Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)


Once you get all your shit together then we’ll ask you to make some blends (prop/TrenA/MastP, TPP/NPP, TestC/EQ, TestC/Deca)... then some preworkout injectable orals (dbol, adrol, superdrol)... then Tren base or Test no Ester...then we’ll ask for HGH.

You can be the best UGL and we still want more
Well i can say right now that I'm not opposed to that kind of stuff, down the line. Blends are not my thing but some love them. No esters are not my thing either. I never feel them. But others rave about them. I am curious about injectable pwo like adrol though.

HGH may be something i can do as well, but that will have to wait until I am well established here.
Well i can say right now that I'm not opposed to that kind of stuff, down the line. Blends are not my thing but some love them. No esters are not my thing either. I never feel them. But others rave about them. I am curious about injectable pwo like adrol though.

HGH may be something i can do as well, but that will have to wait until I am well established here.

Don’t expand the menu so much it’s hard to keep inventory is my only suggestion.

You can always tell when a resteraunt will have bad food based on the menu. When an establishment sells French food, Chinese food and American food with 10 pages in the menu.... the chef cannot specialize on the dishes and the purchaser has to find cheaper alternatives with vendors from the overhead.

The Best food establishments have one page... they focus on fresh ingredients and consistency in preparation. Smaller menus equal higher quality. Imo.
Well i can say right now that I'm not opposed to that kind of stuff, down the line. Blends are not my thing but some love them. No esters are not my thing either. I never feel them. But others rave about them. I am curious about injectable pwo like adrol though.

HGH may be something i can do as well, but that will have to wait until I am well established here.

Don't stretch yourself too thin. You can't cater to every jackass that waltzes in and wants something you don't offer.

No offense to those jackasses, but you got a good thing going here for yourselves, don't overextend him.
Don’t expand the menu so much it’s hard to keep inventory is my only suggestion.

You can always tell when a resteraunt will have bad food based on the menu. When an establishment sells French food, Chinese food and American food with 10 pages in the menu.... the chef cannot specialize on the dishes and the purchaser has to find cheaper alternatives with vendors from the overhead.

The Best food establishments have one page... they focus on fresh ingredients and consistency in preparation. Smaller menus equal higher quality. Imo.

Great minds, brother. We basically posted at the same time.
Don’t expand the menu so much it’s hard to keep inventory is my only suggestion.

You can always tell when a resteraunt will have bad food based on the menu. When an establishment sells French food, Chinese food and American food with 10 pages in the menu.... the chef cannot specialize on the dishes and the purchaser has to find cheaper alternatives with vendors from the overhead.

The Best food establishments have one page... they focus on fresh ingredients and consistency in preparation. Smaller menus equal higher quality. Imo.
Excellent analogy
Got myself a nice little package in the mail today with several extras I didn’t order! 2 days delivery time. Great packaging and very professional looking - full vials and sharp labels. Thanks @TitaniumGear (TGI) - keep doing what you’re doing bro! Unfortunately bloods won’t be until some time in February, but I’ll post back on the feels of the magic penis beans (Cialis)
You were number 99 obviously. Glad you're happy with the t/a and packaging. When you post bloods, make sure you don't fuck up and post personal info.

I also awarded myself store credit for my bloods.
LMAO! I’m just gonna repost someone else’s ;)

I appreciate the extras brother, even for being runner up, which you never promised to anyone.
I felt being as i had to check timestamps of payment, it was close enough to hook you both up.

View attachment 100248 @TitaniumGear (TGI)
Here's my blood work thanks for the store credit in advance
10mg Test p ew
12.5mg Aromasin every 6 min
bloods only count on regular product. You obviously got a vial of my super secret megalodon semen by mistake.

Get this man his store credit @TitaniumGear (TGI)!
send him your extras to clear this up. I will forward you some credit to a super secret alien lab i know of ran by martians. They will beam your gear to you.

Test Looks legit. Little concerned about your e2.
this is why you're the resident natural healer. Always finding health issues. Good eye.