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Interested in weight loss medication. I know a couple people already taking it and they've seen great results. Would like to get started as soon as possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I started it 6 weeks ago. Started at 2.5mg every 7 days for the first 2 weeks to see how I handled it. I personally had no side effects so I went to 2.5 every 5 days with no side effects. Currently doing 2.5mg every 3 days and will stay here until I plateau.

I started taking it mainly to put the finishing touches on my type 2 diabetes fight. Prior to starting tirzepatide, I got my diet in check and my physical activity up. I shed about 15 pounds in about 3 months and took my a1c down from 8.4 to 5.8.

Since taking tirzepatide, I’ve shed an additional 10 pounds and my last a1c was 5.3.

I hope some of this info helps.
I think people over think it. I see you have to eat this or don’t eat that and exercise like that. I just take it and it makes me eat less. Maybe it doesn’t work like that for everyone. I couldn’t be happier, down 28% since starting in May.
Before and after?
I think people over think it. I see you have to eat this or don’t eat that and exercise like that. I just take it and it makes me eat less. Maybe it doesn’t work like that for everyone. I couldn’t be happier, down 28% since starting in May.
Never seem any ”rules” on what to eat or exercise while on it. After all, the average person does great on this drug and you know what average commitment to eating and exercising is.

Just take it and enjoy the success. Obviously the better you diet and exercise though the better the results.
I started it about a 6 weeks ago for my diabetes. IMO it's a game changer. In 6 weeks I've lost 14lbs and my blood sugars are normal again. My A1C is still elevated because it's only been 6 weeks but it's come down from 8.1 to 6.7. I anticipate my next blood work in 8 weeks it will be under 6 by then considering I haven't had a glucose reading higher than 125 since I've been on it now.

If it works for you the way it does for me, it will completely obliterate your appetite. And when you do eat you'll only be able to eat a few bites of food at a time. Now this has actually allowed me to completely get my diet in check and start finally eating clean without thinking about food 24/7.

To combat this lack of appetite I drink 4 protein shakes a day with berries, fruit and peanut butter mixed in. At night I have a meal of steak, chicken or fish with salad and veggies and some rice. In my shakes I put a cup of raspberries and a cup of wild blueberries, which works out to about 15 grams of fiber per shake. I'm getting about 60 grams of fiber a day now which has considerably helped my LDL come down. I also try to drink a gallon water per day now.

Be sure to get your protein in, drink a lot of water, and get enough fiber in otherwise you'll get constipated.
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I've tried semaglutide and tirzepatide and I had the worst sulphur burps on semaglutide but have had absolutely no side effects on tirzepatide. The only problem I've had is with the availability of tirzepatide
Interested in weight loss medication. I know a couple people already taking it and they've seen great results. Would like to get started as soon as possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
For me…. Started slow. Gave it 4 weeks at 2.5 mg. Little to no results. Increased by 1 mg every 7 days until I reached 6 mg weekly. Hunger suppression was good. Weight was dropping. Fatigue bad at 6 mg/week. Plenty of hydration and calories made symptoms better. Pushed through it - reached goal weight. Dropped down mg/week while monitoring weight. Currently at maintenance 2.5 mg to 3 mg every 3/4 days. Most importantly- research and realize everyone is different and you need to manage yourself accordingly.
I think people over think it. I see you have to eat this or don’t eat that and exercise like that. I just take it and it makes me eat less. Maybe it doesn’t work like that for everyone. I couldn’t be happier, down 28% since starting in May.
Just remember that you're not just losing fat you're also losing muscle. High enough Protein in your diet will help as well as exercise.
My wife lost 120lbs with just life changes, no diet drugs. But she also lost muscle. The butt sags and the legs look not as pleasant without muscle. She regained all her muscle after she got serious about protein and exercise. Her ass and legs look amazing an she is full of nothing but motivation. It's a beautiful thing seeing her this happy.
Muscle weighs more then fat. Standing naked in front of the mirror or in a new tight pair of jeans, and feeling joy and pride, is so much better then just relying on what a scale says.
I started it about a 6 weeks ago for my diabetes. IMO it's a game changer. In 6 weeks I've lost 14lbs and my blood sugars are normal again. My A1C is still elevated because it's only been 6 weeks but it's come down from 8.1 to 6.7. I anticipate my next blood work in 8 weeks it will be under 6 by then considering I haven't had a glucose reading higher than 125 since I've been on it now.

If it works for you the way it does for me, it will completely obliterate your appetite. And when you do eat you'll only be able to eat a few bites of food at a time. Now this has actually allowed me to completely get my diet in check and start finally eating clean without thinking about food 24/7.

To combat this lack of appetite I drink 4 protein shakes a day with berries, fruit and peanut butter mixed in. At night I have a meal of steak, chicken or fish with salad and veggies and some rice. In my shakes I put a cup of raspberries and a cup of wild blueberries, which works out to about 15 grams of fiber per shake. I'm getting about 60 grams of fiber a day now which has considerably helped my LDL come down. I also try to drink a gallon water per day now.

Be sure to get your protein in, drink a lot of water, and get enough fiber in otherwise you'll get constipated.
What was your dosing?
What was your dosing?
I was supposed to start at 2.5mg/week. I started at 5mg/week instead. I'm now at the full dose of 15mg/week. A1C was check this past Monday and was 5.2. I don't have any sides from the full dose other than a complete loss of appetite and if I try to eat solid food I can get maybe 3 bites in before I'm too full.

Most of my nutrition comes from shakes now.
I was supposed to start at 2.5mg/week. I started at 5mg/week instead. I'm now at the full dose of 15mg/week. A1C was check this past Monday and was 5.2. I don't have any sides from the full dose other than a complete loss of appetite and if I try to eat solid food I can get maybe 3 bites in before I'm too full.

Most of my nutrition comes from shakes now.
Holy fuck I’ve never heard someone increase their dosage this quickly. Have you thought about what you’ll do once you build a tolerance to an already maxxed dose? You could have slowly titrated up whenever tolerance began to increase, and you would have had much more wiggle room for Tirz to keep working for you.
Holy fuck I’ve never heard someone increase their dosage this quickly. Have you thought about what you’ll do once you build a tolerance to an already maxxed dose? You could have slowly titrated up whenever tolerance began to increase, and you would have had much more wiggle room for Tirz to keep working for you.
I'll taper down then transition to semaglutide. The sema provides better appetite suppression for me anyways, is cheaper and the vials last longer because of the smaller dosing. My diabetes is under control. I've learned better eating habits now. So I will probably only need a maintenance dose of either starting in the next few months anyways.

There's actually a medical study I'll try and find and link it that said to start (for diabetics) 5mg and if glycemic control wasn't attained to jump right to the 15mg dose. I bumped up every 2 weeks instead.
I'll taper down then transition to semaglutide. The sema provides better appetite suppression for me anyways, is cheaper and the vials last longer because of the smaller dosing. My diabetes is under control. I've learned better eating habits now. So I will probably only need a maintenance dose of either starting in the next few months anyways.

There's actually a medical study I'll try and find and link it that said to start (for diabetics) 5mg and if glycemic control wasn't attained to jump right to the 15mg dose. I bumped up every 2 weeks instead.
Interesting-sounding medical study! Yeah, if you find it, post it. There’s something I saw that might help you for tolerance.

I was reading about a person that’s planning on taking it for life. The strategy they came up is to take a 3 month break whenever their tolerance maxes out and use tesofensine instead of the GLP-1 for appetite suppression during the break. Their research led them to believe 3 months is enough to reset the GLP pathways. You’d need to use something else for diabetes during that time though.