@TitaniumGear (TGI) I mix both in the beginning of my cycle. I had done it once before and worked great for me. 300 en and 500 cyp every week for the first 4-6 weeks. Everybodys different man so just because you dont do it doesnt mean its stupid or doesnt work for someone else. Thats the great thing about gear and free will. You can figure out what works best for you. & no I never said "results", i said i havent noticed any tell tale signs especially with tren. Ya know, night sweats, insomnia, and the big one for me, aggression. & when im on my first week or 2 of test Ive always had a noticeable increase in libido and a sense of general well being sky rocketing. Did I say your stuff was junk, No. Did I say, dude its been 6 days why am I not Jacked, No. All I said was I haven't noticed any sure signs im used to so I am really looking forward to the testing. I like your customer service and your prices a lot. & I want to like your product, so I will follow it closely, as i should do with anything I put in my body from a stranger. Lol
Just had to defend myself there so, carry on. I do have a couple questions about cycling if a couple of you guys in here wouldnt mind. & for the other people on TGI's gear; what are you taking and how are things going for you so far? Any complaints? Any compliments?