Tips needed! How to reduce PIP, what’s everyone doing?


New Member
What’s up fam? I need some help

So here’s the thing, am I the only on whose having a lot of issues with PIP? If not. What are you all doing to lessen it, I’m not complaining but it’s a real pain in the injection site to be sore for the whole week or worse have huge lumps and muscle pain/ soreness. I never had this issue on Pharma Test Cyp and that’s what I’ve used for the majority of the time I’ve been on T until this year.

A few questions

What causes PIP?

understand that it can be caused by high concentrations but I’m talking about high PIP with .40ml of Primo 200mg/ml in the mid outer thigh, .40ml Test Prop in the other outer thighs. This is from one injection each as I’m giving my body time to get adjusted to these two new compounds. I’ve don’t the same with Mast I’m wondering if it’s possible since this is my first Primo Cycle if it’s just my body getting used to it? Same with the Test Prop, first few weeks of both also they’re in a different carrier as I’m used to GSO and this is MCT. I had the same issue in the delt with a smaller amount.

What I’ve tried

So far I’ve tried using 30 gauge slin pins for superficial muscle injections and those seem to cause the most pip and lumps for sure so I’ve stopped those, the most successful I’ve had are 27 Guage 5/8 long and 25 1inch long. Stilll some pip and muscle soreness after a few days but not so much with huge lumps and leg straining.
I do a slow injection, really slow and steady to not move the needle much. I massaged the area intensely and took a hot shower making sure to heat the injection site and that helped with the lump but still a bit of pip, for sure not as bad though. I’ve heard of heating the oil before injection by running under hot water. I recently used a percussion massager and heating pad and that helped with the lumps, though it did sting a bit. I’ve tried a a few brands both with similar results.

So what are you alls experience with this, are you having issues? If so what’s working? What’s not? Issues with certain oils and compounds? All thoughts, experiences and tips appreciated!!!
there are many reasons as to why you can have pip one can be the carrier oil you can have a bad reaction to it. its also not normal to have lumps when doing IM shots so maybe you're not using long enough needles depending on your fat%.
do the lumps feel hot?
are you injecting into virgin muscle?
also higher dosed gear tends to give more pip def if it wasnt brewed right 200mg/ml primo is one of those compounds that can carry some pip.
Yes, so with the 30 g slin pins, those were used for both sq and then IM which worked for Sq TC for and the Delts IM but I think what happened is it wasn’t deep enough for the outter mid thigh and that’s what caused the most prominent lump
scottie pippen loop GIF

just try warming it up and legs are the worst for pip. Switch to delts
thats funny cuz Delts I have no problems with but legs and all other lumps seem to be mainly from MTC, I guess I’m allergic!
pick up some tryactin from the store and you will thank me later
That is a good idea, it’s prob just this new source and MCT oil, it lumps and hurts like a b*tch! I’ve gotta be allergic.

Yes, so with the 30 g slin pins, those were used for both sq and then IM which worked for Sq TC for and the Delts IM but I think what happened is it wasn’t deep enough for the outter mid thigh and that’s what caused the most prominent lump
scottie pippen loop GIF

just try warming it up and legs are the worst for pip. Switch to delts
thats funny cuz Delts I have no problems with but legs and all other lumps seem to be mainly from MTC, I guess I’m allergic
Inject DEEP im. Opt for muscles that don't have many nerve endings like vg or glutes. Change carrier oils and/or dilute the gear with sterile oil
It’s the carrier oil, everywhere I tried, there’s a lump, I’m just allergic to the MTC
there are many reasons as to why you can have pip one can be the carrier oil you can have a bad reaction to it. its also not normal to have lumps when doing IM shots so maybe you're not using long enough needles depending on your fat%.
do the lumps feel hot?
are you injecting into virgin muscle?
also higher dosed gear tends to give more pip def if it wasnt brewed right 200mg/ml primo is one of those compounds that can carry some pip.
The needles are deep enough, I go deeper depending on fat% of the area, I’m just thinking I’m allergic to this carrier oil /compound/ lab. I don’t mind a little bit of pip I’ve never had it this bad before, everywhere tried with every compound has pain or lumps or both, not worth trying again. MCT and or this brew just isn’t for me!
Inject DEEP im. Opt for muscles that don't have many nerve endings like vg or glutes. Change carrier oils and/or dilute the gear with sterile oil
I think you’re right about carrier oil, I do fine with Cotton Seed and GSO just NOT MCT is there a link somewhere I’m missing for sterile oil? I was thinking that’d be a good idea. I thought it’d b in home brew but I didn’t see one, it has been a long day though
I think you’re right about carrier oil, I do fine with Cotton Seed and GSO just NOT MCT is there a link somewhere I’m missing for sterile oil? I was thinking that’d be a good idea. I thought it’d b in home brew but I didn’t see one, it has been a long day though
You need sterile oil to dilute gear that is high concentration. If the initial carrier oil is making you have an allergic reaction, diluting won't solve your problem.
Find a new source. Yep sometimes its that simple. Used a few different Susts in my time and source A can say its the same oils/concentration of source B but source B doesnt give me pip.

Ill trash gear over PIP without a second thought and ill bulk order the moment I find a sust or primo that agrees with me.

I am... using a pippy Primo right now but its at a low dose and my funds are going to HGH and IGF Lr3 for the next bulk order so making due with what I have.

Also, Tb500. I stay on it at this point low dose during blasts. I think of it as l
advil without the added internal stress.
Let's try troubleshooting this from the beginning.

You never had pip from pharma test cyp, correct? Do you recall which brand?
It’s the carrier oil, everywhere I tried, there’s a lump, I’m just allergic to the MTC

The needles are deep enough, I go deeper depending on fat% of the area, I’m just thinking I’m allergic to this carrier oil /compound/ lab. I don’t mind a little bit of pip I’ve never had it this bad before, everywhere tried with every compound has pain or lumps or both, not worth trying again. MCT and or this brew just isn’t for me!
How sure are you it is CYP and not Enanthate?
I think you’re right about carrier oil, I do fine with Cotton Seed and GSO just NOT MCT is there a link somewhere I’m missing for sterile oil? I was thinking that’d be a good idea. I thought it’d b in home brew but I didn’t see one, it has been a long day though
I'm starting to find MCT does it to me too. Over 200mg of mast e. leaves me feeling it for a couple days
ime pip , its ALWAYS my fault, you often times get so "lazy" with the "procedure" and you might wiggle, miss your mark, inject to fast(mct oil ) etc , it used to be a "ritualistic thing" now its just a chorrrre,,,,,
This again. *sigh* PIP comes with the territory.

Debilitating PIP is a sign of a bad batch, Test E nowadays, high MG doses/ml or a reaction to solvents/oil.

Also virgin muscle.
I have a similar problem. Test cyp (actavis, perrigo, empower) 0 pip or issues. I can inject large amounts no problem. Moment I go ugl I run into issues with pip. Idk if its the amount of bb or ba. I do no mct gets me worse then gso for sure. I also know that I occasionally find a solid ugl that I get 0 pip from and when I do I order in bulk! I actually came to this forum because of this. I have been sourcing on bostin loyds forum (rip) and if it's not pharm grade I'm having issues. I honestly think it comes down to if the carrier agrees with you and if the gear is brewed spot on. I also think some people (including me) are more sensitive then others. Which sucks. Lastly some compounds just hurt, like higher dosed primo. I need shit at 100mg ml or forget it lol
Find a new source. Yep sometimes its that simple. Used a few different Susts in my time and source A can say its the same oils/concentration of source B but source B doesnt give me pip.

Ill trash gear over PIP without a second thought and ill bulk order the moment I find a sust or primo that agrees with me.

I am... using a pippy Primo right now but its at a low dose and my funds are going to HGH and IGF Lr3 for the next bulk order so making due with what I have.

Also, Tb500. I stay on it at this point low dose during blasts. I think of it as l
advil without the added internal stress.
You say you think of Tb500 as Advil without added stress. I kind of always thought that about bpc500. Recently though I am starting to think you are right and maybe tb500 is more anti inflamed than bpc500.

I would love to hear how you think they both compare and why you prefer tb500 more and also what dose you stay on as well.
Try heating them up, but you are running 2 compounds that are known for some PIP, 200mg primo and test p. Any reason why you are running test p? Can you swap the test p for test c then mix your primo with that in the same shot.