The Sunday Mirror goes all out in demonization of steroids


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The Sunday Mirror goes all out in quest to demonize steroids and create hysteria with an "investigation" into steroids by Steve Myall and Claire O'Boyle:

Steroid use in Britain’s gyms is growing so fast, dirty needles are being disposed of in fitness centre sharps bins.


We discovered HIV infection among steroid injectors has risen to the same level found in heroin users – 1.5 per cent.


Anabolics can become addictive and lead to heart attacks, strokes and a higher chance of liver and prostate cancer as well as psychological problems.


NICE is concerned that gym users will share needles and spread HIV and Hepatitis B and C. It asked gyms not just to provide sharps bins but also sterile syringes for its members. None of the gyms we spoke to said they did this.

But the watchdog’s policy of accepting steroid use and the gyms’ adherence to that was yesterday blasted by tragic mum Tina Dear, whose Royal Marine son Matthew, 17, died just weeks after he started using steroids to bulk up. He is throught to have had a severe reaction sending his body into shock.


Men on steroids are twice as likely to be involved in violence and carry weapons, say US studies.

Scientists have linked steroid use to mood swings, paranoid jealousy, extreme irritabililty and impaired judgement.

Anabolics addict Raoul Moat shot his ex-girlfriend Samantha Stobbart, her new partner Chris Brown and blinded PC David Rathband after blasting him in the face in 2010.

In a letter to police, Moat, 37, described his anger saying: “It’s like the Hulk. It takes over and it’s more than anger and it happens when I’m hurt.”

Ex-US Marine David Bieber, who shot dead PC Ian Broadhurst in Leeds in 2003, was also pumped up on steroids. His father blamed the drugs for his 48-year-old son’s descent into a life of violence and crime.

And 35-year-old Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people in a bombing and shooting rampage in July 2011, was a heavy steroid user too.


But it’s not only serious medical conditions – from high blood pressure to liver, kidney and prostate cancer – they could trigger.


And some of the darker side effects are psychological, such as aggressive behaviour, mood swings, manic behaviour and even hallucinations.

Have you seen anyone ever report on MESO or any other bodybuilding/steroid forum about getting HIV or any blood-borne virus from injecting steroids?
Another sensationalist BS story. A few days back, I looked briefly at the following study. I notice that one of the authors is quoted in the story.

Kimergard A, McVeigh J. Variability and dilemmas in harm reduction for anabolic steroid users in the UK: a multi-area interview study. Harm Reduct J 2014;11(1):19.

BACKGROUND: The UK continues to experience a rise in the number of anabolic steroid-using clients attending harm reduction services such as needle and syringe programmes.

METHODS: The present study uses interviews conducted with harm reduction service providers as well as illicit users of anabolic steroids from different areas of England and Wales to explore harm reduction for this group of drug users, focussing on needle distribution policies and harm reduction interventions developed specifically for this population of drug users.

RESULTS: The article addresses the complexity of harm reduction service delivery, highlighting different models of needle distribution, such as peer-led distribution networks, as well as interventions available in steroid clinics, including liver function testing of anabolic steroid users. Aside from providing insights into the function of interventions available to steroid users, along with principles adopted by service providers, the study found significant tensions and dilemmas in policy implementation due to differing perspectives between service providers and service users relating to practices, risks and effective interventions.

CONCLUSION: The overarching finding of the study was the tremendous variability across harm reduction delivery sites in terms of available measures and mode of operation. Further research into the effectiveness of different policies directed towards people who use anabolic steroids is critical to the development of harm reduction.
When they go all out in demonizing breast augmentation I will listen and cosmetic surgery,
"Harm Reduction Service" ? Do we have one of those here? "Homeland Security" I remember when I first heard that. Conjured up thoughts of "1984" or Nazi Germany. Exiting times.
In all of my years, I have never, not even remotely, come across even an implication for needle sharing among AAS users.
I haven't either in my 20+ years following the "AAS scene".

There is one study that says it is a problem. It's preposterous. Better designed studies will not replicate the finding.

I support harm reduction efforts but I am a little surprised and disappointed that the movement has jumped all over this single study with adoption of government regulations based on this concern. It is misguided and diverts resources away from services most needed by AAS users.
This is the craziest report I have ever seen! Comparing heath enthusiasts and gym goers to heroin addicts this is the farthest thing from the truth I have ever heard.
This is the craziest report I have ever seen! Comparing heath enthusiasts and gym goers to heroin addicts this is the farthest thing from the truth I have ever heard.
Nothing is worse than bigger, stronger , faster dad who said something like "there's a clear distinction between tobacco and alcohol and then steroids methamphetamine and coke" and the only evidence he needs that steroids killed his son are the pictures on the wall and his son not being there. Yeah let me follow your cause based on that compelling scientific evidence.
Their insinuation is preposterous. Junkies share needles because they care for nothing then their next fix. I am so anal about my needle usage that if I aspirate and I'm in a vein I pull the needle out and switch tips. Fear and propaganda is what they use to control the masses. It is always the same. Sensationalism at it's best.

In all of my years, I have never, not even remotely, come across even an implication for needle sharing among AAS users.
The authors need to be punished for knowingly misleading and blatantly lying to increase sales and their stature/position in the journalism industry. Oh, wait they do it everyday on numerous subjects.
the last time I got an infection was when I went to a hospital stateside for a few stitches and walked out with MRSA...

I keep a tube of Bactroban ointment on hand at all times just in case. I had staphylococcal pneumonia once after falling flat on my face during a grand mal seizure. Staph was colonizing in my nose.
Oh yes we should all be out killing people before the day is through :eek:
This is not a new media approach and sadly is the best they have on this topic. Also whilst I understand media like to misquote 'experts', but I standby my previous comments that Jim McVeigh does not understand this AAS world as he thinks he does