The Great Reset

Folks all the "Great Reset" talk is basically just more Christians that want everyone to suffer and wallow on the ground begging for the church to be the savior or mankind, while enriching the church for no logical reason.

The Christians fight the Great Reset because according to the scriptures you can want for a better life on this planet, one that is is fare and kind, but you can't possibly do anything to create that because only "GOD/Jesus" is allowed to bring this about when he comes back on his horse to save the day, making sure that sin and evil is wiped out as him the cosmic referee.

It's just another version of Christians sitting on their ass waiting for their savior, while at the same time emboldening a bunch of plutocrats that remind you that being rich was never spoken out against by Jesus. Which is kind of odd because Jesus and his Apostles were all dirt poor and didn't have much, it wasn't a good life, it was basically all suffering and eventual execution by the state.

For me and my studies, Jesus is basically an apocalyptic preacher, he stood at the temple gates and called out the Sadducee and Pharisees. Called out the money changers and from what I gather didn't have much to do with the rich, he owned very little, cloths on his back and napsac and that was it. People like Betsy Devos owns 11 yachts, none of which she payed any taxes on and she's a true blue bible believing christian, this is why this religion for the most part is a joke.

At the end of the day you've been waiting 2000 years for this cosmic savior to come back, there has to be a limit to waiting. If someone tells me they'll be right back and 200 years later they still aren't here, it's apparent you've been stood up.

So that leaves you with two choices, either fix the problems yourself or don't, but lets stop wrapping it up in religion on why we can't fix anything because a tardy zombie jew will be here any minute.

Christians are scared, if you fix problems, then what purpose is the church. If you have healthcare, education, housing, food, water, clothing, and none of the anxiety of securing this it makes the practice of religion silly. You're wasting your time praying because it's about as good as it needs to be in theory. This would be a disaster, because you can't spread a gospel without finding people in a vulnerable situation, when a person is down on their luck, their lives ruined, they are the most receptive to fairytales and this is where the church steps in.
Correction: Zimbabwe took back the lands and wrecked their economy and starved.

I must be projecting since South Africa decided to go down the same path recently.
The problem is you have a bunch of low IQ no skilled people taking back that land.

Average IQ just a hair above retardation never ends well.

United States has a decent educational system that could be vastly improved making the problems of non-skilled workers less of an issue.
Folks all the "Great Reset" talk is basically just more Christians that want everyone to suffer and wallow on the ground begging for the church to be the savior or mankind, while enriching the church for no logical reason.

The Christians fight the Great Reset because according to the scriptures you can want for a better life on this planet, one that is is fare and kind, but you can't possibly do anything to create that because only "GOD/Jesus" is allowed to bring this about when he comes back on his horse to save the day, making sure that sin and evil is wiped out as him the cosmic referee.

It's just another version of Christians sitting on their ass waiting for their savior, while at the same time emboldening a bunch of plutocrats that remind you that being rich was never spoken out against by Jesus. Which is kind of odd because Jesus and his Apostles were all dirt poor and didn't have much, it wasn't a good life, it was basically all suffering and eventual execution by the state.

For me and my studies, Jesus is basically an apocalyptic preacher, he stood at the temple gates and called out the Sadducee and Pharisees. Called out the money changers and from what I gather didn't have much to do with the rich, he owned very little, cloths on his back and napsac and that was it. People like Betsy Devos owns 11 yachts, none of which she payed any taxes on and she's a true blue bible believing christian, this is why this religion for the most part is a joke.

At the end of the day you've been waiting 2000 years for this cosmic savior to come back, there has to be a limit to waiting. If someone tells me they'll be right back and 200 years later they still aren't here, it's apparent you've been stood up.

So that leaves you with two choices, either fix the problems yourself or don't, but lets stop wrapping it up in religion on why we can't fix anything because a tardy zombie jew will be here any minute.

Christians are scared, if you fix problems, then what purpose is the church. If you have healthcare, education, housing, food, water, clothing, and none of the anxiety of securing this it makes the practice of religion silly. You're wasting your time praying because it's about as good as it needs to be in theory. This would be a disaster, because you can't spread a gospel without finding people in a vulnerable situation, when a person is down on their luck, their lives ruined, they are the most receptive to fairytales and this is where the church steps in.

What Great Reset talk? You have single handedly subverted this thread into mindless shit talk. More intelligent discourse could be found in a middle school civics class.
The Great Reset does have theological aspect.

Of course if you don't want to talk about it, that's your choice, but lets not play dumb that it doesn't have a religious component.

Do you not agree that the Christian nutters have been dragging their heals towards progress, because they know deep down fixing mankinds problems would make their over priced magic man services obsolete?
This is what the Democrats (and many Republicans) have signed on to. It's openly discussed in their meetings and at their conventions.

The Great Reset and Klaus Schwab

December 5, 2020
David Solway

Klaus Schwab, the chief proponent of a global project called the “Great Reset,” may be the most influential “intellectual” in the world today. A former member of the UN Advisory Board on Sustainable Development, he is the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF) that meets annually in the Swiss resort town of Davos. Business Insider explains, “Each year, business leaders and heads of state give lectures and speak on panels about topics ranging from gender equality and venture capital to mental health and climate change.” And as the WEF website states, “The non-profit organization's aim is to engage the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”

The “Great Reset,” a term coined in a 2011 book by economist Richard Florida and wholeheartedly adopted by Schwab in the context of the United Nation’s Agenda 2030 for sustainable development, proposes to determine “the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of the global commons.” It presents itself as a humane and compassionate means to inaugurate a beneficial root-and-branch transformation of the social, economic and political structure of the world’s “operating systems”: capitalism, the free market and democracy.

Practical capitalism is to be supplanted by what Schwab calls “stakeholder capitalism” in which the private sector is tightly controlled by government (otherwise known as “fascism”). The free market is considered unfair and skewed to the advantage of a piratical business class exploiting the world’s poor and hungry. Democracy is regarded as an inefficient political arrangement relying on the incapacity of the demos to understand its own best interests or to command the intricacy of integrated governing structures and processes.

Instead, the Great Reset will remake the world -- in Schwab’s words, “to create a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world going forward,” all the platitudes neatly packed into one sentence. Private property deforms the natural relations between human beings and must be abolished. Private transportation will not be allowed. “Contrary content” in the printing or production of materials will not be permitted, at the cost of access to social media and Internet domains. Fossil fuels will be replaced wholesale by Green technologies. Home gardens will be outlawed. The Christian faith will be gradually suppressed (as is happening today). Vaccines will become mandatory.

Society will become “cashless” and all standard monetary transactions replaced by digital currency and governed by electronic means, which can be cancelled by reigning authority at the slightest provocation. Debts will be forgiven and creditors will face the prospect of bankruptcy. The middle class and small entrepreneurs will be wiped out. Commerce will become progressively “contact-less.”

The United States must be neutralized via social isolation, lockdown-induced poverty, and facemask conformity and passivity. Constant surveillance will be employed to ensure compliance. The human being will be “enhanced” through biosecurity, synthetic biology, implantable microchips, cortical modems, nanobots, genetic editing and designer babies. Everyone will be equal, everyone will be secure from the ravages of competition, risk and chance, and everyone will be happy -- as they are today in the political template for the Great Reset, Communist China and its fascist business model.

So here we are. Schwab is a canny manipulator and knows how to turn a perceived catastrophe to his advantage, in his own words “to break glass in case of an emergency.” He has understood that the most effective enabler of the Great Reset has been the pandemic panic unleashed by COVID-19, which has taken the planet by storm, reduced entire populations to abject terror, led to massive lockdowns and personality disfigurement brought about by mandatory masks, and promoted the reign of political despots, ignorant leaders, hired-gun health officials and left-wing organizations like the W.H.O., The Lancet, and innumerable others. As Prince Philip, a WEF member, mused, “We have a golden opportunity to seize something good from the crisis,” which may “make people more receptive to big visions of change” and reset the global economy toward “sustainability” -- the buzzword du jour.

Indeed, COVID is a more powerful persuader even than “climate change,” since virus panic works immediately but climate panic “can only follow with a time lag.” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a committed Marxist and an admirer of Schwab, is also on board. Addressing the United Nations, Trudeau asserted that “This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”

As Rex Murphy writes in the National Post, “the word that should trouble us most in all of this is ‘imagine’…. Is it really a good idea to place economies under the servitude of amateur imaginations? You cannot dream an economy (although it is very possible… to kill the one we already have).” Trudeau, with no genuine university education to speak of and the beneficiary of a large family trust fund, is adept at bafflegab and empty abstractions. His mullings originate in The Communist Manifesto and John Lennon’s treacly “Imagine.”

Even the Pope is a passionate believer in the Great Reset, though knowing Francis’s affiliation with Liberation Theology, this comes as no surprise. As the Pope said in a recent interview, “We need change. The pandemic brought our organizational and developmental models into a crisis; it exposed many injustices, the troubling silence and social and health failures, subjecting a great number of our brothers to the processes of social exclusion and degradation.” Typical fare. One recalls the Pope’s 2014 message to Schwab urging “an openness to the transcendent” from which “a new political and business mentality can take shape, one capable of guiding all economic and financial activity within the horizon of an ethical approach which is truly humane… I ask you to ensure that humanity is served by wealth and not ruled by it.”

Of course, attendees of the Davos conference number among the wealthiest people on the planet, including Bill Gates, George Soros, Prince William, Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan Chase CEO), Jack Ma and many others, who fly in by private jet and have no problem with membership fees ranging up to $620,000 per year and chalets that go for up to $140,000 per week. These great benefactors of suffering humanity received the Pope’s “divine blessings on you and the participants of the Forum, as well as on your families and all your work.” That’s a pretty good gig, if you can get it.

The topic for the 2021 Davos conference, which has been postponed from January to the summer, is, naturally, the “Great Reset” and the expedient arrival of the pandemic. So COVID it is. In his July 2020 book COVID-19: The Great Reset, co-authored with Thierry Malleret, Schwab regards the virus as a providential pretext to remake the world and unleash a “fourth industrial revolution” that, as we have observed, will eliminate private property, restrict travel and establish a surveillance state in which everyone is chipped and monitored. The authors admit that COVID-19 is not “an existential threat” and that it is “one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced in the last 2000 years,” but surreptitiously convert it into a pretext for unprecedented social and economic change. The lockdowns are a way of softening up the population to accept a global techno-fascist revolution presided over by a club of billionaires, their political adjutants and chosen “experts,” and UN mandarins. Schwab’s books make this clear.

Accordingly, Schwab takes to task “some rich countries endowed with sophisticated health systems and strong assets in research” that will be perceived to have failed their citizens. He targets their “social fabric and socio-economic system” as the “real” culprit guilty of “failing to guarantee economic and social welfare for the majority of citizens.” This is true, but not in the way Schwab intends, for it is precisely the draconian measures these countries have imposed that have ruined their economies, helped to unravel the social fabric, and caused needless suffering and unnecessary deaths.

Klaus Schwab is a dangerous man. One must admit he deploys the technocratic jargon and terminology -- what I call the “germinology” -- to perfection, and can be quite convincing. But that does not make him right. It makes him sinister and portentous.

Looked at from an anamorphic perspective, as has often been noted, Schwab bears a certain resemblance to Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the arch-villain in the James Bond movies who is the founder of the criminal organization SPECTRE. (As Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers parody, the resemblance persists.) “The firing power inside my crater is enough to annihilate a small army,” Blofeld boasts in You Only Live Twice, “You can watch it all on TV. It's the last program you're likely to see.” Transpose to Schwab and there may be a bathetic truth to his gasconade. Anyone who has seen the film X-Men: Apocalypse will have met another of Schwab’s doppelgängers, the grisly revenant En Sabah Nur, who is about to bring destruction on the earth. “Everything they built will fall,” the ghoul exclaims. “And from the ashes of their world, we’ll build a better one” -- the filmic source of the lying slogan adopted by some of our politicians, “Build Back Better.” Others see hints of Star Wars:


Twitter screengrab (cropped)

In any case, one must be prepared for what is impending. It’s not a joke and it’s not an unanchored fantasy. It is happening as we speak. The time has come to implement the Great Reject before we experience the Great Regret. It makes sense to consult the tainted oracle and I would suggest looking into one or two of his books, whether the aforementioned COVID-19: The Great Reset, the earlier The Fourth Industrial Revolution, or the most recent The Aftermath of the COVID-19 Pandemic. For all his rhetorical sleight of hand, polished demeanor and public acclaim, Klaus Schwab is nonetheless a wannabe nabob and a rather ridiculous little man, but as we know from history, preposterous people can sway multitudes and cause unprecedented havoc and suffering. They may be the object of justified ridicule, but they must also be taken seriously. Klaus Schwab is no exception.
Question is how do you motivate the average person to reject this? An enemy of the people who comes in aggressively and demonstrably evil can easily be identified and swiftly dealt with by violence of action. Say like a home intruder where their intent is clear. But this is not that type of enemy. This is an enemy that is careful and comes with gifts. We are divided more than ever and that is the first part of a successful ambush. Weaken and separate your prey so they are not strong in numbers. The second part is make them terrified. The third part is come with gifts. Trojan horse if you will. This is easy for me to see as i am eternally suspicious of big powerful govt and any social justices and "gifts" they deem appropriate to levy on us. But we are at a point in time where many ppl vote and willingly accept these changes. How do you motivate these ppl to stand and fight? That will determine the outcome.
Folks all the "Great Reset" talk is basically just more Christians that want everyone to suffer and wallow on the ground begging for the church to be the savior or mankind, while enriching the church for no logical reason.

The Christians fight the Great Reset because according to the scriptures you can want for a better life on this planet, one that is is fare and kind, but you can't possibly do anything to create that because only "GOD/Jesus" is allowed to bring this about when he comes back on his horse to save the day, making sure that sin and evil is wiped out as him the cosmic referee.

It's just another version of Christians sitting on their ass waiting for their savior, while at the same time emboldening a bunch of plutocrats that remind you that being rich was never spoken out against by Jesus. Which is kind of odd because Jesus and his Apostles were all dirt poor and didn't have much, it wasn't a good life, it was basically all suffering and eventual execution by the state.

For me and my studies, Jesus is basically an apocalyptic preacher, he stood at the temple gates and called out the Sadducee and Pharisees. Called out the money changers and from what I gather didn't have much to do with the rich, he owned very little, cloths on his back and napsac and that was it. People like Betsy Devos owns 11 yachts, none of which she payed any taxes on and she's a true blue bible believing christian, this is why this religion for the most part is a joke.

At the end of the day you've been waiting 2000 years for this cosmic savior to come back, there has to be a limit to waiting. If someone tells me they'll be right back and 200 years later they still aren't here, it's apparent you've been stood up.

So that leaves you with two choices, either fix the problems yourself or don't, but lets stop wrapping it up in religion on why we can't fix anything because a tardy zombie jew will be here any minute.

Christians are scared, if you fix problems, then what purpose is the church. If you have healthcare, education, housing, food, water, clothing, and none of the anxiety of securing this it makes the practice of religion silly. You're wasting your time praying because it's about as good as it needs to be in theory. This would be a disaster, because you can't spread a gospel without finding people in a vulnerable situation, when a person is down on their luck, their lives ruined, they are the most receptive to fairytales and this is where the church steps in.
Tardy, Zombie, Jew,... I'm LMFAO! I needed this smile, thank you
Economic systems aren't really the issue.

The only real solution is to eliminate at least 95% of mankind.

Then it's just a matter of finding some land, build a cabin, drill a well, plant some crops. And you're done. No public utilities, no bullshit 40+hr work week, just you working to survive when necessary.
When left to thier own devices, absent some kind of outside force preventing it, mankind has never had a problem eliminating itself.
When left to thier own devices, absent some kind of outside force preventing it, mankind has never had a problem eliminating itself.
Pandemics and pestilence have had nearly annihilated mankind over the centuries, not just social and economic forces.
Pandemics and pestilence have had nearly annihilated mankind over the centuries, not just social and economic forces.
That's true too.

Nature, has her own way of balancing her own scales. Our consent, is not required.

Government, on the other hand is, at least in theory, subject to our control. However, as history has shown, quite often it becomes a beast in of itself. Sometimes out of its own control.

In which cases, nature once again prevails, and the scales get balanced.
That's true too.

Nature, has her own way of balancing her own scales. Our consent, is not required.

Government, on the other hand is, at least in theory, subject to our control. However, as history has shown, quite often it becomes a beast in of itself. Sometimes out of its own control.

In which cases, nature once again prevails, and the scales get balanced.
B-b-b-but the government is just looking out for us. They realize that we need to be protected and that's why they are telling us what to do! We're too stupid to take care of our own health. We need to be helped and saved!
My version of the great reset is the collapse of the dollar and the rise of cryptocurrency! This Klaus Schwab looks like he lives off social security checks or made his fortune from the stock markets thanks to central banks without doing shit, just like me ;)

Stock markets?? Come on now. How bout from gold Jewish teeth. He was born in 1938 and his father ran Escher-Wyss. They made parts for the Nazi war machine.