Thoughts: Pharma vs UGL vs RRX


New Member
So while doing some research I see there are some pharma sources for ai, sarm, etc. around now. I'm wondering what the consensus if on ROI for investing in pharma for personal use if you have a good UGL and have good experience with reliable. Is the extra cost really worth it since it's still coming from a source and not your local pharmacy? Does one truly out perform the other? Reliable for example gets their from manufacturers and it is HG so would a pharm product from truly be worth the additional $x. Just thinking out loud here and wanted to get the forums thoughts.
I think it comes down to consistency. With UGL you can never be 100% positive if you're getting real stuff (even if the source is consistent), where as pharm grade will always have consistency
I think it comes down to consistency. With UGL you can never be 100% positive if you're getting real stuff (even if the source is consistent), where as pharm grade will always have consistency

So pharm grade from a source is worth the extra money in your book? My concern with pharm grade from a source is always counterfeits.
That's going to come down to how well you trust your source.

I might trust my sources. But I doubt I'll ever trust the Chinese raw producers they get their powder from. Too much to go wrong when you are talking about growing tits.

Not to mention, if you read around, you'll find that most good sources won't admit to trusting their process on capping adex or letro. The quantities are too small and finicky. So be leery of anyone selling those. Asin is easier to work with due to volume, but you still have the Chinese to worry about.

As far as pct, I would be more likely to try them. But why bother? Cost is not that much higher for the assurance. . .