cycle or that isn't very smart?

You’re never gonna have a cycle as good as your first one again. Don’t waste it cutting. Get to a spot where you can eat and grow as much as possible.

Also you’ve got insane natty levels. Idk if I personally would hop on haha very jealous.

If you’re gonna do it my vote is 500mg/wk test only cycle for at least 12 weeks.
You’re never gonna have a cycle as good as your first one again. Don’t waste it cutting. Get to a spot where you can eat and grow as much as possible.

Also you’ve got insane natty levels. Idk if I personally would hop on haha very jealous.
I'm very macho I guess!? Lmao thanks brother
You’re never gonna have a cycle as good as your first one again. Don’t waste it cutting. Get to a spot where you can eat and grow as much as possible.

Also you’ve got insane natty levels. Idk if I personally would hop on haha very jealous.

If you’re gonna do it my vote is 500mg/wk test only cycle for at least 12 weeks.
Those are amazingly high natural levels….
Maybe wait till you’ve taken training seriously for more than half a year before you potentially in those great natty levels?

Always an option
Will definitely wait a little longer brother. I'm bulking this year till March next year all naturally. I will start my cut on March 2024 and after Summer I will start the juice when I start my bulk. I just like to learn and get information about it with antecipation.
If you want me to call you a fatty, I will. I just don't see 25%. You have a great base.
I apreciate it bro. Well angles and lightning play a big role as well so here's 3 pictures of me without proper angles/lightning. Maybe this will make you see things from another perspective.


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