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When running toremifene on PCT should I include nolva or clomid? Could I run all three or is one similar to another?
You can run 2 together, no need for 3....I run torem and Nolv as clomid makes me feel like crap...
You can run 2 together, no need for 3....I run torem and Nolv as clomid makes me feel like crap...

K thanks. Clomiphene doesn't work with me too. Depression and other bs problems.

This is my first PCT with Toremifene. I 've been on it for 2 weeks and I have never felt this good and strong on post.
When running toremifene on PCT should I include nolva or clomid? Could I run all three or is one similar to another?

I did a little experiment with my PCT and tried running all three serms at low doses.
I did Torem (research) 60/60/60/60 Clomid (pharma) 50/50/25/25 and Nolva (pharma) 20/20/10/10 plus aromasin at 3mg a day. Cycle was 500mg a week test e for 12 weeks. started pct 15 days after last pin. I saw a substantial increase over my pre cycle levels.
Not sure if this increase is because of, or in spite of my PCT. But I'm happy with the result.

Pre cycle bloods

Week 4 of PCT bloods

16 weeks after PCT bloods. ( taking low dose vitamin d and a little DAA)
Looks good...I'm going to run Torem/Nolv here next week...
Im running Nolva and Clomid right now (first day)... this is the first time running clomid... I don't feel suicidal yet lol
this lloooks awesome im gonna run sten labs torem from a while ago. im hesitany on nolva because it lowera igf 1 and i def dont wanna do thay during pct. ive heard insulin also helps to retain gains. but ive experienced w slin and know how many carbs are needed per iu for my body. its a dangerous thing so make sure u know how to run it.
Maybe its just me but running Torem and Nolv together makes me feel great, placebo effect possibly...As a reminder, if the Torem does not make your tongue numb, it's garbage...
Maybe its just me but running Torem and Nolv together makes me feel great, placebo effect possibly...As a reminder, if the Torem does not make your tongue numb, it's garbage...
Why do you say that? I ran torem in my pct, and the liquid d tasted like battery acid if thats what you mean.
I did a little experiment with my PCT and tried running all three serms at low doses.
I did Torem (research) 60/60/60/60 Clomid (pharma) 50/50/25/25 and Nolva (pharma) 20/20/10/10 plus aromasin at 3mg a day. Cycle was 500mg a week test e for 12 weeks. started pct 15 days after last pin. I saw a substantial increase over my pre cycle levels.
Not sure if this increase is because of, or in spite of my PCT. But I'm happy with the result.

Pre cycle bloods

Week 4 of PCT bloods

16 weeks after PCT bloods. ( taking low dose vitamin d and a little DAA)
Heres my question, I heard Nolva and torem work the same way? I've ran Nolva, loved it, ran torem in, creamed in my denims it was so awesome.

But wouldn't running both not really work synergistic?

Nolva does supress igf-1? and I'm not sure if torem count acts this?

3g of aromsin??? wtf??
Heres my question, I heard Nolva and torem work the same way? I've ran Nolva, loved it, ran torem in, creamed in my denims it was so awesome.

But wouldn't running both not really work synergistic?

Nolva does supress igf-1? and I'm not sure if torem count acts this?

3g of aromsin??? wtf??

I ran 3 mg a day of aromasin, A very light dose, and even with that dose my E2 was about 60 during the 4th week of pct.
Maybe its just me but running Torem and Nolv together makes me feel great, placebo effect possibly...As a reminder, if the Torem does not make your tongue numb, it's garbage...
Hey Bro, could you PM me with a Source for Torem.
I have Nolva, and I can't handle Clomid, that shit makes a Zombie out of me.............. JP
Would Nolva be enough by its self ?

Let's say I run Nolva for 8 weeks .

It depends on what your goal is. You can stop a cycle with no pct. Its not suggested though.

Nolva and clomid are usually recommended together with hcg to make a pct most effective. Torem is usually sub'd for nolva in the mix, but because almost everyone hates clomid it gets sub'd for that too.

All that said, I've read plenty of cycles that ended with just nolva that didn't seem too bad. Maybe shutdown a bit longer or some extra lost gains, but no major issues I could see. Been awhile since I read up on it though
Hey Bro, could you PM me with a Source for Torem.
I have Nolva, and I can't handle Clomid, that shit makes a Zombie out of me.............. JP

JP many research chems carry torem. just make sure that comp is legit and consistent with their products. cough not MJR cough
I have the Nolva and HCG, but wanted to get the Torem, because this Run has been a Long one. Longer than I had originally intended.................... JP
I've got a list of Chem Co's, but was wondering if anyone had Experience with a Particular Co.
its best to use pharma if you can get it. It might be more expensive, but its worth it. Always check out reviews and on multiple sites if possible.