Toremifene or nolva?

Chris wolf

New Member
Hi there,

I'm reading some stuff on pct guide,I read that during PCT the libido goes down, and someone advice to use toremifene instead of nolvadex for this reason, could you give me your advice and maybe feedback on this thing?

I would no lose my libido during pct

thanks a lot for your help
I have no experience with torem.

But I can tell you that your libido will drop at least for a little while during pct. It sucks but it's something that we deal with. Some are worse than others but reguardless, it is all more the reason why we need to make sure we run pct properly, to minimize "gain" loss, libido disfunction etc.

I remember reading that nolva can have negative effects on libido. So an alternative might be worth looking into. But my opinion is that you're probably going to experience some kind of libido drop anyways, reguardless of what you take. Some people will take proviron to help boost libido. It is relatively low in the test suppression aspect, but I wouldn't mess with it without blood work (a month AFTER pct).

2 cents from a noob. Research everything please and don't mistake me for a doctor. Good luck brotha.

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While torem seems to increase libido (at least for me), keep in mind that:
1) the reaction to any drugs is variable among individuals. If you are not experienced, stick to standard methods and medications (clomid, nolva).
2) in pct your first concern should be recovery, not libido. If you can have both, all the better, otherwise be ready to accept the risk of a few weeks of decreased libido in exchange of proper pct.
3) don't take proviron during pct, I strongly disagree with that suggestion.