Thunder Pharm - Hi guys new source on here

Yup this is def an old post but all you fuckin retards have no clue. His shit is awesome. And it's not that high priced.
thunder is on indefinite probation at sf because he sent out a bunch of bunk gear
Ya 215 to 240 in one year with a shit diet. Ya I guess your right. And figure out the whole story. He came out with it to fix it dumbass. I'm sorry your girl is fuckin half the town so you gotta tell me to kill myself cuz that what id say to
What are you going to tell me next you're going to beat me up if we were in the same town because you bench 400 pounds and you squat 200
Ya 215 to 240 in one year with a shit diet. Ya I guess your right. And figure out the whole story. He came out with it to fix it dumbass. I'm sorry your girl is fuckin half the town so you gotta tell me to kill myself cuz that what id say to
So you come on meso with your first post ever and decide to call us all "fuckin retards"? Good luck with that.:)
Stale as you takin selfies of yourself whenever you get the chance. Hey everybody look at my muscles. Ohh I love it. I wonder how many are on your phone. Thousands I bet. Grown ass men takin selfies. Mother fucker you can say whatever you want cuz it don't mean shit comin from a grown ass man takin selfies. Even your friends that you think are your friends think you're gay for all those selfie you have. You know what Dr. Phil says selfie's are related to a mental disorder put a fucking shirt on you Homo. Bro I was at Golds the other day and there was two dudes in the guys bathroom screaming at each other flexin Was that you.
Ya 215 to 240 in one year with a shit diet. Ya I guess your right. And figure out the whole story. He came out with it to fix it dumbass. I'm sorry your girl is fuckin half the town so you gotta tell me to kill myself cuz that what id say to
Those are great gains. I get you were on a shit diet, but exactly how much shit did you eat every day? Was it human shit or did you mix it up with housepets and farm animals? Did you eat it right out of the ass, dried up, frozen or all three?
Yup this is def an old post but all you fuckin retards have no clue. His shit is awesome. And it's not that high priced.
Definetly farm animals. Haven't you tried it bro. It's so good. Once in awhile I would mix it up with human shit. It's good to. I like to switch it up a little bit.
Wow that guys weird. Although I kinda like it. Cndguy. Not really sure what you post means or says. I might need to huff some gas and fry a few brain cells to get to that stupid. But I can try it wassup mize nigga. Youz wanna beez my homie. Weez can be gang bangers and shiz. There how was that. You feelin me know cuz I feel like a fuckin gangster for sure.