The southern border strategy.


The mass influx of Haitian people coming over the southern border is clearly by design.

These Haitian migrants have been living in Brazil, Chile and other south American countries since 2010 when Haiti had a bad earthquake.

It's simply that they have been led to believe, by the biden administration and others that they should come now. All interviews of the migrants themselves say the same thing. Basically, they were invited.

Florida, is a swing state. It has a sizeable Cuban community that is extremely anti communist. Florida also has a much smaller Haitian community. Which tends to more leaning towards socialist.

It doesn't take a genius to see, the democrat party is importing the Haitian people, to counteract the anti communist Cuban vote in Florida.

The democrat party has basically lost the working class American vote. Even the Mexican American working people at this point. Once a staple base for the democrat party, it's now all but gone.

Corporate billionaire donors and big money internationally operative tech giants now control democrat party policies.

So instead of the democrat party creating policies to appeal to working class American, they've stuck with their billionaire donors and decided to import a new working class. One that will demand smaller shares and less liberties and ask fewer questions.

This is important all over America, but especially in Texas, where the democrat party has been steadily losing ground in the Mexican American working class communities for several years because of job killing and bad immigration policies. So instead of change those policies, the democrat party is looking to displace those communities with Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvadoran voters. To compete with the Mexican American communities on the jobs, but more importantly, at the ballot box in Texas.

It's all by design.
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What a completely deluded conspiratorial perspective. We’re so fucked as a nation. We have to be the dumbest country out there. Sure feels like it
What a completely deluded conspiratorial perspective. We’re so fucked as a nation. We have to be the dumbest country out there. Sure feels like it
While I may not agree with all the points in the OP, I do not see the statement as Damning our nation to ignorance.

I always enjoy reading points of view I do not agree with, generally it helps me more completely think of my own views. In this case I would find it really hard to believe this is a plan at all. I think both parties have NO IDEAS when it comes to the southern boarder. I would be really interested in any plan that was just different and had some form of solution attached to it.

In order to change the last election, the Dems would need to come up with almost 500,000 additional Florida votes. You would need at least 600,000 people who would all need to live, work and prosper for at least 5 years to gain a form of citizenship. All the while they would also need to adhere to your voting principals. Then and only then would you have a new significant voting block. I do not think it would be realistic as a plan of action.

With that said I have no solutions to the southern boarder. People want to live here and our nation was founded on letting people in... My hope is that the younger generations have more ideas than my generation had.
The millions that came before them went through screening and naturalization processes.
The didn't simply walk across a border.

Why is that so hard to understand?
Most Americans did not go through any screening or any process at all. The vast majority of Americans are natural born Americans. The most recent numbers I could find were from 2010 and it lists 87.1% of Americans as being born in the good ole USA. So for the vast majority of us we are American because we are here.

We are a large, wealthy society that is aging. We will need immigration to fills many roles within our society and we were founded on the idea that we would continue to offer refuge for people who shared our views. Those views at the time appeared to be based upon values dealing with freedom as they understood it at that time. I think we need to have a more honest conversation in this country on how to have limits on immigration to address the issues which bother people such as @Hughinn and I think most Americans. At the same time we do need to provide a legal and transparent way for people from other nations to immigrate here, even the poor that come via a boarder crossing.

Mixing these two viewpoints will be ridiculously difficult, but I think any solution that gets a majority approval from Americans will need this. @Hughinn @Demondosage have views which I think too often get labeled as fringe. The reality is a lot of American have anger and fear related to immigration. Without addressing these concerns while also moving the conversation towards inclusion will create violence and mistrust like we have now. We should all want our boarder to be a place of safety and security, not a place of dueling political views. It will be a great leader that can somehow make Americans feel like pulling the rope in the same direction again.
Most Americans did not go through any screening or any process at all. The vast majority of Americans are natural born Americans. The most recent numbers I could find were from 2010 and it lists 87.1% of Americans as being born in the good ole USA. So for the vast majority of us we are American because we are here.

We are a large, wealthy society that is aging. We will need immigration to fills many roles within our society and we were founded on the idea that we would continue to offer refuge for people who shared our views. Those views at the time appeared to be based upon values dealing with freedom as they understood it at that time. I think we need to have a more honest conversation in this country on how to have limits on immigration to address the issues which bother people such as @Hughinn and I think most Americans. At the same time we do need to provide a legal and transparent way for people from other nations to immigrate here, even the poor that come via a boarder crossing.

Mixing these two viewpoints will be ridiculously difficult, but I think any solution that gets a majority approval from Americans will need this. @Hughinn @Demondosage have views which I think too often get labeled as fringe. The reality is a lot of American have anger and fear related to immigration. Without addressing these concerns while also moving the conversation towards inclusion will create violence and mistrust like we have now. We should all want our boarder to be a place of safety and security, not a place of dueling political views. It will be a great leader that can somehow make Americans feel like pulling the rope in the same direction again.

There's absolutely no logical conclusion that says "we need immigration".

The fact that American Born citizens of the past two generations have aborted and birth controlled out more offspring than they've chosen to have may make immigration more feasible. It doesn't change the fact it's not "needed".

Irregardless. Immigration has a point. The point is to make immigrants, citizens of the host nation. That's why every nation has a process and a vetting period. To make sure citizens fit the nation, and the nation fits the citizens.

No other nation on earth throws down borders for a free for all and thinks it will survive as a country. The mere idea is Ludacris on its face. It's suicide. Which is of course, the whole point.

At no point in Americas history have we been against immigration. Ethnicity, color and race are irrelevant to the American ideals. What is relevant, is an understanding of the core principles this nation was founded, and persists upon. Individual liberty, freedom of choice, equality before the law and everything else. Without understanding those principles, and valuing them as and the responsibility of keeping them as a cost of citizenship, then immigration is just a political maneuver. Which is exactly what the modern democrat party has made it.
Or an endless supply of cheap, exploitable labor, which the republican party of yesterday used so maliciously.

Think before you speak the typical lame liberal talking points.
Because no Americans "fear immigration" in so much as they fear losing the fire principles of the nation they live in, fought for and died for.

That's why immigration policy, should be a process. Not a free for all where corporate interests exploit and move labor forces according to their own financial benifit. Borders and people's be damned. Which is exactly what you so ignorantly proclaimed as a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

You're being stupid here. It's not about the individuals. It's about this country the way it was meant to be.

On the other hand, you state a point. It's not to specifically exclude anybody per se. But it is about a sensible approach to growing a nation.

I think we all agree throwing down borders and howling come and get it, is definitely not good policies. But, they have a purpose. Consolidated power for the democrat party. Welfare of the nation be damned.
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I agree that open borders is a big problem. We have bigger problems here though.

I live in South Florida and work in construction. I’ve worked with all kinds. The larger issue than who we let in today, is what their kids become tomorrow.

What their kids are becoming, like everyone else’s kids are becoming, is progressive leftists. It doesn’t matter if dad and grandpa fought the communists when grandma, mom, sons and daughters etc. all vote for tyrants, and the elimination of your rights.

The official state religion of the USA is progressive leftism. For as long as that is true, and until there is a restoration of private property rights, things will continue to get worse until there is only the have’s and the have not’s.

Open borders is a symptom of a much bigger problem.
The millions that came before them went through screening and naturalization processes.
The didn't simply walk across a border.

Why is that so hard to understand?
They sailed across the Atlantic on steamers, the huddled masses. They came to this country in search of a better life and in most cases were pissed on when they arrived in this land of promise.

That said, I'm probably no less xenophobic than you. I can admit that. I do believe that people should immigrate legally. Some in our country are giving these people false hope.

To claim that it is a conspiracy on the part of democrats is a radical right talking point.

If these people were from Scandinavia or Northern European I'm certain their arrival would be viewed differently.
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Without a real solution in place you will have Chaos. That is what we currently have and is the reason people that are "Left" and people that are "Right" are upset. There are no consistent rules which are applicable and understandable, this leads to people believing things are "broken". The reality is nothing is "broken" as there is no real solution in place now, before a solution you have a problem.

The law is not written in a way that is consistent and clear. The law depends on how, when, where and why you get here and even then can be applied differently for different people. That is Chaos.

Does not really matter which "side" you are on. You are currently living in a country that people from other countries are immigrating towards. The rate at which you are currently receiving new citizens is estimated at between 50,000 and 500,000 new "illegal" people per year. The longer you have no plan in place the longer you get the same results you have been getting our entire lives.

Solutions are needed. Everyone seems to have a very good grasp on how they feel about it. No one seems to have a solution. Even the legislation being proposed on both sides is laughable. More rules, more laws on top of laws that are not working.

Here is our policy manual for our immigration law.


You would need a law degree or specific training related to immigration to have any idea what you are talking about. That is crazy, even more crazy when you consider currently BOTH SIDES estimate more people come AVOIDING these COMPLEX rules than following them.

So make more laws? I doubt it. I think you will find in the future the next leaders simplify things somehow.

old man edited the /code stuff.
They sailed across the Atlantic on steamers, the huddled masses. They came to this country in search of a better life and in most cases were pissed on when they arrived in this land of promise.

That said, I'm probably no less xenophobic than you. I can admit that. I do believe that people should immigrate legally. Some in our country are giving these people false hope.

To claim that it is a conspiracy on the part of democrats is a radical right talking point.

If these people were from Scandinavia or Northern European I'm certain their arrival would be viewed differently.

Of course if these people were from Hungary or Poland they would be looked at different.

Because people from Hungary and Poland largely do not support the democrat party.

You're missing the entire point Paul.

Most people don't care where they're from. But naturalization and citizenship processes are there to make people who immigrate to a place aware of the foundation principles of the nation.

You immigrate to a place, because that's the place you want to be a citizen.

Not just for free shit and benifits for voting a certain way.

This open borders bullshit is purely political. It's a ploy to benifit the democrat party. They've lost the support of the working class. So they're importing another.
Of course if these people were from Hungary or Poland they would be looked at different.

Because people from Hungary and Poland largely do not support the democrat party.

You're missing the entire point Paul.

Most people don't care where they're from. But naturalization and citizenship processes are there to make people who immigrate to a place aware of the foundation principles of the nation.

You immigrate to a place, because that's the place you want to be a citizen.

Not just for free shit and benifits for voting a certain way.

This open borders bullshit is purely political. It's a ploy to benifit the democrat party. They've lost the support of the working class. So they're importing another.

This is the truth.

I don’t want Mexicans, Cubans or Africans to move here, because I don’t want to live in Mexico, Cuba or Africa.

We should welcome people (to some degree) who have proven themselves to better the world around them.

We do not need more stupid cattle living off of crime and voting Democrat.
Of course if these people were from Hungary or Poland they would be looked at different.

Because people from Hungary and Poland largely do not support the democrat party.

You're missing the entire point Paul.

Most people don't care where they're from. But naturalization and citizenship processes are there to make people who immigrate to a place aware of the foundation principles of the nation.

You immigrate to a place, because that's the place you want to be a citizen.

Not just for free shit and benifits for voting a certain way.

This open borders bullshit is purely political. It's a ploy to benifit the democrat party. They've lost the support of the working class. So they're importing another.
Let's be honest. Most people who come here expect to survive by the sweat of their brow. I believe most expect to work not accept free shit.

As far as conspiracy theories I'm about to watch Blacklist s4:e16. I find it much more entertaining than your drivel.
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Let's be honest. Most people who come here expect to survive by the sweat of their brow. I believe most expect to work not accept free shit.

As far as conspiracy theories I'm about to watch Blacklist s4:e16. I find it much more entertaining than your drivel.

If that were true, and they didn't come for free shit, then why do so many wind up on the public dole?

Take a look at emergency room visits in places like Houston, you'll see it flooded with illegals.

This isn't necessary because every clinic will accept cash for service. But the ER is free.

Aside from that though, I think you're still right in general Paul , and most expect to work in some capacity. But most will also accept whatever free shit they can get. And democrat party politicians are falling over themselves to pass it out for votes.

As far as conspiracy theories you don't like the sound of, I'd bet a year ago you were on here calling the Chinese lab leak theory a "baseless conspiracy theory".
And a year ago mandatory injections were "right wing conspiracy theories" according to all of the democrat party propoganda networks.

Fact of the matter is Paul, you're right that I don't know exactly why the biden administration has thrown open the border for a free for all. But I do know they didn't do it out of kindness, or to help Americans, or even the illegals. They did it to help themselves. And you're too smart to deny that's the truth.

As far as the shot, and the spread of covid? If the biden administration was really trying to stop the spread of covid, they wouldn't have thrown open the border to import it in from all over the world. It doesn't really look like they care much about covid at all when judged by their actions instead of their words.

I always like your thoughtful post's though Paul. Even though we often disagree. Cheers
One distinct pattern from the Donald Trump administration has certainly emerged. And in my opinion, is probably his greatest achievement in American politics to date, and the one that millions upon millions of people all of the world cannot ever unsee, ever again.

That is the mainstream media is willing to lie openly and boldly in favor of the entrenched bureaucracy. And do whatever it takes to exclude certain people from the political process. At any cost.

Whenever I hear the phrases "baseless accusations" "unfounded claims" "right wing conspiracy theories" and "unproven assumptions". Basically means they're lying. They know they're lying. And think they've been caught lying. Again.

The mainstream media is no longer a credible entity on world events.

They lie more than they tell the truth.
It's pretty obvious what is going on with the border is very much a planned catastrophe.

Who is Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick Garland, Antony Blinken.

What do they all have in common?

For all those sorry saps that died in the revolutionary war, civil war, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korean war. All of them thought they were fighting for a nation that represented themselves.

Sadly a certain clan of people with a mindset of superiority based on made up bullshit from a few thousand years ago have been allowed to walk in and take over while countless mindless cocksuckers roll out the red carpet for them to do as they please.

Kicked out of 145 nations over the past 2000 years for a reason, every one knew these people were dangerous except America and now it's probably too late unless you put that Christianity bullshit in the trash and start acting like a man. Unless you kick them out of every position of power, remove them from your politics, judicial, legislative, banking, media, academics you will pass a point of no return and this country will eventually end up in another civil war.
It's pretty obvious what is going on with the border is very much a planned catastrophe.

Who is Alejandro Mayorkas, Merrick Garland, Antony Blinken.

What do they all have in common?

For all those sorry saps that died in the revolutionary war, civil war, WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Korean war. All of them thought they were fighting for a nation that represented themselves.

Sadly a certain clan of people with a mindset of superiority based on made up bullshit from a few thousand years ago have been allowed to walk in and take over while countless mindless cocksuckers roll out the red carpet for them to do as they please.

Kicked out of 145 nations over the past 2000 years for a reason, every one knew these people were dangerous except America and now it's probably too late unless you put that Christianity bullshit in the trash and start acting like a man. Unless you kick them out of every position of power, remove them from your politics, judicial, legislative, banking, media, academics you will pass a point of no return and this country will eventually end up in another civil war.

The true Irony of the situation you described is the perceived threat of "white supremacy" by the democrat party propaganda machines.

Consistently casting toothless, destitute, ignorant racist people in trailer parks of remote isolated places as some kind of super villainous conspiracy of boogeyman who are portrayed as a threat to all of mankind.

When the real Supremacist groups are in Washington DC, park Avenue, silicon Valley and Hollywood. These people have wealth, power and control. And are truly supremacist driven and elitist bred, believing themselves fif to rule by birthright.

But, propaganda is effective, and especially when it's about misdirection.
If that were true, and they didn't come for free shit, then why do so many wind up on the public dole?

Take a look at emergency room visits in places like Houston, you'll see it flooded with illegals.

This isn't necessary because every clinic will accept cash for service. But the ER is free.

Aside from that though, I think you're still right in general Paul , and most expect to work in some capacity. But most will also accept whatever free shit they can get. And democrat party politicians are falling over themselves to pass it out for votes.

As far as conspiracy theories you don't like the sound of, I'd bet a year ago you were on here calling the Chinese lab leak theory a "baseless conspiracy theory".
And a year ago mandatory injections were "right wing conspiracy theories" according to all of the democrat party propoganda networks.

Fact of the matter is Paul, you're right that I don't know exactly why the biden administration has thrown open the border for a free for all. But I do know they didn't do it out of kindness, or to help Americans, or even the illegals. They did it to help themselves. And you're too smart to deny that's the truth.

As far as the shot, and the spread of covid? If the biden administration was really trying to stop the spread of covid, they wouldn't have thrown open the border to import it in from all over the world. It doesn't really look like they care much about covid at all when judged by their actions instead of their words.

I always like your thoughtful post's though Paul. Even though we often disagree. Cheers
I can't entirely disagree. I feel that the current administration is soft on illegal immigration. Although my family immigrated to this country freely, I'm a redneck. As I get on in years, I'm a redneck with a conscious. I'm getting soft. I admit it, but I believe I see things more clearly now.